What Is The Best Way To Get Close To Family Extended Family

Are you close with your extended family?

Yes, very


Are you close to your extended family?

for me ive known them my whole life & theres a sense of kinship among us
yes i feel at home at their house, much mor than i do at some of my friends houses
they dont discipline me .. mainly bc im 19 lol
its kind of nice bc with them i dont hav to act a certain way bc they know me & i know them
theyre familiar & its a comfort to b around them

I come from a close family but my extended family hates me what to do?

My family especially my dads side is very close to one another we all live 10-15 minutes away. They are all very close to each other but from a young age it seems like I never really got alot with them. They make really rude comments about me. First when I was young they would make comments about my weight. Than when I got older than kept brining up the fact that I am so shy. I really wish I was close to them but they seem to always hate when something good happens in my life. They said a comment about how I was close to none of my cousins and it really made me cry. How can I just ignore them?

Can your Uncles family be extended family to you?

Absolutely! Your uncles children would be your first cousins and so forth. I come from a very small family and only have one uncle(actually I should say-had). He passed away quite a long time ago.At any rate, extended families can be very important as long as they treat you with respect and love. Sometimes you can be closer to them than to your own parents and siblings. These days families can get very blended and that's fine as long as you want them in your life. So basically, it's up to you to decide who you want to be close to. “Family” can even be godparents or your close friends families. As long as you surround yourself with kind, healthy people you really can't go wrong.

How well do you and your extended family get along?

Normally once a year. I live more than 800 miles away from them, otherwise I'd see them more often. I'm only close with one of my siblings, but I get along with the rest when we do see each other. My kids get along with their cousins as well. As for the rest of my extended family, I see most of them on our yearly visit. Some of them I get along with, and others I really have to pray for patience beforehand.

How can I prove that an extended family is better than a nuclear family?

Nuclear family is mom, dad, children. Extended family includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. So, by definition the two are very different. Most nuclear families want to have relationships not only among themselves, but with their extended family members as well. I don’t know that one is better than the other, they both serve a purpose. The nuclear family members are usually our closest relationships and extended family relationships vary in how close they are by personality, needs, and geographic location.

What is the difference betwen a close knit family and extended family?

A close knit family is simply a family that is close--it could apply to a nuclear family (mom, dad, kids) or extended family (cousins, uncles, grandparents).

An extended family describes a family unit that extends beyond mom, dad, and kids to include cousins, uncles/aunts, and grandparents.