What Is The Right Program To Type A Book

Class Book java program help!?

You have a pretty good start here -- you have most of the requirements covered. Good job. Here's a few things I noticed:

1. ISBN shouldn't be static. If you make it static, then setting the ISBN for any book will change it for all books. Remember, static members are shared by all instances of a class.

2. It's good to follow the Sun recommended naming standards - use camel case for attribute names. So dateborrowed should be dateBorrowed, copyRightDate should be copyrightDate.

3. You forgot the finalize() method to decrement nBooks.

4. You don't need both checkoutIn and CheckedOut. Use checkedOut since that is mentioned in your requirements.

5. YOu forgot the equals() method, In that method you should compare the attributes of the object you are passed with your own attributes, and return true if they are all equal. Don't forget to use the .equals() method to compare strings. DOn't forget to check for null and that the object passed if the right class. If an equals method is passed null or the wrong object it should return false, but not throw an exception.

6. You need to implement the hashCode() method too. I'd suggest using the hash code of the title or ISBN number as your hash code.

7. The comment in the toString method references an Employee object. Is this a cut & paste error?

8. THe format string in your toString method doesn't have enought placeholders. Remember, you can concatenate string using the + operator, or use a StringBuilder to appeand strings into a butffer.

9. Rename the parameters passed into your constructor to be the same as the attribute names. This makes your JavaDoc easier to read and use when another rogram is trying to use your class. THen change the code in the constructor to use "this" to set the attributes:
this.title = title;

10. You need to create at least 10 books in your main (according to your requirements.

What program or app would allow me to write a book using speech recognition?

First, you really want to use a Mac or PC for this. It’s not impossible to write a book using speech recognition with a smart phone or tablet, but it is a lot harder.Next, you really want to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking (PC) or Dragon Professional )(Mac). Simply put, there is no better speech recognition program available. Here’s why:You can use the built-in speech recognition in macOS or Windows and get 95% to 99% accuracy (depending on your vocal characteristics and dictation style). Maybe a bit less if you aren’t used to using dictation software, but it will get better as you become used to it. That sounds great, doesn’t it? Nope, it isn’t.95% accuracy means 5 out of every 100 words will be wrong. Phonetically they will be close, but they really won’t be the right words. Even if you get 99% accuracy, that’s 1 wrong out of every 100. As you will quickly find out, that’s really painful to correct. And the built-in speech recognition doesn’t have the correction facilities of the Dragon software.What you get from Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the ability to have the software learn and adjust to your style of speaking. This means you can realistically get to 99.8 or even 99.9 percent accuracy. Think about that. You go from 95% (5 wrong in 100 words) to 99.8 (2 wrong in one thousand). That’s a substantial difference.If you are serious about writing a book using speech recognition, invest in the best software: Dragon NaturallySpeaking for Windows or Dragon Professional for Mac.Dragon® NaturallySpeakingDisclaimer: Just to be clear, I am not affiliated with Nuance, the makers of the Dragon line of speech recognition software. But I did work for a company Nuance purchased several years ago.

How can a programmer write a programming book?

When I had to write about technical or complex subjects as a journalist, I always kept this idea in mind: How do I explain this technical subject to my 73-year-old mother or my grandmother?While some techie subjects seem too hard to explain to laymen, it turns out that they are not. It's just that the writer isn't good enough or experienced enough at writing this way. They are used to talking to peers, who understand all the lingo and acronyms and certain procedures that laymen don't. I once spent six hours making a portfolio manager explain one complex financial instrument in excruciating detail to make sure I could explain it to readers. I learned after it was published that in another brokerage house, a boss called in his employee who was selling the product and said, "You said these were safe securities backed by real estate! This column shows they're risky!" Don't fall into the trap of thinking the harder your subject matter seems, the smarter you appear. It usually takes more genius to write complex thoughts simply than it does to write them in a complex manner.If you are really having trouble, try telling someone who doesn't understand such topics at all, and record what you are saying. Then write down what you said that the other person understood easily. Make someone who is your planned "typical reader" read it. If they understand it, you are doing great.In the best technical books, writers sometimes use personal stories to "lighten up" the copy. Technical books can be tedious and boring. The best writers will make these chapters fascinating to readers. To get there, imagine what would be fascinating to you in the same type of book. Maybe a funny programming story about the time...? Or the crazy things that could go wrong, or did go right or wrong at another company?Also keep it very organized, and give your readers easy and complete cross referencing, even though it is a pain for the author to write. For example, do a Table of Contents, Indexes, Boxes, and Topic Indexes, and anything else you can think of. Color coding, using Symbols, anything that gives the eyes a quick and easy to understand reference. Tips boxes are also helpful. For example, a "Don't .... " tip box can help someone as they're reading "how to."

Programming learning curve (c++)?


Recently i finally decide to start and learn the tools for the fine art of programing in the IT world.
Actually i started to learn the c++ language. A guy recommended me a book "Beginning c++ trough game programming - Michael Dawson. So far i am at chapter 6/10 and i can say that i learned allot considering i didn't knew a thing about c++ or had any other earlier experience from school expect very very basic BASIC :).
Now i fully understand and i actually can create some interesting piece of code like i.e. games: HANGMAN or WORD JUMBLE and stuff like that or apps that can work with numbers.. like i can input the computer to compute any given formula etc.
I wouldn't want to go in detail what i can master but when i finish that book i should be able to code a black jack game.

The thing is that everything i saw working in the book everything was within the command line.. even though the last project in chapter 10 the black jack.

My question is.. am i on the right path with this book. if so, how should i continue?
I want to reach the level when i will fully understand how games these days work and actually be able to create some interesting 3D amateur games. Also i actually need this.. to be able to code commercial software for custom customers, like software for a library that can keep track of the loaned books and stuff.. or for a billing center etc.. I would really as well like to learn how the graphic software works.. i.e. the healing brush in photo shop.

Please for advice, this seems a bit overwhelming for me but i do not intend to give up.

Right Arrow in TI-83 calculator?

My statistics book is telling me to make a program. It's called POP.

I've copied the program down out of the book and I have everything except for the right arrow. If you look in the link I've given, on page 740, it gives the directions to make the program and it shows a right arrow. It's not the right curser arrow in the upper left, I'm pretty sure. I've looked through the entire catalog and can't find a right arrow function. How do I make this appear?


What type of laptop should I use for writing a book?

Any laptop at all that you feel comfortable with. I have my favorite for cheap eBay laptops: a Dell Latitude D830. It’s about 10 years old at this point, and cheap as hell as a result. Get one with Windows if you must, but Linux is cheaper (i.e., free). Write in any old text editor. Linux comes free with the Libre Office suite. But Notepad on Windows will preserve your writing just fine.Don’t forget to back up frequently. With small files like text, I usually find it simplest to e-mail the files to myself, but a thumb drive of any size will work well, too.I think writing tools are like exercising machines in that people can purchase more exercising machines (or writing tools) as a way of keeping themselves from exercising (or writing).So if one has writer’s block, it becomes too easy to blame one’s shabby laptop, or the fact that it can’t run Scribner, or any of a hundred other tools that will happily mine the thesaurus for you to find just the right word.So, we take the advice we give to folks who just can’t exercise because they don’t have the right equipment yet (“Just Get Up and Move!”) and modify it for writers: Just Write! Write on a napkin, write on scraps of paper, but write.Find out for yourself whether you’re the sort of writer who just starts writing the story, or if you’re more the sort who outlines everything and does research on every detail. Then pick the tools that support your style.

How do I create a document on Mac book? I need to type an essay but I don't even know how to start. Thanx.

Ok, look at the screen... see the "magnifying glass" icon in the top right corner? Click on that and type "word" in the little bubble that appears below it. It will run a search in about a millisecond and bring back all files with word in the title. The microsoft word app is probably the first that pops up.

NOTE: This is, of course, assuming you bought MS Office for your macbook, right? If you haven't I'm not sure what - if any - native wordprocessor apps come with it. I'm sure you can google it though to see what software comes with the mac.

Back to where I was... you can click on the word app and open word, OR you can put 2 fingers on the mouse pad and click (that is the same as the right-click on PCs) which should give you a small menu that lets you make a clone of it or put it on the desktop or something so you don't have to search for it everytime. Once you get it on the desktop, you can click and drag the icon to the "docking area" where there is that lineup of all the applications. It will stay there so you can open it using that icon too. OR, you can run the program by clicking on the icon from the list when the search function finds it and it will appear in the docking area... then 2-finger click on that icon in the docking area and it will give you small menu where one of the options should be to permanently affix it to the docking bar or something like that.

You will LOVE the mac once you get used to the minor differences in the operating system (like the 2-finger click instead of right-click... you can also do a 2-finger slide to scroll the window you are looking at up and down and side-to-side). Good luck.

One more thing... you can also go on Google Documents and just type and save your essay online. That way, you can access it from any computer with internet access and don't have to save it to a flash-drive or "email it to yourself" or take your macbook with you everywhere you want to use it. And some of the people above mentioned a few other sites where you can get free software to use that you can check out too.