What Is Your Reaction To The Documentary Food Inc.

Questions about Food Inc documentary?

Well, it would have helped if you had added the link to the documentary. But even if you had........, have you looked at your questions? You've got to be kidding me. These are no legitimate questions that belong in this section but simply once again another lazy student asking others to make his or her assignment.
Before it had internet, we actually had to make our own homework. Pleeezzzz. Now put down that xbox or PS3 and run off to your room to go and make your homework.

Which is a better documentary, food inc or supersize me?

Supersize Me is a lot more entertaining. Food inc is only good if you have a REALLY long attention span.

What are the unethical issues behaviors actions in the documentary film, Food Inc.?

The government lies. Fact: Milk isn't meant for human consumption. Vit D isn't found in milk naturally, the milk company adds it in there. That's called fortification. Vitamin D is made in large quantities in your skin from sunlight. Only infants need milk for brain development, well-living, good health, etc. And it's milk is from human breast milk,. They then wean away from mother's milk. All mammals undergo weaning. People mainly drink cow's milk because of the government and the National Dairy Council's Got Milk? ads say so. It's funny how the milk industry thing is only a Western thing. Adults drinking milk on the regular basis isn't very common every where else in the world, especially in Asia. Propaganda and lies from NDC is working well at fooling most Americans. By the way, did you know the NDC recommends 3 cups of milk a day? Who drinks that much in a day?
But the USDA's corrupt acts don't stop there. Milk and dairy are also subsidized for many years now. Billions of dollars is given to milk farms every year. Crop farm subsidiary is also welfare for the rich and is unjustifiable. Monsanto, a biotech corporation, is going to control what we put on our tables if giant corporate influence and these lobbyists don't be controlled. Monsanto has not lost one patent case. They have over a fifty genetically modified seeds patented like soybeans and corn. What a coincidence that the top 4 subsidized are all genetically modified crops?
The artificial hormone rBGH is patented by Monsanto. The FDA approved the use of this artificial hormone in the U.S. due to self-interest and pressure from dairy industry and Monsanto. However, it is banned in Canada, Japan the European Union, Australia and New Zealand. I