What Kind Of Genes Do We Share With Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees and humans share many of the same genes, indicating that?

c. While b is also true, if you can only choose one, I think c is the answer that the question writer is looking for, as it is far more specific to chimpanzees and humans than b.

6 million years is relatively recent when we are talking about common ancestry. It's recent relative to any other common ancestor of either chimpanzees or humans.

Humans share 99% of their genes with chimpanzees, 90% with mice, 50% with fruit flies, and 37% with celery.?

Humans share 99% of their genes with chimpanzees, 90% with mice, 50% with fruit flies, and 37% with celery. Please explain the evolutionary significance of these data.

Humans share 99% of their genes with chimpanzees, 90% with mice, 50% with fruit flies,?

Humans share 99% of their genes with chimpanzees, 90% with mice, 50% with fruit flies,
and 37% with celery. Please explain the evolutionary significance of these data.

Creationists: Why do Chimpanzees share 98% same DNA as humans?

The family Hominidae includes our species, Homo sapiens. Both chimps and humans evolved from a common ancestor. Humans started becoming human, and chimps started to become chimps about seven million years ago.

People often find it difficult to understand that we are just another primate species with African origins and that we differ physically only in degree from some of the others

We are quite similar to the African apes anatomically and genetically, especially to the chimpanzees and bonobos. Humans have 46 chromosomes in their cells while all of the great apes have 48. In reality, this difference is not as great as it would initially seem because the human chromosome 2 is a fusion of ape chromosomes 12 and 13 with most of the same genes.

I am a zoology student, and atheist.

Humans and chimpanzees differ in ____ of their genes.?

Chimps, Humans 96 Percent the Same Gene Study
By Stefan Lovgren

Why are chimpanzees like humans?

Simply because we look a little like them, Peter, and that is all in 'actual fact'. Evolutionists will say that the similarity in DNA between us and chimps also indicates a 'relationship' with them, but it's not entirely true, because we share similar DNA, in varying degrees, with ALL other living things. It's the building blocks of life and the universe. But apart from that, there is no comparison between humans and any other creature on the planet. We are SO different.

Other evolutionists will 'insist' that we also shared a 'common ancestor' with the ape, even though there is not one shed of evidence of ANY common ancestor, on the face of this planet. Some less educated and less mature evolutionists (there's one on this page) even LIE in a fanatical defence of evolution, by stating that there IS 'irrefutable' evidence of common ancestors, but they cant produce one iota of that 'proving' evidence to support their lies.