What Makeup Effects Your Skin The Most And Your Eyes And Eye Skin

Will eye makeup ruin your eyes?

Wearing it? No.
Sleeping in it? Likely.

1) The makeup left overnight will probably irritate your eyes. I'm guessing that the puffiness is from irritation and from the makeup blocking the tear ducts and hair follicles; do your eyelids hurt when you touch them, especially near the lash roots? If so, this is definitely an effect of the makeup, either having applied mascara too close to the roots or applying eyeliner to your waterline, or simply not washing makeup off before bed.
2) The makeup can easily flake and smear INTO your eye, which obviously is not healthy considering all the chemicals in the makeup.
3) Leaving makeup on overnight prevents most of your skin's natural regeneration process that occurs at night. Meaning that your skin can easily start to look older faster. Tugging at your eyes will also lead to wrinkling prematurely.

Wearing makeup during the day is 100% fine. Sleeping in it is what causes these issues. I'd say give your eyes another week or so, and use warm and cold compresses on them to help with the puffiness. It might take a while for your eyes to get back to normal because of how poorly you've been caring for them, but I'd say that wearing makeup again is fine. Just DO NOT WEAR LINER ON YOUR WATER LINE! This can easily cause more issues and more blockage. And remember, wash ALL your makeup off before bed, ensure that there is NOTHING left.

Oh and, I shower with my eye makeup on, and it's never had any negative impact on my eyes. So, if you shower at night, use that time to remove your eye makeup properly.

Does makeup age your skin?

Certain brands *COUGHCOUGH n.y.c. COUGHCOUGH* are horrible for your skin because of the low quality products. You don't know what is in them. Since they're lower quality they have crappier ingredients which means they're crappier for your skin.

Brand like NARS, MAC and Lancome are better because they are high quality, highly respected cosmetics and have better ingredients for your skin.

Can you use eye makeup remover on your face? If not, what effect does it cause on the face?

It depends on the type of eye makeup remover you’re using. Eye makeup removers are mostly oil-based and they’re designed to remove the toughest, most waterproof makeup we apply on our eyes like water-proof eyeliners and mascara. If your skin is sensitive and acne-prone, a heavy-duty eye makeup remover might cause breakouts.But if you use something water-based like micellar water, you can use that on your face too. I personally use Bioderma Hydrabio Micellar Water and Biore Moist Up to remove both my face and eye makeup. You just need to use more of it and to really press the cotton pad against your eyes for at least 5 seconds to break the eye makeup down. I actually compared the performance of Bioderma and Biore Micellar Water on water-proof eyeliner.

Is makeup bad for your skin and face?

I use it at times to cover things up,but use mascara and eyeliner the most.I am pretty sure it isn't good for your skin think of all the stuff they put in it!

yes, it can make you break out,because it holds lots of bacteria from being used over and over.I have heard that if you put it in the fridge it helps with the bacteria since they live in warm places.

There are some that need it though to make there skin look good and to cover things up,but others have just really nice skin and don't need to wear any like maybe you.I would just stick with what you do so your skin stays nice and clear. :)

WHAT ARE THE long term NEGATIVE effects of MAKEUP?

Eyeliner:- can cause dark circles & the chemicals in eyeliner can cause premature under eye don't need eyeliner all the time try using just mascara & eyeshadow they can give you a more radiant/natural look & the mascara will bring your eyes out & replace eyeliner's job
Liquid/powder foundation- liquid is horrible.. so many chemicals some even contain silicone & that can seriously prematurally age your skin & block your pores if your prone to acne
Power that is non-comadellic (however you spell it) is much better. Rather then sinking the checmicals into your skin some of the chemicals just sit on your skin and effect it much less premature aging is possible, but barely noticable
Concealer- blocked pores mostlikely & premature aging
Pressed/Looser powder- barely any effects on aging
Blush- non ...that are noticable atleast
Mascara- no aging to the skin, but could cause thinner eyelashes as you age
Eye shadow- not much aging, but will still effect the aging process a bit depending on the brand & the amount of chemicals & this goes for every product!

Will wearing makeup age your skin?

Wearing makeup itself does not age your skin,its how you use it an apply it that can make a difference though,like if you don't take your makeup off before going to bed,it can cause aging because it clogs ur pores an can lead to acne which can lead to aging,an the way you take off eye makeup can age your eyes if you rub your eyes alot when your taking it off,makeup.Makeup shouldn't be worn every single day if you can help it,its good to take a few days off from wearing makeup to give your skin a break from it.It is also important to wear a good quality moisturizer. Some makeup can actually prevent aging if you are wearing a foundation with spf in it it protects your skin from UVA rays which are the leading cause of premature skin aging and skin cancer,so be sure to wear a foundation or moisturizer with spf 15 minimum. and always always always remove makeup before bed.

Does eyeliner and mascara harm your skin?

does it age you prematurely?

does mascara cause your lashes to thin?

does eyeliner on bottom lids cause aginig?

does eyeliner, if the particles fall to your cheeks, cause acne?

does eyeliner cause premature agining?

does eyeshadow cause milla?

Does eyeshadow cause premature aginig?

Best way to remove eye makeup without getting zits or wrinkles.
That's the only makep i want to use, but i am afraid of the future effects of makeup.

Does eyeshadow make your eyes wrinkly or droopy in the future?

1) No, it does not damage the skin at all, so it will not cause wrinkles. However, be careful how you remove it. Scrubbing away at the skin around the eye to remove makeup will, over time, damage the skin and cause wrinkles. Use eye makeup remover and soft cotton pads, and make sure you hold it on the eye for a few seconds to help dissolve the makeup before wiping away, and it's all good! It's fun to play with eye makeup, get creative!

2) No, mascara contains no damaging chemicals or dyes. I have used L'Oreal mascara for half my life and my natural lashes are still long and healthy.

3) No. Eyeshadow is perfectly safe. Cheaper ones are mostly talc based (which is essentially baby powder), and most contain minerals and vitamins that are actually good for your skin.

Use reputable brands to ensure safety! This means DO NOT buy any makeup from places like dollar stores. Lots of the cheaper brands in drug stores are ok. I like Rimmel and Maybelline shadows and L'Oreal mascara. If you want to splurge on the good stuff, try Smashbox or Mac.

Is it bad to use Baby Oil as eye makeup remover ?

i've been wondering the same thing!! to me it works great... specially when I remove my makeup at night and go to sleep! I wake up and my skin looks silky and glowy!!
jus remember to wash off the oily residues if yo have oily skin!

ans mine please!;...