What Things Do You Need To Ask Or Talk A Out With A Girl To Make Her Your Girlfriend

How do I ask a girl to be my girlfriend?

Dating and being your girlfriend are VERY different things. If you ask a girl you have only known for two weeks to be your girlfriend she will probably be freaked out.

Dating: The purpose of dating is to gauge whether the person in question is a suitable mate or not, and to determine if they are worth having a relationship with you can think of it as the test to become boyfriend/ girlfriend.

Girlfriend: You generally have a conversation of exclusivity AFTER you have dated for about a month to a month and a half. During the time you are dating it is acceptable for both of you to see other people, when you become boyfriend/ girlfriend you pledge to only accept them as a romantic partner.

So I don't recommend you asking a girl straight up to be your girlfriend because it shows you are committing to her way too fast.

Now to ask a girl out- well it really isn't all that hard. The older you get the more you realize that it isn't a big deal. Many men see asking a girl on a date as if it has to be some sort of big production where you confess your infatuation or you have to sweep her off her feet with some grand gesture and romantic restaurant.

This is far from the case however,

All you have to do is either directly ask her to hang out with you, or what is better is to maneuver it into the conversation: simply bring up an activity or subject that may sound interesting to her, ask her if she has ever done it or if she seems like she would like to do this activity simply invite her along. All a date has to be is alone time with her to get to know one another, what you do is just a distraction. Just be flirty, touchy, and friendly and she'll know you want to be more than friends.

Do you need to ask a girl formally for her to be your girlfriend?

Regardless of age (> 21, etc..), as a female I'd expect my enacting boyfriend to formally ask me out. Remember the ol' saying about ASSUME = makes an *** out of you and me.

You don't need to make a big deal out of it. Maybe driving in the car or during a meal you can ask her.

Example: will you be my girlfriend? or will you be my girl?

Good luck.

How do i ask a girl to be my girlfriend?

I am in 11th grade right now.. and this year in early February, I started talking to a girl named Rebeca at school in my aerobics class.. she is in 10th grade and shes a bit shy just like me.. so far we've been talking to each other almost everyday on Myspace and I've been being a really good friend to her.. I've invited her to my birthday party on march 6, she gave me $20 and I didn't think she would give me a present cause i just started getting to know her.. :) I also invited her to a restaurant a couple of days ago with me and my mom, so she already met my mom and I'm planning to meet her parents someday before i tell her if she wants to be my girlfriend.. and I've been making her feel more comfortable talking to me.. I asked her if she has any problems with anything.. she can come talk to me about it and I can help her with her problem.. I don't know if she finds me attractive or not but many people say I'm really handsome.. :) All the things that she wants from a guy is exactly what I'm doing.. and right now I plan to tell her if she wants to be my girlfriend around June because it will be the vacation from school and both of us care about our school work.. we both make really high grades and both of our favorite subject is math.. we have so many things in common too, she wants to be an architect when she grows up and i want to be a computer engineer..

So please help me.. i really want to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend..
what exactly do i say to her??
and also where should i tell her?? at the movies??

What are ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend?

Creative ones.

I told her via e-mail more than a year ago. It was too early and I've not been doing much and she said she just wanna be friends. But over time she changed and now she teases me a lot and we talk, interact more and we often tease each other, joking around like little kids. But still at times I'm shy talking to her. But I love her. We communicate much and joke around much in person, but in facebook she doesn't reply to my message and she sometimes pretends to ignore me in person, like pointing out her tongue and closing her ears when I talk. Why is it so?

Asking a girl to be your girlfriend after the first date?

I'm new to this dating thing we have been talking to eachother on the phone for about a week and everthing has clicked we finally found a day that we can go out what should i do? should i ask her to be my girlfriend?

Should you kiss a girl right after you ask her to be your girlfriend, or later on a date?

uhh, welll it depends on how long you two have been talking for.. but you should probably ask her to be your girlfriend and when she says yes, you just smile really big hah and give her a hug and then on the first or second date latest kiss her.