What Was The Point Or Meaning Of A Dark Room Spoilers

SO CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN dead silence ending to me??

The old lady was her creater her whole goal was to creat the perfect puppet and in the end you find out that she did....i think but the whole movie was kinda weak to me but....

Ella is in fact the perfect doll that Mary Shaw struggled to make, and had been using Mr. Ashen's corpse as a puppet to lure Jamie in. Ella then says "Now, who's the dummy?" and lightening flashes in the sky slightly showing Mary Shaw behind her disguise, who tears Jamie's tongue and jaw out as he screams "NO!". The end shows Mary Shaw's puppet book showing pictures of Jamie and his family as dolls. As the camera zooms away from the book, Jamie recites the poem and when he is done, Ella (offscreen) says, "Who's the dummy now?" Then Mary Shaw closes the book and the credits begin to roll.

Can someone please explain the ending of the movie: Beautiful Creatures?

I went to see this the day before yesterday. Basically, I'm confused as to whether Ethan remembered everything he did with Lena after he saw the burnt road sign or did he just remember that he was leaving her behind because he shouted her name. Also, did she stop herself becoming dark or was she half dark and half light or was she light? Because one of her eyes went glowing orange and one didn't. Plus, her cousin is dark and both her eyes glowed. So, can someone help please?