What Were The Relations Between Canada Prime Minister And Usa President During The Cold War

Which countries were neutral during the Cold War?

Since the Cold War was never really a war where countries had to declare the allegiances, it is hard to be comprehensive about who was neutral.

However, the following European countries were not in either NATO or the Warsaw Pact: Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and Austria.

As they gained independence, a number of African and Asian countries had stated aims of being neutral. This is best reflected in the membership of the non-aligned movement. India, Pakistan and Indonesia are all members of this group.

How is Canada different than other countries? What unique qualities do we have?

Canada gave the world International Peacekeeping, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (it's the foundation of all international human rights laws), the Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty and the Responsibility to Protect ("R2P") Doctrine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO was the brainchild of Canadian diplomat Escott Reid) that prevented WW3 during the Cold War and to this day.
That sets us apart from all other nations because it's the Canadian Way to make things better for everyone, not just for ourselves and Canada.
Another example of that is Canada being the birthplace of Multiculturalism. Europeans and Americans don't understand what it is (a system for integrating immigrants faster and more efficiently than leaving immigrants alone to integrate by themselves) and don't actually have it (despite telling themselves they somehow do).
Germany's a classic case of a nation that tried claiming MC didn't work for them despite never actually implementing it:
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The sheer size of Canada makes Canadians unique because all 3 Territories and most of our 10 Provinces are multiple times bigger than entire foreign nations.
(My own Ontario is 3 times larger than all of Germany, and larger than France & Spain combined.)
And most of Canada is pristine, unspoiled wilderness.
The fact we have so much room (and so much empty space) has a definite effect on how Canadians perceive ourselves and the world around us.
(Compared to Canada, European nations are all tiny, overpopulated, and over developed.)

World history second semester?

Which event did NOT happen in Germany in the five years after World War II (1945-1950)?
The Berlin Wall was put up between Communist North Germany and capitalist South Germany.
(It went up in 1961, between Communist East Germany and Capitalist West Germany)

2. The Truman Doctrine supported free peoples "resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."
This policy was first tested in _____. The Greek Civil War in 1947

3. By 1955, NATO included all of the following countries EXCEPT _____.

4. In what year did Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communists win the civil war against the Nationalist Kuomintang party, who fled to Taiwan?
1949, although technically the war continues today

5. Which country was NOT in the Warsaw Pact?
Great Britain

6. Who coined the term "Iron Curtain"?
British Prime Minister Churchill (he was not Prime Minister when he delivered the speech)

7. Which country was the first to receive economic and military support under the Truman Doctrine?

8. Which of the following statements about the 1956 rebellion in Hungary is true?
Technically no answer is correct - the Warsaw Pact invaded Hungary, not just the USSR - your teacher expects this answer:
The Soviet Union invaded Hungary, crushing the rebellion and killing many Hungarians.

9. Which statement best expresses United States' foreign policy during the Cold War?
Prevent the spread of Communism.

10. Which country did NOT control a piece of Germany after World War II?

11. Who led the Kuomintang, the Chinese Nationalist Party of China from 1926 to 1975?
Chiang Kai Shek

12. Which of the following was a reason for the Korean War in 1950?
North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung wanted to unite Korea by force.

13. What two sides were fighting during the Korean War?
The Communists in the North and the anti-Communists in the South

14. During the Cold War, the doctrine that both the U.S. and the Soviet Union would be destroyed if either side surprised the other with a nuclear attack was called _____. Mutually Assured Destruction
the Nuclear Winter Policy