Whats Wrong With My Mouth *pic*

Leopard gecko with ?tumor? in/on her mouth?? please look at pic!?


Mouth-rot (or Stomotitis) is usually uncommon. When present in leopard geckos, it is usually the result of fighting. The first symptoms include a mouth that doesn't close quite right or that is slightly swollen. This is usually followed with a loss of appetite. Upon inspection of the inside of the mouth, varying degrees of swelling as well as areas of caseous (cheesy-looking) matter will be visible.

If it resembles mouth-rot there is treatment :
Treatment consists of daily cleaning of the affected area with Betadyne or hydrogen peroxide. Application of a tropical antibiotic will help, such as Neosporin. Some herpetoculturists will apply a tiny amount of tetracycline solution.
If it doesn't clear up within 2 weeks you should consult a vet for an oral or injectable antibiotic.

I honestly cannot think of what else it might be, but it def sounds like an infection or prehaps a bruise. Pictures would be most helpful in a correct diagnosis

Why do girls open their mouth in pictures and stick out their tongue?

for me i do that all the time in pictures and its just cute and sexi and makes ur face look better .....speacally when u stick ur toungue out and u have straight teeth it looks really good . and for the mouth open thing yah i do that alot to [ its a tease] hahahah i like to make guys imagine there c*min in my mouth hahaha just sayin

love dacey coming from a 14 year old

What to do about congealed blood inside mouth after lip piercing (pic)?

I got my lip piercing about three days ago, and the day aftter i got my piercing the ball fell out so the threaded part of my lip ring did a number on the inside and caused some bleeding. I have since got a replacement ball and have been doing non-iodized salt soaks, used anti bacterial soap to wash, and non-alcoholic mouthwash as directed, but my piercing still bled quite a bit.
Blood has dried up around the outside, and on the inside a weird blood bubble thing has formed? Should i just leave it alone or what d oyou recommend?
when i press on it, it 'deflates?' but just comes back later.

My Bearded Dragon Roof Of Mouth has something weird in it? (Picture Included)?

From the picture, I don't see anything wrong. Your bearded dragon's mouth looks completely normal to me. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing. Can you describe what you think is wrong more accurately? If you really think theres a problem, you can always ask a vet.

I hate my lips, what do you think? Pic included?

(sorry about how gross my skin looks btw)

I have always detested my mouth because my lips are really narrow, and my upper lip is a lot shorter than my lower lip, making me look unhappy and miserable all the time. How can I fix this? is there a way to make my lips thinner and wider? Thankyou for your answers :)