When A Cancer Man Hugs You Long Tight With A Back Rub What Does That Mean

What does it mean when a girl hold your hand? Is she fond of you?

A girl holding your hand wow that’s an achievement, Know there are two different main types of holding someones hand, Though I don’t think you’d mind because they are holding your hand.This first one is not fond in couples but best friends or just a quick c’mon this way we will be late hold hand. Now the main reason i would do this is the quick c’mon were gonna miss the train with my girlfriend as she drags me along.Now this is the one you get from couples. Now It was the first date had no clue that she was going too because i never have a chance with any girl.(if you look at other answers you may understand why is say this) it was a pretty crappy date but it was different, we went snorkeling I took her to the fish and chips shop and while eating she interlocked hands with me i was fine with that but then she interlocked fingers. That was special, trust me it feels amazing I know your thinking how that’s stupid but, I tell you it’s magical.To answer your question yes, a girl interlocking fingers with you while holding your hand means she is very fond of you, Just a hold hand doesn’t mean much could be best friend or for a school team building exercise.I hope this answers your question.

Question for the guys! When you hug a girl, does the way you hug her mean anything?

Okay so I don’t remember where I was reading this so I can’t quote it word for word. Basically it was some article explaining that where a guy puts his hands when he hugs you shows how much he likes you.

If he put his hands really high up, Its just a friendship hug.
If his hands are on your waist it means he really has feelings for you. (The lower his hands are without getting into your personal space aka your butt, the more he likes you.)
And if his hands go right to your butt he’s likely a playa who just wants in your pants.

Basically that’s what it said but it also said that this isn’t always true. Like you could be with a really shy guy that likes you a lot and he only gives you a friendly hug because he’s too shy to do more than that. Or a guy could put his hands on your waist just to get your heart to get what he really wants…You get the point that the above obviously depends on his personality.

So guys, is this true? Where you put your hands does it show how much you like the girl?

What does it mean when a guy touches your butt?

ive only known this guy for about a week and one day we were after school and he sneaks up be hind me and grabs me around my waist(we have never even hugged so i felt kinda awkward) i smiled and took his arms off me and just walked away with my friends. about 10 minutes later he came up to me and told me to feel his muscles i didn't touch him because i didn't understand him until i thought about it and realized what he asked. a few minutes after that when my mom came to pick me up i gave all my friends hugs like i usually do but when i gave him a hug he grabs my butt when i pulled away i lightly pushed him and said "can you not do that" in an angry-ish tone but he just smiles. i just want to know what that means...Is that like a thing a "player" does??
does he like me or something?
or is he like tryin to flirt??
im a teenager (15yrs old) whos never like had a boyfriend, and i usually don't flirt with ppl so idk if that's what guys usually do and i don't wanna get played by some boy.......advice anyone??