Where Can I Publish My Stuff

How to add a tag list on tumblr Sidebar and how to put my stuff?

i always publish a post in my tumblr and I want my post to be categorized and put my stuff there.
example: I saw my friends tumblr its sidebar has tag list..they are categorized.. i saw like clothes, toy and movies and when they are going to click the tags like the clothes tags many pictures of clothes showed up.... I dont know how to put my stuffs in my tags list..

Getting published early?

Your Aunt is your best connection, dont have doubts about winnipeg.

Remember 2 things;
# 1. We are all within 6 degrees of each other.
\so your aunt knows someone who knows someone-who can get you published in biggger areas of publishing.

# 2. writers WRITE! don't worry about how something will happen or when it will...just do what you love doing and the opportuinities will come to you.

In 2003 I published a christian book "The 1 hour bible" I originally did it as a poem and gave it to my co-workers as a xmas gift in a frame.
6 months later , an elderly lady saw it hanging on the wall of one of my co-workers and suggested i make a paperback book and she offered to finance the publishing cost. 100%

Give your Aunt my email addy here in Yahoo.. rlamas_06
I'd love to speak with winnepeg paper/ publishers about some new projects!

Where can I publish my Android games for free?

You could of course post the APK anywhere on the web, for instance on bittorrent.The problem is that without Appstore account, your application will be “unsafe” - users will not have a simple way to get it into their devices. Considering it’s a game, you cannot expect typical user to know how to get it running. You would be voluntarily giving up a huge portion of potential audience.If 25 dollars is too much, and if parents cannot or will not (for whatever reason) help you with that, what you may consider is contacting your CompTech/CompSci teacher (I assume you are at high school) - not only could it help you shine as a promising student of Computer stuff, but the teacher may help you.That being said, be very careful and make sure your game is not infringing anyone’s copyright. If you used “pictures from the internet”, you will have to replace them with either correctly licensed stuff, or with public domain stuff, or your own artwork.

Can I call myself a published author?

You can call yourself anything you want, but if you call yourself a writer and people find out you either haven’t written anything or that you’ve self-published it, they’ll just roll their eyes at you.Let me change that a little.The whole business is massively in flux right now and if I were to give you the standard answer from just a few years ago, I’d come off as a pompous idiot. Nowadays you can self-publish stuff and be considered a real published author, but your stuff would have to be read by a significant number of people and you’d have to make some money in the process.Let me change that a little too.If your stuff is getting published by a university press or a small press you’d be considered a real published author, even if you never see a centavo in earnings. A buddy of mine has published easily a dozen books by different university presses and other small publishing houses and yeah, he’s a real published author. But somebody thinks enough of his writings that they spend their money putting his writing into print.But if you’re doing it all on your nickel and nobody is buying and nobody is reading it, you’re not really a published writer, you’re just a fool and his (or her) monkey!

Can I publish a book while serving in the military?

I'm about to leave for Air Force boot camp and wanted to know, during my downtime (on the weekends or during my personal time) while I serve if I could publish a book or send it to publishing companies. Last week I was looking through some of my old stuff and found an old book project I was working on a couple years back but I never finished it because of work, life, etc. Something just clicked back on and I would like to continue working on it. Let's say I finish writing my book sometime this year, while I'm serving, could I send it to a publishing company in hopes of it getting published? I already know that the military must come first in my life but just wanted to know if it was possible.

What are the hardest things about trying to get published in your own experiences with either traditional or self publishing?

Getting published is somewhat demeaning. You put your heart and soul into a writing project and then allow a stranger to determine if it has value or worth. Great excitement when or if it is accepted, but too much emotional investment on the line.When my second book was published, I was obviously ecstatic. Then I learned the awful truth: Just because you are published does not mean the publisher invests enough time and money into making the book a hit.I wrote my book on the Titanic a couple of years before the movie came out. When the movie premiered, the publisher did not spend a dime promoting my book - and the movie was doing most of the heavy lifting! The publisher had moved on to other projects at that time.At the end of the day, book selling is a whole different world than book writing. There are no "best writing authors."Because of Amazon, the only books I write now are self published. No upfront cost and the marketing is entirely up to me. Honestly, marketing is pretty much up to you if you go the publisher route anyway, but keep this in mind: publishers only publish about 5% of new authors and reject most of what comes across their desks. It takes about a year to get published and you only get about 10% of the book sales. You will still need to do most of the promotion yourself.With Amazon or Kobo you get upwards of 50–75% of the sales and will have to hustle more, but that is the name of the game anyway. If you do not have the stomach for selling, publish through Amazon and give books to your friends for a fraction of the cost of self publishing through a company.

What are the things done to publish my Fiverr gigs?

First of all you need to have a skill set related to the current market on Fiverr.The more current and updated your skill is the more you will get job on Fiverr.Things you need to done to publish your gigs are as follow:Gigs actually is your service that you are selling online.Your Gig Image, that represent your skill, it should be informative and summarized, Use your own custom designed image, don’t use any existing image for your skill. 512*410 image dimension is good.Provide package details such like, Basic, Standard and Premium, differentiate them via services in basic should be basic, in standard little bit advance, and in premium you need to provide expert level service.Delivery time is important, in most of the cases the client may request to complete the project in 1 day, but in actual it will take 2 days in that case your gigs package should have and extra with extra charges to.About This Gig, a complete overview about the gig.Frequently asked questions, mostly client asked some basic questions it is good practice that you already answer to those questions in advance. That gives a message to your client that he is expert in providing services online.This is all you need to Publish your gig on Fiverr.*** Now all you need to promote your gigs. on Social networks with your friends.I hope it will help you.For overview kindly visit my gigs and many others to get an idea.