Which Arteries And Veins Are On Both Sides Of The Body

Are veins symmetrical on both sides of your body?

The larger ones are, although it isn't exact. Arteries, veins, and major nerves tend to follow the same paths; although there is always some minor variation.

Internally, there is also some asymmetry because of the arrangement of major organs.

Are your veins the same on both sides of your body?


What are the largest veins and arteries in the body?

The largest artery of the body is the aorta, which comes right out of the heart and supplies the entire body with blood. It has a larger diameter than most plumbing in your house, approximately the size of circle with your index and thumb. The second largest arteries are the iliac arteries, in which the aorta divides right in front of your 4th lumbar vertebra. The largess vein is the inferior cava vein, which collects all blood from the entire body below the arms and leads it back to the heart. The second largest is the superior cava vein, collecting the blood from the head and the arms.

What is the direction the arteries and veins take the blood?

The vascular system is made up of the vessels that carry our blood. Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. Veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to your heart. There is one exception to that statement; when the blood starts its vascular system trip at the right side of the heart, it is the pulmonary artery that carries the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs where it exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen. Then the pulmonary vein carries oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The blood goes back to the left side of the heart and is pumped out to the rest of the body. The main artery leading from the heart to the rest of the body is called the aorta. As the blood travels, it enters smaller and smaller blood vessels, reaching every cell in the body, dropping off nutrients and picking up waste products and carbon dioxide. The blood then starts the trip back in the veins, entering larger and larger ones as it goes, passing through the liver on the way to drop off waste products. The blood eventually arrives back at the right side of the heart to start the trip all over again... there is a really good video on you tube to help you remember it its called the pump your blood song.

Which side of your neck is your jugular vein and is there an artery on the other side?

You have an artery on both sides and a vein on the other (jugular) same as all parts of your body. One takes blood to the heart (vein) one back into the body full of oxygen (artery)

How and why specific arteries and veins of the heart are diff from the pattern seen in the rest of the body?

It is a trap to think that arteries carry oxygenated blood and veins carry deoxygenated blood. This is an over-simplification that is taught early on in science education. The true definition is that arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood back to the heart.

To clear it up a little, the two types of circulation are systemic (body) and pulmonary (lungs). In systemic circulation arteries that carry blood away from the heart carry oxygenated blood, and veins that carry blood back to the heart carry deoxygenated blood. In pulmonary circulation atrteries carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get oxygen, and veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart.

Hope this helps.

Is it true that veins mostly located on right side of human body?

Whilst I agree with the other two answerers…. The answer is actually yes!All veins and arteries are essentially symmetric …BUT the vena cava which is the main vein going up the middle of the abdomen is actually slightly on the right…. And the aorta is slightly to the left.So, if you want to be really picky, the answer is yes. But it's a bit misleading.

In a pig what part of the body is serviced by the carotid arteries and jugular veins?

The brain, for the most part. Blood is also delivered to the face and neck but the main role is to deliver blood to the brain via the carotid arteries and to take deoxygenated blood out and back to the heart via the jugular veins to the superior vena cava.

What is name of vein on left side of body right above groin area?

They have the same name on both sides. We have a lot of important veins at the groin area, some of them are deep and other are superficial. The superficial venous system in that area includes the great saphenous vein and its branches (epigastric, pudend, accessory saphenous and others…). The deep venous system includes the common femoral, the deep femoral and superficial femoral. The deep and superficial femoral veins join together into the common femoral, which change its name to external iliac vein as it goes upward to the abdomen. See the illustration for more details (veins are in blue and arteries in white).