Which Band Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum Represents The Shortest Wavelength With The Greatest

Which series of hydrogen spectrum will have shortest wavelength?

Transition between lyman and balmer will have shortest wavelengthDont learn just deriveEnergy is highest b/w infinte to 1 st from planks formulaE=H vReplace v by c/♧We get energy inversely proportional to lambdaHence longest transition has shortest wavelength so shortest transition has longest wavelength.Btw WELCOME TO CLASS 11

What does a wavelength of electromagnetic radiation represent?

electromagnetic radiation is the visible light we see. this visible light is consisted of waves.

Electromagnetic waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged particles. These waves are also called "electromagnetic radiation" because they radiate from the electrically charged particles. They travel through empty space as well as through air and other substances.
Scientists have observed that electromagnetic radiation has a dual "personality." Besides acting like waves, it acts like a stream of particles (called "photons") that have no mass. The photons with the highest energy correspond to the shortest wavelengths.

Which band of the electromagnetic spectrum has the following:?

This is from longest wavelength/lowest frequency/lowest energy to shortest wavelength/highest energy/frequency

Low end starting with Radio waves - micro waves - infrared waves - visible light (lowest frequency Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet = ROYGBIV) - ultraviolet, x rays, and gamma rays have the highest frequency. If you're too lazy to read the list of increasing frequencies of electromagnetic radiation..

A. Radio waves
B. Gamma rays
C. Gamma rays
D. Radio waves

Which of the following has the shortest wavelength?

a. A photon of ultraviolet light
b. Blue electromagnetic radiation
c. An X-ray
d. A radio wave
e. Infared radiation

How do you know which one it is?

Also, what is the reason some telescopes are placed above Earth's atmosphere?
a. The light being sent out from the telescopes can be blocked by Earth's atmosphere
b. The light from stars can be blocked by Earth's atmosphere
c. Astronomers want to observe continuous spectra from stars rather than line spectra


What is the highest possible frequency/shortest possible wavelength known for electromagnetic radiation?

Nobody knows the absolute limits. At the short-wavelength end of the spectrum, quantum graininess is thought to be a likely limit, although there could be other limits before you get to that point.  Quantum graininess has been measured as less than 10-48 meters, or many orders of magnitude below the Planck length (which only applies to particles of non-zero mass and thus not to photons). The shortest wavelength photon ever detected (so far) is a 16 TeV gamma ray, which comes out to about 1 billionth of a nanometer. Right now they're looking for Pev gamma rays, but haven't found any. (Mega- MeV, Giga- GeV, Tera- TeV, Peta- PeV.)At the opposite end of the spectrum the size of the universe is the theoretical upper limit, or more realistically the size of the cosmic event horizon, which is about 13.77 light years in radius.I'm not sure, but I think the longest wavelength detected may be 40,000 km, which is the fundamental of the Schumann resonance at 7.83 Hz (plus or minus 1/2, as it varies with time of year, variations in the solar wind etc.) This is caused by 1000 lightning strikes per second in some part of the world, some of the energy resonating in the ionosphere. It's a standing wave and is apparently true electromagnetic radiation, i.e., photons.Earthquakes can generate electromagnetic waves in the milliHertz and microHertz range (through piezoelectric effect and piezomagnetism). An electromagnetic wave at 1 milliHertz would have a wavelength of 186 million miles or 2 AU. However, there's a rule of radio engineering that says electromagnetic waves don't become electromagnetic radiation until you get 2 wavelengths from the source. Until then you just have near-field effects, or virtual photons that haven't yet turned into real photons.

Shortest wavelength means highest energy transition?

yes. short wavelength means high frequency which corresponds to high energy.

Which color of light has the shortest wavelength?

Violet. After violet you go into ultra-violet which is not visible light.

Rank the following in order of largest wavelength to smallest wavelength:?

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