Which Celebrity Does This Girl Look Like

Which Teen Celebrity Does She Look Like??

She totally looks like Meena from Cory in the House. But she kinda poses like Miley Cyrus.

Do guys look for girls who look like their celebrity crushes?

I have to laugh at all the answers saying that guys don't get those kinds of crushes and that only females do. Well, they're all lying to you. But what do you expect from them, they're mostly close to your age and don't want to admit it and feel like their shameful little secrets are out.

Do we look for females who look like our celebrity crushes? Why yes, we do. And we look for women who remind us of our mothers, too. But none of that matters. What matters is finding that person, regardless of whom they remind us of, make us feel wonderful and treat us well. And no female should accept anything less.

It doesn't matter what someone looks like. What matters is the kind of person they are. A "total hottie" can be a total abuser, or worse. Better a plain looking partner who makes you melt with the way they treat you and make you feel.

But what does a well adjusted middle aged man know about these things; especially one who studies psychology, body language? Again, all these young males are lying to you.

What celebs do these girls look like?

were going to a hollywood themed party and we need to know what celebs we resemble.. thanks much
Paige -



Camryn -




Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity?

Out of the above photos , First three is my girl and bottom one is Bahubali’s Girl…Yes , Anushka shetty resembles my girl a lot.Not only that , both have lot of similarity like, They both are fans of Abhishek Bachhan, and both have pet name as Sweety.

How does looking like a celebrity, or sharing the same name, affect a person?

I have an anecdote. My father's name is the same one as a former coach of the Montréal Canadians. The coache's name is question is Jacques Demers. I am a huge Habs fan. When I was in university, I would go in the lounge and watch hockey with the guys. I was raised with boys and I had no issues with that. I knew a lot about hockey in general. Hockey is our religion in our family sort of speak. One of the guys asked me what the name of my dad was and I said: ' Jacques Demers'.  Well, there was an awkward type of silence and they litterally started fawning all over me. They asked me about the players on the Habs team and all kinds of details that I knew just because I loved keeping up with the gossip of the team.  Until, one guy asked me if I could bring him some signed hockey sticks or pucks or anything I could get from my dad.  Then I understood. I told them that my dad was not the same man and Jacques Demers the coach of the Habs. ( According to my dad, we are related though. Something like my dad and him are second cousins.)  Anyway, needless to say,  my moment of fame was over in nano seconds.