Which List Of Elements Contains Only Metalloids Semi-metals

Which list of elements contains only metals?

What lists?

Which list of elements contains a metal, a metalloid, and a nonmetal?

3. Cd, Sb, I

Cadmium is a metal, antimony a metalloid, and iodine a non-metal.

Which list of elements contains two metalloids?

Refer to the link below showing a periodic table with the metalloid elements in brown.

I agree with you that (4) is the answer: Po and Sb are metalloids.
(1) has three metalloids, not two: Si, Ge, and Po.

Why is element 117 a semi metal?

By the time you get to element 117 you will be in group VII of the periodic table (Halogens). These are the most non-metallic elements in their reactions (F is THE MOST). As you go down the group the elements become more metallic but element 117 would still be a METALLOID (semi metal) as it contains 7 electrons in the outer shell and would still be looking to gain an electron to complete the outer shell.

Where are metals, nonmetals and metalloids found in the periodic table?

metals are found in groups 1-12 including Al,Ga,In,Ti,,Sn,Pb, sb,Bi,Po,UUq

nonmetals group 18 and f cl br i o s se n p c and h

metallliods are b si as ge te po at