Which Of The Following Compounds Would Have The Lowest Melting Point

Which of the following compounds would have the lowest melting point?

The covalent one.

Which of the following compounds have the lowest melting point?

google each ones melting point. not that hard.

Which of the following compounds would have the lowest melting point?

NaCl = 1,474°F (801°C)

Sucrose = 366.8°F (186°C)

KCl = 1,414°F (770 °C)

Al2O3 = 3,762°F (2,072°C)


Which of the following compounds would have the highest boiling point?

This compound and the CH3CH2CH2OH both have higher BP than the other two because they will exhibit hydrogen bonding due to the -OH at the end of each molecule. The other two compounds will not have this intermolecular bonding, so will boil at a lower temp. The alcohol (-OH) with the more carbons will tend to boil at a higher temp than that with fewer carbons.

Which of the following compounds would have the highest melting point?

Actually, you are correct and the source is obviously wrong. CaO has the highest melting temperature of any of the compounds listed. However, you are PROBABLY meant to choose Al2O3 because the the melting points of ionic compounds USUALLY increases as the charges of the ions increases. In CaO, the Ca ion has a +2 charge and the O ion has a -2 charge. In Al2O3, the Al ion has a +3 charge. You would therefore expect Al2O3 to have a higher melting point than CaO. That's not right, though, because there are factors other than just ionic charge that go into determining an ionic compound's melting temperature. Ionic radius and the arrangement of ions in the crystal lattice are also important.

The actual melting points are listed below:

CaO = 2572ºC
CaCl2 = 772ºC
NaF = 993ºC
Al2O3 = 2072ºC
NaCl = 801ºC

I hope that helps. Good luck!

Which compound would you expect to have the lowest melting point?

the one with the weakest intermolecular forces