While Recovering From Being Drunk For Several Days In A Row Do You Notice Heart Rate Blood

Why is my heart fluttering?

They're called palputations . My mum gets them really badly because of stress and caffeine.
I get them occasionally beause of stress, and it can be caused by hormones at my age (16) .
My advice would be just go to the doctor and they will assess you based on your health record , take a blood sample and do an ECG (electrocardiogram) . All that means is they stick stickers all oer you , ask you to lie still and then this machine prints your heart pattern out .
If they arent 100% happy with that they might want to do a 24hr ECG ..the same but you carry a little box round round your waist .
Its nothing to worry about :D xx

Can I stop taking Inderal propranolol after 4 days in a row?

Propranolol is a beta blocker that reduces heart rate, blood pressure and of course can reduce palpitations from most causes. The most common cause of palpitations is premature atrial or ventricular contractions. They are completely harmless and require no treatment or evaluation. Sometimes palpitations can be from a fast heart rate, which could develop because of pain, dehydration, anxiety, anemia, thyroid disease, and fever. Since you have the palpitations mostly after you have drunk heavily, I suspect you may be dehydrated after drinking which speeds up your heart rate and causes palpitations. Anxiety can contribute also. I would recommend that you stop the alcohol binges and only drink in moderation. If you decide to continue drinking heavily, then you need to make sure you are drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration because alcohol is a diuretic that will make you urinate more.

Most patients do not experience problems when discontinuing a beta blocker, but it depends on the indication for the beta blocker, the dose, and the type of beta blocker. If you stop Propranolol it is possible that your heart rate could increase. This may or may not cause symptoms. If you are taking a beta blocker for an underlying heart condition like angina or heart failure, then problems could develop if you stop the beta blocker abruptly. Mitral valve prolapse would not be affected. If you have an underlying heart condition besides MVP, then you definitely need to discuss it with your doctor. Even if you do not have a heart condition besides MVP, you most likely would not experience any problems when discontinuing the beta blocker besides the increase in heart rate and return of the symptoms you are treating. Your doctor may consider using the Propranolol only as needed when your palpitations are occurring. You need to discuss this with your doctor. Never discontinue prescription medications without discussing it with your doctor. Good luck.

Regarding low heart rate(cardiac Bracardia)however you spell it?

I have not been an athlete for many years now and I exersice when I feel like it, hardly much. My dad has a pace maker, my granddad and uncle died of a blood clot to thier hearts, my 6 year old son has a heart murmer and gets chest pains sometimes. I have had 2 holter moniters, and the cardioloist dianosed me with Braycardia. It misses several beats in a row then beats again sometimes very faintly. The first holer about 1 month ago showed my paulse at about 3am to be 39 beats per minute, and the last one 41 beats per minute. My heart rate just then was 6 beats per minute for 10 seconds. I have gotten very lightheaded with it, and seeing stars, and I have had chest pain with it. The hospital said they would not give me any medication when I was brought in by amblance becasue they said ot could give me a stroke, or a heart attack. Where they right?I have an ultrasound to my heart on the 21st of this month, as they got me in very quickly, and I will see a cardiolisist in a public

Is drinking 2 cans of Monster Energy Drinks in row good?

I had 2 cans of Monster earlier today and during that time and now, I dont feel good. Im not jumpy or hyper but i am very tired and i can barly walk. I feel like my hearts going to expload. I only haf a few monster energy drinks this whole year asides from this day. I feel very sick and im afraid i might have a heart attack sometime during this night. I am 15 years old. What should i do? Am i going to be okay?

My heart stopped beating for 5-7 seconds - what does it mean?

A few nights ago, after dinner, I was sitting at my desk and my heart stopped beating. It didn't start again for 5-7 seconds. I've had minor heart palpitations every once in a while before, but this was very different. I felt blood rush to my head, my heart actually felt like it was being squeezed, and I heard a whooshing sound in my ears. When my heart started again, it felt like it was really struggling to get back to a normal heartbeat. It scared me, but I didn't want to spend a night in the hospital (and a ton of money) to find out I was fine. It hasn't done it again since, but my chest has been feeling uncomfortable since then. Not tight or painful, just uncomfortable. Has anyone had experience with this that can offer advice or opinions? I appreciate it!

Are 3 energy drinks in a row in one day bad?

Ok i had 3 in a row yesterday. a monster a red bull and a rock star. and then i was spinning around that night and i threw up. Should i do anything? i still feel sick. and yes i regret it. dont be all oh those are bad for you. i know already

Can you get alcohol withdrawal after 5 days of binge drinking? I have flu-like symptoms, and rapid heart rate. I’m just really restless.

It’s probably not actual alcohol withdrawal, like the DTs, if you aren’t a chronic drinker.You’re probably very dehydrated, which would account for the heart rate, headaches and nausea, which are flu-like symptoms. Your electrolytes are likely out of whack, since alcohol dehydrates you, and if you’ve been vomiting, that throws you off even more. You may be a little malnourished as well.Now, how rapid a heart rate? 100–120 or so is not that scary. over 150 may be dangerous. More so if you are older or have heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure.If you just overdid it this time, or very occasionally, and you’re relativey young and healthy, you should be fine with fluids, (I’d try equal parts water and gatorade) and food when you can keep it down. If you don’t feel better, you may need an ER.If you drink chronically, that different. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, so once you go off it you could have seizures. You may be thiamine deficient if you’re a long term alcoholic, which interferes with you absorbing nutrients. In that case, I’d advise you get to an ER. True alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous.

Stress, aniexty, gas? onset of fast heart beat out of no where?

Hi. If you are worried go and see your GP and maybe they can refer you to see a counsellor to talk through your problems, or you could contact Samaritans. I suffer from anxiety, stress etc and get the same things happen to me as you say, at one time I would even feel drunk, breathless, dizzy, nearly choke on my food, my feet would get stuck to the ground for a few minutes, my head pulsing, be sick, chest pains, etc, all just through stress. This was before I became a muslim. I have NEVER been drunk as I was always worried to have alcohol incase it made me drunk. Now I've became a muslim and wont even try a sip. So you can be certain all this was through stress and my diet, as I missed meals, and opted for junk food. I believe you should get this and your diet sorted before it gets worse. Walking is also useful, however be careful that you don't faint if you are going dizzy. Sleep also helps. I also need to say; pork contains worms. A worm was found in a ladies brain after she had ate pork. It had travelled through her body before reaching the brain. Just so you know how important it is to change your diet. Im now 31; 19 at the time of the problems I've described. Being a muslim also helps and listening to natural sounds, esp. with stress. Take care

Why do beets turn our urine red, and how long can the discoloration last before it would be considered abnormal?

Beets turn our urine red and it is medically turned beeturia. The cause of the red pigmentation is as a result of the betacyanin present in beets as well as processed products containing beet. Beeturia usually lasts from 48 to 72 hours after you stop taking beets or any beet containing product. It is also however dependent on your level of hydration as this will affect the pigment clearance.Some people do not get beeturia as they are able to metabolise the betacyanin. Those who do either have a lower amount of gastric acid thus a less acidic environment coupled with or without iron deficiency get the betacyanin absorbed into the blood stream and excreted through the urine.Most often the red color should not be a problem as it doesn't come with any symptoms whatsoever but if it persists 48 hours after stopping the intake of any beet or beet containing product, a laboratory test checking for blood in urine should be performed. Also kidney function tests should be done looking out for levels of the electrolytes; Sodium, Potassium and Cluoride and also Blood Urea and Creatinine levels to know if the kidneys are functioning normally.