Who Counted Avagadro Number

Is Avogadro's number considered to be COUNTED or EXACT?

So would I disregard its number of sig figs? (ie. is the 6.02 * 10^23 part counted or exact??)

(Ex. how many particles are there in 1.8293 mol )

Also, is the 22.4L part of the conversion factor for molar volume counted as well?

Thank you so much!

If 300 million people were put to work counting Avogadro's number of atoms...?

and if each person could count one atom per second, day and night for 365 days a year, how many years would it take to finish the count?

I've gotten 6.37x10^7 years when I've solved the problem, but the answer section in the back of the book says 7.64x10^7. I've tried the problem in reverse - using the factor label method to turn 7.64x10^7 years into seconds (and therefore atoms) and then multiplying that number (2.41x10^15) by 300 million, which I figured should have given me Avogadro's number (6.02x10^23), but instead I got 7.23x10^23.

I'm not sure how I'm going wrong here, but any help would be appreciated!