Why Are People So Rude On This Website

Why are people on this website SO RUDE?

Because the majority are bums that use the computers in the library and go on yahoo answers

Why are people so rude on this site?

So this is just an observation. I have read questions and sometimes, well most of the time, I would see rude responses. Like literally, just stuff that wouldn't help the person at all. Things like calling them out of their name and passing judgement on them, rather than helping them. I've had this happen to me on many occasions. I think it's because the questions I would ask pertained to adulthood. Like, I would ask questions about marriage and parenting, even though I'm not married, nor a parent. But they were just simple life questions that I was curious about. Only to be shut down and told I was immature and irresponsible just because I'm 19? So whats up with that? Supposedly grown adults calling a young person dumb? Or being completely sarcastic with their answers? I normally ignore nasty people, but I just had to ask. Why do people feel the need to comment things that doesn't even help? Or why do they feel the need to pass judgment and tell you about YOURSELF when they don't even know you? If this site is supposed to be meant to answer questions, no matter how dumb they sound, why do some of yall do anything BUT that?

Why are some people so rude on this website?

Thus is life on the internet. It gives people who are insecure and have self worth problems, the ability to become bullies (the bullies they were too scared to be offline). Behind their computer screen they can be sarcastic, rude, and make fun of others without any fear of that person getting back at them. They don't have to worry about getting smacked or chased or worse, like might happen if they tried to bully someone offline who was actually willing to stand up for themselves.

Ignore the bullies. They aren't worth your time. Pity them. They need help. They feel bad about themselves, so they're ugly to other people in order to pump up their own feelings. Only emotionally damaged people are unkind to others just so they can feel superior. It's really quite sad.

As with any info on the internet (esp public forums) take the info you find useful, and ignore/discard the rest. There is NO reason to take anything personally. No one here knows you. No one here is worth getting upset over.

Why are people on the Web so rude?

Because the internet allows anonymity. In real life, a lot of people remain polite and courteous to others because of fear of repercussion of their actions (This is a sad thing). However the internet allows anonymity and the ability to hide behind a false persona.In my experience, most internet trolls lack a sense of belonging and may even hate themselves. They may feel weak or inferior and so, like other bully’s, they resort to giving others a hard time. It gives them a sense of power that they rarely feel in other areas of their lives.I feel sorry for internet trolls.

Why are some people rude?

Why are some people rude?Some people are or have been in great physical or emotional pain. So they can come off as curt when speaking to other others.Some people PREFER to be rude. I know that sounds loco, but yes, some people revel in the fact that they can be as rude and abrasive to others as others allow them to be.Some people just do not know any better. We all have different upbringings and value systems. Some people were brought up in an environment where furniture and glassware were thrown around on a regular basis. They have internalized living on edge. And so, when they are engaged by others, this too is how they respond. They simply have not been exposed to a different way to handle stress.Some people just have blunt and “hard to deal” with personalities. They aren’t intending to be rude, they pack a whallop with most things that they say. If you are a person who is sensitive to “upfront” types… people like the described may have a tendency to cause you annoyrance or ruffle feathers.I would say that most people are decent people who are rude when they are overwhelmed with a lot of things going on concurrently in their lives. Very rarely will you find people who are rude just to be rude. They are out there, believe you me, but they aren’t the norm. To deal with rude people you need to employ patience and empathy. I know, I know, that sounds like the responsibility is squarely on you to change — and not the other person — but consider what the other alternative would be? Respond rudely back to that other person and give them an actual reason in the future to respond in kind to you.Don’t do that.

Why are people so rude?!?!?!?

People are just that way. You have good and bad. I personally feel that most people are not friendly. I'd say that majority are rude, inconsiderate, selfish, etcc. It's human nature really,we are so conditioned to be aggressive and selfish just to get by. It's a dog eat dog world. We are not all bad or good exclusivly , its contextual. We need to mean at times whether we like it or not. So it's hard for many people to switch on and off so many just stay rude all the time, it easier. Also it depends the mood of the person or who they are dealing with. Other factors come into play. other just enjoy being rude, making negative remakes trying to make others feel as bad as they do. Too many different answers to your question but hope that I point you in the right direction.

Why are people so rude on Facebook?

Going online has its hazards.. just be thankful that you haven't met any real psychos out there..
Internet is the new playground that predators and bullies lurks..
But this is not enough reason to lock ourselves from the world, or stop sending our children to school..
I guess you just have to suck it up.. and ignore them..

I often find ignoring them and let them embarrass themselves to be the best policy.. I was bullied badly during middle school, but became a bully myself at high school..
My parents advised me not to give bullies more reason for them to bully.. but when I became a bully, I targeted the people who are most effected by my things..

I was stupid then.. and I am very nice guy now (No, this is not a friend-invite to Facebook ;) )

As for why.. people seek to be better or more superior than others.. its true for all ages, but the methods gets more sophisticated with age..
Who has the best watch?.. who has the best dress?.. who has the best car?.. who has the sexiest body?

And who is better in kicking your as$?.. who is more dominant?.. more powerful?.. more influential?

Its a universal truth that people feel better by putting others down and/or putting yourself up..
even, of you are the kindest person in the world, you can't help to wonder.. who is the kindest person around?..

You can restrict the access to people who are in contact only.. un-friend with people who are rude.. and maybe launch a complaint..
But generally do not accept invites from unknown people.. and do not share everything on Facebook and give ammo to people to hit you with.. or give people rock to throw them on you..

All the best

Why are people so rude on the internet?

The Internet is an extension of the real-life Narcissistic Pathological Space but without its risks, injuries, and disappointments. In the virtual universe of the Web, the narcissist vanishes and reappears with ease, often adopting a myriad aliases and nicknames. He (or she) can thus fend off criticism, abuse, disagreement, and disapproval effectively and in real time - and, simultaneously, preserve the precarious balance of his infantile personality. Narcissists are, therefore, prone to Internet addiction.

But the Internet may also be the closest many narcissists get to psychodynamic therapy. Because it is still largely text-based, the Web is populated by disembodied entities. By interacting with these intermittent, unpredictable, ultimately unknowable, ephemeral, and ethereal voices - the narcissist is compelled to project unto them his own experiences, fears, hopes, and prejudices.

Transference (and counter-transference) are quite common on the Net and the narcissist's defence mechanisms - notably projection and projective identification - are frequently aroused. The therapeutic process is set in motion by the - unbridled, uncensored, and brutally honest - reactions to the narcissist's repertory of antics, pretensions, delusions, and fantasies.

The narcissist - ever the intimidating bully - is not accustomed to such resistance. Initially, it may heighten and sharpen his paranoia and lead him to compensate by extending and deepening his grandiosity. Some narcissists withdraw altogether, reverting to the schizoid posture. Others become openly antisocial and seek to subvert, sabotage, and destroy the online sources of their frustration. A few retreat and confine themselves to the company of adoring sycophants and unquestioning groupies.

But a long exposure to the culture of the Net - irreverent, skeptical, and populist - usually exerts a beneficial effect even on the staunchest and most rigid narcissist. Far less convinced of his own superiority and infallibility, the online narcissist mellows and begins - hesitantly - to listen to others and to collaborate with them.