Why Did My Cat Just Throw Up

Why Does My Cat Throw Up Some Orange Stuff?

Is his cat food orange/red/brown in color? It sounds like regurgitated cat food. Does your cat go outside? If so, he probably ate his cat food, went outside and ate some grass and it's making him vomit(which is normal after eating grass), or he ate a mouse or something, and now everything's coming up. Did you change the brand of cat food? Switching cat food "Brands" can also make them sick (ie: going from Iams to Purina). If the vomiting has been going on longer than 24 hours- take him to a vet. You don't want dehydration to kick in! But definitely my bet would be that the orange stuff is chewed up cat food.

Why do cats throw up so much?

Cats regurgitate a lot of hairballs - even when you're using anti-hairball food or dosing them with tablets/gels, a certain amount of hairball-upchucking is inevitable. Cats also throw up from eating too fast - my bruiser tom does this regularly because he's a greedy gobbler.

Other than this, if your cat is really vomiting a lot you should take it to the vet.

My cat is throwing up and in heat?

My cat is in heat and shes throwing up shes meowing and driving me crazy and i want her to stop!give me tips on how to stop the throwing up and the sickness and especially the meowing!

Why do my cats throw up canned wet food?

It could be the brand of food like fish or chicken something like that. Or the cat might just not like the wet food period just dry I know that it is very odd and strange and usually it's the other way around they hate dry and you have to mix the wet. But it's possible I've seen a cat that refused it before maybe she had a bad experience with it. Her name was skittles she was like 2 and the owner didn't want her anymore that's how I came in contact with her at a shelter. Also I mean it's a stretch but the food was bad to begin with like outdated or a recall something like that. But just watch when you start giving the cat all different kinds of food because it may upset its stomach so just be prepared for that too. Try different types of meat wet food like the more expensive kind like lamb etc. Like for my Bentley boy he's a little dog but that alpo and other cheap stuff as soon as he gets it the poop is runny. It's not good for him or for me when I try to pick it up off my neighborhoods grass. Trust me I'm not rich either but I definitely treat em and I just do without like no going out to eat or fast food etc. I mean  Bentley is like my therapist I swear love seeing telling em about my day who pissed me off etc. He listens and doesn't judge me. I remember when I first bought his expensive can of alligator and something else he loves it. But I take it to the counter and I said for one lol. I looked at em like you better like this boy. He does and I buy it. But try those things and just keep an eye on your cat and if something else keeps happening then you know it's a vet trip.

My cat just threw up food for the first time?

Hello, I have a four year old cat who I've owned for a few months. Tonight he threw up, which he's never done before. There was a lot of food in it. I came home in the evening and he was making a bunch of really cute meowing sounds, and then like an hour later he puked a couple times. Then he went behind my computer and tried to chew the wires which he's never done before. I did get some bitter apple spray thing which I sprayed on some wires, so maybe that's what did it, I dunno. Anyone know what's up?

My cat is throwing up blood?

okay my poor kitty threw up blood like a month ago and when it started he throwing up regular food for a couple oof days and it hought maybe it was just a hair ball and the like a couple of days later he started throwing up boold and then i got scared but then he stopped throwing up blood and then he was fine but now hes throwing up again and hes mood has changed a little bit he has been more anxouis and agressive and just jumpy hes running all over the room and everythign what should i do? maybe its his you think?

What makes cats throw up?

Cats throw up as a means of expelling something from their stomach that their body doesn’t want there. “Cleansing vomiting” s not like human retching, which is a symptom of sickness, just a natural mechanism for stomach cleansing. They’re not particularly upset by it and just go back to their normal life when it’s over.The most common cause is hairballs, which accumulate in clumps in their stomach. Any food that doesn’t sit well with them maybe be vomited out as well (and hairballs can cause vomiting with no apparent cause, if they haven’t come up yet.) Obviously if a cat eats something inedible, that’s a strong candidate for puking.It appears they eat grass to cause themselves to vomit, as this gets rid of the hair balls in their stomachs, but that’s just a theory, with no definitive science behind it.ADDED: Just woke up this morning to find a giant hairball, with blades of grass stuck to both sides of it. Nuff said.

What causes a cat to throw up green bile?

Green bile or a yellow, foamy vomit is normally caused by a hairball. However, on the other range of the scale, it also can point to a kidney problem, infection, or endocrine issue. If this type of vomiting occurs very frequently, please visit your vet.If a hairball is the cause (you’ll often see “it”), a good commercial hairball remedy will relieve your cat. Just place the paste on top of the cat’s nose, and he/she will automatically lick it off.In addition, your cat may be hungry & will throw up bile. Also, My cat, Jaz, will often throw up if she eats too quickly in order to “inhale” everything on her plate before another cat can get to it. Feeding time should be a non volatile time, so you might want to give each cat a separate plate.Good Luck!

My cat throws up after she eats; is it the food?

It might be, but it also might be the environment the cat is in while she eats. I have a cat that barfs if she’s stressed while eating, and if she eats cat food with chicken in it or if I change food flavors too much. All of these things I discovered just by trial and error. I moved her food bowl to a window ledge (up high = cat feels safer) away from the other cats (separated = no bullying) and now I always feed only turkey canned cat food (same food, no chicken = happy stomach). You should try testing out some of these methods to see if your cat gets better at keeping food down.Thankfully, my cat’s vomiting episodes have been reduced from daily to maybe once a month or so. She has 2 barfing methods: hurl straight down an air conditioning vent in the floor (how the hell can I clean that???), or climb to the highest spot possible and projectile vomit right off the edge of her perch—all over everything underneath. I am SO GLAD I don’t have to clean cat puke every day anymore.