Why Do Democrats Want To Take Away Our Guns

Why do Democrats want to take away guns of law abiding gun owners?

We don’t.We want to make it difficult for anyone to get hold of weapons of mass destruction, weapons of war.For what possible reason can a regular law-abiding gun owner need a Military Grade Rifle? I hear “home protection and hunting” when I or others ask this question. The AR-15 can shoot 5 rounds per second. Just let that sit a minute. That is 300 rounds/minute. Does that sound like something you should use against Bambi? Or your everyday B&E boys, looking for TVs to steal?So, you can keep your guns and rifles. We would like to know that you are responsible, and keep it locked up in a safe AWAY FROM YOUR CHILDREN. Ideally, we (well, I) would like to know that you have the empty weapon in one safe and the ammo in another. But that might be unreasonable, asking for so much safety.Other than that…no one with mental disorders, no one who has a history of violence, no one who has a restraining order against them. Mandatory background checks, mandatory 3-day waits. No Fly, No Buy.And if an 18yr old can’t be trusted to rent an SUV, why in the HELL should we trust them to buy a Weapon of Mass Destruction?

Why do the Democrats want to disarm Americans?

The only way to impose gun control is by changing the Bill of Rights. If Democrats - as you say - want to eliminate guns among the general population, that's the way they will have to do it because that's how democracy works.
Why do they want to do it? Because one of the ugliest things is brother killing brother, American killing American. Isn't that reason enough?

Democratic/liberal views on gun control.?

Basic summary:

liberals - No guns!
republicans- I want to protect myself and hunt to feed my family
liberals - Eat vegetables like me, no ones going to shoot you because we took the guns away
republicans- someones breaking into my house and they have a gun
liberals - hug them
republicans- ill have to stab him
liberals- thats mean :( hes poor share what you have
republicans - stab stab stab
liberals- u should go to jail for that and pay his medical bills :(

Will the liberals and democrats actually take away the second amendment and ban all guns in the USA permanently?

No.And the reason is simple - most of the country is absolutely opposed to the idea.The politics of guns is pretty simple. There are some few hard-left areas of the country where political support for strict gun control is strong. And all of the rest of the country where support from gun control ranges from tepid to absolute raging opposition.What this means is that Democrats elected in these few hard-left areas can push strict gun control without cost. And everywhere else, it costs them dearly at the polls.And the consequence of this is that when the Democrats are in the minority they can push gun control all they like, and it counts for nothing because they’re in the minority.When they gain a majority, they find it much harder because the politicians on their side of the isle - that they needed to gain a majority - are in a position where they can’t support gun control without losing their seats.And if the Dem leadership manages to push the caucus into backing gun control, despite this, the representatives in marginal districts lose, and the Dems lose their majority.The only reason we’re seeing the sort of extremism advocacy we’re seeing on guns, right now, is because the Dems are politically weak.

Why do Libruls wants to takes guns aways from the mentallys handicappepd and the abuserses of alcohols I LOVE?

Dear God I can't tell if you're serious or not.

Why do liberals want to ban guns, but not knives or baseball bats?

I don't want to ban them.

Sorry for screwing up your pre-conceived notions.

Can they take away my gun?

No! However, they will try to scare you into surrendering it. Don’t comply, hire a lawyer or get involved with a gun rights group like USCCA so you can present a larger presence in the unlikely event you have to go to court.They KNOW they’re wrong and will eventually lose, but will try anyway. The more people surrender, the stronger they will feel.