Why Do I Hurt When I Poo

Why does my foot hurt when i poop?

Most likely because of the way you're sitting on the toilet. Try shifting your weight more to the other side of your body and see if it makes a difference. When you poop, you stimulate your vagus nerve which in turn can lower your blood pressure/heart rate momentarily. If you're foot hurts during this time it is possible (ALTHOUGH INCREDIBLY UNLIKELY) that your foot isn't getting enough blood because of this recent drop in blood pressure and could be indicative of a blood clot somewhere in your leg. Chances are your foot is just falling asleep from sitting on the shitter too long and your a jackass = )...otherwise you might want to get it checked out

How can i poop when my abs hurt?

I do like 100 situps and crunches a day, I have never had it hurt going to the bathroom, are you okay? You should go see a doctor. One thing has nothing to do with the other, unless you over did it and pulled a muscle?

Good ways to help yourself go #2...drink lots of water, eat whole grains (cereals like Frosted Mini Wheats, Cheerios, Raisin Bran), fiber, and proteins.

Why do my feet hurt when i poop?

pushing on the ground too hard while tensing up causing bad circulation while blood pressure rises

It hurts when I poop?

You have Irritible Bowel Syndrome. The symptoms you describe are exactly what I had. Pooping once a day is healthy, twice a day really healthy. Any more or less needs to be looked at. Its not just about the number of times you poo, its about the colour, shape, ease of exertion and consistency (yuck, I know).

You need to see your doctor and heave a health check. S/he may prescribe laxatives to ease the constipation and release of faeces. You need to increase your fibre intake by having more fruit, veg, brown bread/rice/cereals. Drinking more water and laying off heavy/spicey/fried foods are a good idea - at least for the next few weeks. In addition, try to eat regularly through the day.

I used to get stressed, stop eating during the day then have 1 big meal at night, this placed pressure on my intestines which were in 'starvation mode' and lead to IBS.

Good luck and happy pooing!

Why do my knees hurt when I need to poop?

I believe Mr. Charles Sendicker was on the right track. There is also something called referred pain that too would just be an anatomical-nervous system thing.An example: Many people experience referred pain when their neck is achy or out of alignment; it causes them to feel headaches, even though that is not the location of the origin of the pain.I would do 3 things, keep a log of when, where and how long the pain is lasting. There is an app where you can even show on the body where you are feeling the pain, inner knees, back of the knees, patella, outer knees… It is called Chronic Pain Tracker, (I use it,) there is a Lite version too - iOS formats. You can even print out or e-mail reports to your doctor.Then your doctor can look for any patterns.Now, I know that some people believe in sticking to traditional western medicine, however in this case I would also ask you to consider contacting a chiropractor or PT (Physical Therapist), if indeed it is a nervous system thing then maybe the PT could show you some stretches that would improve compression that may be causing the pain (alleviating a pinched nerve kind of thing); or seek the services of a Chiropractor. Chiropractors won’t just send you away without exploring how your body is aligned. MDs want to know if you have a break, tear, infection or tumor. Think of chiropractors like mechanics that work on alignment of the body. If your car is not aligned properly, your tires don’t wear evenly and you also may experience a rough ride because the shocks aren’t able to do their job effectively.Chiropractors check to see if you are aligned so it causes less wear on your joints (human shocks), and see that things aren’t wearing unevenly or you are getting a pinched nerve. I’ve had 2 whiplash injuries from car accidents which caused my neck to be straight. The MDs said nothing about the natural curve in my neck being gone or what to do to get it back or that it may continue to cause headaches. They were happy there were no broken bones and sent me away with a Rx for pain. I didn't find that helpful, but the chiropractor has been very helpful. If athletes use them (golfers, football players, etc.) they are certainly in the holistic pain reliving business. This is my own personal experience- others may have a different one.Wishing you health and healing.Christine

Why does my stomach hurt when I go poop?

I go pee like normal.
But when I push to go poop and the poop comes out, [[yeah sorry I know its gross but I'm scared]], my lower abdomen hurts really bad and it hurts like I've got the flu. I only go poop like once every 2 days, when I use to everyday, and when I do poop it isn't very much. I felt like I was going to throw up this morning too when I went and got a cold sweat. I haven't had much of an appetite and I feel really lazy and tired. I'm a 16-year-old girl and I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. So please if anyone has an idea of what I might have, please tell me. =S

Why does it hurt to poop when I have my period?

It's probably constipation. The pain you're feeling is most likely the stool working its way through, like a boulder through a snake hole, which is why it's not a struggle after the pain passes. Constipation is a common side effect of PMS (one that I unfortunately experience), but not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Example: I have never had breast tenderness.

Don't push too hard, you can hurt yourself. You can take a stool softener, Miralax, or even an enema. But avoid laxatives. They can be painful and are unnecessary, in my opinion. If you're able to anticipate your period (ie., you're on birth control) start taking the stool softener a couple days before because they take a few days to become effective. The softener will help turn the boulder back into a snake (sorry for the cheesy-a*s analogy).

My right hand hurts when I poop?

Like the left part of my right hand just hurts when I go poop. I mean it's not like agonizing pain, but it's pain that isn't happening to my left hand and I don't understand why.

And yes, I am pooping while typing this.