Why Do I Keep Having Dreams About Random Guys I

Why do I keep having dreams about a random guy?

The faceless guy in your dream could be representing someone who has a secret crush on you and really likes you a lot. You will know the person by recognizing his friends, or it could mean that this guy is very popular and has many friends, but he is attracted to you, and the both of you started dating. You may run into the guy soon, but whatever you do, keep yourself in a respectable manner so he will appreciate you more.

The best book I read so far that has helped me to understand my dreams is amazing. Go to, go to the "book" category. Type in Dream Guider by Christina Hillard. I found this book helped me to solve many of my concerns on dreams I have had.

Why do I keep having dreams about random guys who I've never met before?

For months now, I've been having dreams about GUYS who I've never met or rarely ever think about in my life. I'm 15 year old girl, and I currently don't have an interest in any guy. I'm not boy crazy either. I don't remember much about my dreams but I have almost every single day. And they're usually of random guys. They're really cute though. I'm just wondering...WHY am I having these dreams about guys all the time? I always have other things on my mind since I'm so busy all the time.

I keep having dreams about this random guy?

Your dreams are called "Wish Dreams." You have had little contact with him but deep down you would like to meet up with him and talk to him. This is how relationships begin. I wish you well ~

Why am I having dreams about killing random people?

Killing in a dream is not to be taken literally. It's a symbolic killing of the old for the new that wants to come.What the dreamer is not doing but should do in the dream falls into the shadow. The shadow is/are those aspects of yourself that you do not recognize. The shadow will have important opposite qualities and attitudes from you the dreamer. If you were to integrate these qualities and attitudes into yourself then it will bring better balance to your life.In other words what needs to symbolically die are old attitudes witnin you that no longer serve you, and you will be better served by letting them go. By doing this you will bring better balance to your life.Best wishes.

Keep having dreams of making out with random guys?!?

For the past few days i've been having dreams in which i'm making out with a totally random guy!! (different guy every time)
In most of them i feel like i have feelings for the guy (in my dream i just know i feel like this somehow)
but in my recent dream, when i was making out with another totally random guy, i just didn't feel like i really had feelings for him or vice versa (he's a totally random guy don't even know who he is)
Anyways I think i know where the last dream came from (i was reading a book before i went to sleep of a similar situation) but i have no idea where the other makeout dreams are coming from!!???
p.s. i don't have a boyfriend and neither do i have a crush on anybody. I'm not looking for a relationship but i kind of think i'm sexually repressed but im not exactly sure what it means but basically i just get really nervous around guys and ignore them it's just instinctive!!?? i feel like a total b*tch when i do that though coz even if the guy is nice i just ignore them because i dont know!!??

Can you pleaaase tell me what these dreams are trying to tell me!??

I have a boyfriend and I keep having dreams about random guys?

dreams are there to prepare you for a certain type of situation. In this this dream means that even when you flirt with this other guy, you still know you belong to your current boyfriend.

I keep having dreams about other guys when I have a boyfriend.. Why?

When you dream, the brain cannot make up new faces which means you can only dream about people you have met or seen before, however brief the encounter was.

A woman's sexual desires, the degree of her sexual urges, and the people she is most attracted to vary throughout her reproductive cycle. For example, a woman is most sexually aroused, most likely to cheat or have sexual dreams about men other than her partner right before she ovulates. You are also most attracted to your long term partner right after you get your period. It's perfectly normal to have those thoughts and men should be aware and understand that.

Finally, webcam sex is not for everyone. People have different ways of responding to their environment for example some are more visual, some respond more to touch and the same is true of what turns us on.

Long distance relationships are not easy and if you ever actually do begin a sexual relationship with someone other than your partner, it is best to let him know. Even if it can damage your relationship, I strongly believe the most important thing to maintain between two people who have strong feelings for each other is trust.

I have a boyfriend but i keep having dreams of other guys?

Dreams are your mind's way of sorting out your thoughts during the day. It isn't always obvious where they come from though and you can't really control them. So don't feel guilty over what you can't control.

The dreams might signal that you have feelings for the boys in them or they might just come simply because you've seen these other boys that day. Totally innocent.

Instead of thinking about the dreams, think about whether you really want to be with your boyfriend. If you do, then there's no problem. The dreams will probably go away if you don't allow your mind to dwell on them.

Good Luck.