Why Do I See Shadows Moving In My House.

I see shadows moving out of the corner of my eyes.?

From my experiences when emotions and problems come about is when the spirits that are concern for us feel what we are going through. They are very fast why you don't see them very well, and it's your inner eye that is not staying in focus. I have seen them too leaving very fast, but my inner eye opens usually very well and even their thoughts pop in my head as they are surprised that I could see them. One of them which is believe to be my spirit guide made herself known to me because she ascertain that I was seeing her by her seeing my reactions in my sleep, as my inner eye opens when she comes near even when I am sleeping. She usually takes off fast when I wake up completely, I know I saw her leaving very fast, but I felt she was still there, so I ask her the question,"So what's your name?" And she answered me back twice because I ask twice to make sure I hear it right, she said her name was Erica....she is believe to be my spirit guide because of some more communications we had, and that she was very helpful to me.

Moving shadows in the corner of the eye ?

Sounds like eye floaters. They happen to everyone. Look them up on Wikipedia. Just because you don't know what is going on, doesn't mean that anything supernatural is happening.

Also, hold off on all the Jesus stuff. Don't get me wrong, I am a Christian and everything. But when people start praying for the church projector to get fixed, then it's time to stop and think. There are some things that you can do and figure out for yourself. In fact, there are many things that people can do and figure out for themselves.

I have NEVER experienced anything paranormal. No one in my family has experienced anything paranormal. None of my friends have experienced anything paranormal. I have lived in several states from the West Coast to the Midwest, in houses that ranged from over one hundred years to brand spanking new. Never anything. Anything weird that I have seen was explained by using my brain and reasoning about things. If you don't understand something, then try to figure it out. Don't just pin it on ghosts and demons and fear sleeping in your own room.

I see shadows move in my house at night?

The age of the home has nothing to do with it. Yes RI think you have a presence, but since it has made no attempt to harm you, I know its hard but ignore it. You could also have a priest bless your house, or have a house cleansing by smudging with sage. Another good thing to do is buy 4 St.Michael coins/necklaces & bury them on the 4 corners of your property and say the prayer of St.Michael each time you bury 1 (you can look the prayer up online) . I used to be a skeptic but my cf believes in spirits, Guardian Angels,etc. In May 2012 we bought a 1 story ranch home built in the 1960's. I work nights @ a coal mine ...After a couple months she told me she "felt like she was being watched but not in a bad way ".She was pregnant with twin boys when we moved in. Then 1 night while watching TV, she said she saw the almost see thru image of a man come down the hallway & look in our 8yo sons bedroom, turn, go into the kitchen & never reappeared (our kitchen has a doorway accessible from the hallway directly across from 8yo Tom & dining room. She said he was built like Sam Elliott (the actor) and clad in jeans & some sortvof flannel shirt. We have 2 cats, 1 we've had since the day we moved i. & he does same thing you do. She researched who all had lived here & the 1st owners were a family that the man was a long haul OTR truck driver. She looked up his obituary pic & said "that's him ". I've seen something resembling this 1 time, he only appears on weekend which OTR truck driver would make sense. I get the feeling he's checking on our kids like he used to his. Just sharing my story 2 give insight into my opinion.

Why do we keep seeing shadows in our home?

When you talk about shadows, what exactly do you mean? If the shadows move inexplicably and you get feelings of cold or fear or something similar, perhaps you need to do some cleansing. You didn't mention what religion you follow. So I cannot recommend anything in that vein. But I would begin with spring cleaning and brightening up dark corners or rooms. Put a bit of lime juice and salt in the last rinse or wash. Then it would be good to have your house blessed. Again, according to your religion. A house is also affected by the vibes of each individual who lives in it. Perhaps that may also be a factor. Give it a go... and do update your situation in Quora.

Why do i see black shadows?

Are you the only one seeing these things? Did you see these things when you moved in or just recently? Have you or anyone in your home dabbled in something you shouldn't have?

While I cannot say what was crawling on your floor, I can help address the shadow people. Shadow people are pretty common in the paranormal world. Most are harmless, however, not all are. They're often seen out in the peripheral visions, however, these may be caused by a trick of the eyes. Shadow people can be seen full on though, and they're not all dark, they can be in shades of blacks, grays, and whites, as well as taking different forms besides human-shape. Some don't appear to even know we're around, while others seem to know and some may even appear to be studying us. Our last house was infested with them, however, there was nothing malicious whatsoever in them. Yes, it's creepy if you're first seeing them, but most are harmless and oblivious to us.

I would advise you to say prayers of protection every day, just in case. You can also try telling them to leave your house, that they don't belong there, hopefully that will help. If it's still a bother, perhaps have a paranormal investigation team go out and check your house out.

Why do I keep seeing dark shadows at night?

I have two answers. First, if the shadows vanish when you look at them, or if they move too quickly to be natural, it is a spirit, especially if you feel good or bad about them. If you are lucky or unlucky, you may see a ghost! But not everyone can see them, as some are more sensitive in terms of the paranormal than others. It is possible to do particular exercises to see spirits. Second answer, if it stays in view when you look at it, and if it doesn’t move, turn on the lights. Then you will see that it is an outline of an object or furniture that is in your room. Or it is the shadow cast by an object due to the moonlight. Hope this answers your question.

Why do I keep seeing shadow people at night?

They’re ghosts/spirits…..or possibly demon(s)…but usually they’re just earthbound spirits aka ghosts and you’re probably an empath or medium. Not everyone can see spirits, you have to be spiritually open. You can’t close it off either if you have the ability, you can try to ignore it and not acknowledge it/fear it but that’s about it. Most spirits are harmless btw, but it is possible for demons to appear as shadow figures, but usually there are a whole host of other signs that it’s demonic from poltergeist activity to scratches to bad smells. If it’s bothering you, try smudging your home (burn sage or some other incense), say prayers, use holy water, tell them to go to the Light if they can or leave and the main thing is not to fear them because malevolent spirits can feed off that fear. Also make sure you’re not feeding them extra energy, of course they can sap anything from phone batteries to human energy, but certain things like air purifiers, ionizers, plasma ball toys, old microwaves/ovens that give off a lot of EMF feed their energy to manifest.

I see a black shadow in my house good or bad?

Ok so I've been seeing this shadow for a while. It first started off with seeing a weird human like black figure running across the ceiling. I paid no mind to it because I watch a lot of scary movies. Two years later I began seeing more shadows. I'm sitting with my friends and I see a small shadow run across the floor I stand up (thinking it's my dog) and check..nothing there. Then I see the shadow of a side of a face on glass(you could tell it's male I live with no males my parents are divorced and he lives in Mexico). This scared me the most. I woke up on a Saturday,I look up and see a black shadow next to me grabbing my curtains. I'm a 12 year old girl. I saw a shadow in my friend's unhaunted house walk across the living room. I hear noises every night. I now sleep with a night light because I have gotten a fear of the dark. Last night I had it on and saw shadows moving around the room.I always feel a presence in the room when I'm alone. I feel watched but in a bad way. I'm self-consious so I don't like changing in any place.I've seen it more times before they have never done anything physical but I just want to know if it's good or bad? Nobody that I live with has seen them. Advice please?

Why can I see shadow people and ghosts?

I never believed in any ghost or shadow people nonsense until I had my own experience. During the summer of 2013 I was routinely taking my daughter to a state park to swim. It's a deep gorge with excellent swimming holes. On a visit there I brought my cousin and her two kids with us. I realized I had left my keys down on a boulder. The kids didn't want to walk all the way back down to the swimming area so my cousin came with me to help me find them. It was dusk at the time. Still enough light to see but I brought a flashlight with me anyways. We found the keys and were heading up the long path to the parking area when I heard my cousin gasp. She stopped in front of me and said “Is that a bear?” I froze and looked ahead on the trail. About 20 feet in front of us stood a black form. As I stared at this thing my cousin ducked behind me. It stood about 7-8 feet tall. I shined a flashlight at it and the light shone on the tree behind it. As I looked closer, the darkness in this thing appeared to resemble smoke. It had a rolling,billowing appearance. When I turned the flashlight off it crouched in a squatting position. Then suddenly stood up and vanished. When I say vanished it wasn't suddenly gone. It was the freakiest thing I've ever seen. It looked as if it went down an unseen drain. Like a counterclockwise rotation in midair and then it was gone. Or so we thought. My cousin and I stood there for several seconds just looking at each other with wide eyes. My cousin asked “What in the f@ck was that?” I took a step forward and we heard the sound of something sprinting from that location but could see nothing! Leaves and sticks snapping under the weight of something we couldn't see. We double timed it back to the car and didn't tell our kids. To this day I have only told a few people with similar experiences and I still have no idea what it was. It really shook my beliefs and I've been looking for answers ever since. I'd like to add,it didn't make me feel threatened in any way. It seemed to feel just as surprised to see us,as we were to see it.

What causes people to see shadow people?

Many people report seeing shadow people. I became interested in them after I saw one while wide awake, during the day, when I was 16. There was no internet back then, and I could not find any information at the library.Time passed, and I would see them during sleep paralysis episodes. Then I saw another shadow person in my mid-twenties while I was wide awake. This isn’t the corner-of-your-eye thing. This is full-on, facing a shadow person who is seemingly standing right there in front of you.It's only really been in the last decade or so that more people began talking about and studying sleep paralysis. Yet here we are, in 2016, and the scientific world is still shying away from shadow people.Frustrated by the lack of research, I was writing a novel, and decided I wanted more information on people who see them when they are awake (outside of sleep paralysis). What I found was that each person who described an encounter while awake, in a reliable and seemingly truthful way, also reported having sleep paralysis more than once.I've interviewed nearly 80 people with these accounts, and the correlation seems to be very strong between people who have sleep paralysis and those who see shadow people while awake. They also describe the encounters in much the same way that people describe sleep paralysis episodes.The person sees the shadow person/people and can't move, often has difficulty breathing, and feels overwhelming fear. When the shadow person/people disappear, the person can move again, the fear dissipates, and they can breathe again.There were also risk factors that I managed to pull out of the data. The risk factors were similar to risk factors for sleep paralysis.Almost all such episodes happened when the person did not have enough sleep the night before.Anxiety and/or stress also seems to increase the chance of an episode.Traumatic life events/PTSD seems to be a significant factor as well.Hopefully we'll learn more as more research is done on sleep paralysis.