Why Do I Worry About Things

Why do people worry so much about things that they can or can't control?

It is rumored that one of the questions on the Australian flight test was… what would the pilot do if the Queen fell out the back of the of their plane while they were flying. Answers ranged from “swoop down and catch her”, to fly to another country to escape the repercussions. . The correct answer was…adjust the trim for the loss of weight in the back of the plane. Why?…because there was nothing they could do about it.Human nature loves to look for the black cloud in a blue sky. We worry about the future, our kids, the state of the government and the zit on our nose. For many worriers, they live in a constant state of stress and end up dying from a stroke or a heart attack, or suffering from stress-related health issues such as high blood pressure, headaches, depression, ulcers etc.Eckhart Tolle, teaches mindfulness, or “living in the moment”. Since we usually worry about past events or possible future concerns, living in the moment takes away that worry, and a happy and content life, is the result.

Is that true that 99% of the things we worry about never happen?

I don’t know if that’s the right number, but in essence, yeah, it’s true. Have you ever heard this acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s true.When you worry about things that might happen, what happens is you magnify it in your brain. You can even let it overwhelm you so that’s all you can think about. But that keeps you from actually doing anything about it.This is not to say you can’t make plans. It’s a very good idea to go over the realistic possible outcomes and come up with a plan for each one. Just be aware that what actually does happen will almost never be one of the things you are prepared for. I don’t know why, but that’s how it seems to work.One of the things to consider is: If the worst does happen, will I die? Will anyone I know or love die? The answer’s gonna be no, so you can relax a little. “But I’m not afraid of dying! I know that’s not going to happen.” Yeah, your conscious mind knows it, but not your subconscious, which is where the concerns are coming from.Once you’ve realized you’re not going to die, you can take a look more calmly at what actually can happen and what is most likely to happen. That’s where the planning comes in.Also, be clear on what you can do something about and what is beyond your control. My sister and I were on a bus. We had a train to catch and were running a little late. Once on the bus, I completely relaxed. She didn’t understand how I could do that. I said, “We can’t make the bus go any faster, so there’s nothing to worry about now. Now, when it stops, we run like hell, but we can relax until then.” And she did.The point is, focus your energy on what you can do, not on what you can’t.

Why do I always worry about things?

We do not mind at all when somebody tells us in the morning that you are handsome, you are looking wonderful. We think that this is what I am.But you do not pay attention, you do not realize that, now you have given this person the license to say something to you in the evening. In the morning the fellow told you that you are looking wonderful, and in the evening if the same fellow comes and says that you are stupid, you have to take that in. You have made yourself dependent on him.By accepting what the world is saying about you, you make the world your master. ‘I am brilliant because my entire batch is telling this to me. If I am brilliant because my entire batch tells this to me, then I will be an idiot if I my batch tells this to me. I need to be afraid of my batch. I cannot offend my batch anymore. If I offend them, they might call me an idiot.’When we grandly accept it, then we have made that fellow our master. We have no eyes to see ourselves directly. We look at ourselves through the eyes of others. Whenever we have done this, we must realize that we have made the other, our master. Now we are dependent on others.Whenever there is dependence, there is fear. And that is the reason why you always keep worrying.That is the reason why anybody is ever afraid of anything or anybody. That is dependence. If you want to live fearlessly, then stop being dependent on others.Find out your dependence. Find out in what ways you are dependent and on whom. Look at your dependencies. Try to find out. Wherever will be your dependency, there will be fear because you will be afraid that the fellow can take something from you. The more dependent you are, the more afraid you will be. The key to fearlessness is independence. The key to fearlessness is freedom.This answer is an excerpt from the blog of Shri Acharya prashant-words into silence.If you want to read the complete article, you can search the blog Words into Silence by Acharya Prashant on the web.

How can I stop worrying about little things?

I'm the type of person who gets myself worked up about little things. There is usually never anything to worry about but I still worry about it. What can I do to stop doing that? I annoy myself sometimes.

I always worry about things I can't control?

I've been like this my whole life...I'm 18 and I worry about college, starting my life, finding a job...and things I can't control like aging and such. On a daily basis I think I worry about at the very least 50 different things, and some of it is totally insignificant. I have anxiety and depression, and mild OCD. I think all this worry is fueling my depression, but I can never have my mind at ease. it's one subject after another. Advice please?

Why do I worry so much?

Those aren't stupid things, I think everyone has those 'weird' what if's floating around in the back of their mind. Sometimes if you are stressed, you brain will try to focus on other things. Also you mentioned that you do well in school, if overall you are an intelligent and educated person, you have all the more reason to worry about things because you are cognitively aware of your surroundings and realize that there is the possibility of something going awry. I do very well in school too, and worry about ALL kinds of stuff! I compulsively lock my car door in parking lots the SECOND I get in, @ first I thought I was 'crazy', but watch the news how many people (women especially) are abducted, mainly in parking lots, a LOT. If you didn't worry about things and pay attention to possible mishaps, you may be more prone to experiencing them. The world today is so chaotic ANYTHING can happen, especially buildings falling down. Your not 'crazy' or 'weird' and those are not 'stupid' things to worry about. Just make sure that your worrying doesn't have a negative effect on your quality of life and doesn't prevent you from doing things like leaving your home. Your normal - everyone worries. : )

What are the things to be worried about?

I am a newbie to answer this question, observing the depth of the question. Still, I have an itching to share my finding till this point of my life. The most important thing in our life that we should be worried about is :Our thoughtsI think that every other problem that we face are related to this.We feel worried because we question our capabilitieswe feel sad because we check ourselves in respect to otherswe feel left alone because we want to be with someone elseThis list can go on. I understand that there are other materialistic problems like finance, terrorism, natural disasters etc., but you can trace back most of them to thoughts.So, this is my opinion, one must check his/her thoughts more often than anything else.And don't worry it takes time to implement things, knowing something and practicing that very thing are two different things. Even, I am still at a beginner level in this.

How to stop worrying about things you can't control?

My partner left me after 3 years. We had a wonderful relationship but she has always had depression and it recently got pretty bad. Although she swore that there was no one else, I can't help but dwell on the thought that there is.

The truth is that I have no idea and all it does to think that she is with someone else is stress me out. How can I stop dwelling on that thought and feel peaceful again?