Why Does Skin Peal Around Fingers

Why does the skin around my finger nails peel off and sometimes bleed?

Sometimes I have skin peeling off around the sides of my fingernails. It sometimes hurts and bleeds a bit. It doesn't happen all the time, just once in a while, on maybe one finger at a time. But lately it's been happening to 4 of my fingers all at the same time.

Why does this happen? What can I do to stop it from happening?

How can I stop the skin from peeling around my finger nails?

Hey, recently the skin around my fingernails have started peeling off, and the only way to get rid of them it to rip them off, which really hurts and often results in bleeding minorly. I've never seen anyone with this before, so I don't know what the reason for it is. It could be due to the cold weather here in England, but it stays through the summer too.

Here's a picture of what it looks like:

Pretty weird huh?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

- Alex

Bad peeling around finger nails?

Cuticle oil and a good handcream will really help dry cuticles. Cut off what's peeling so it doesnt rip and further (with a cuticle cutter or nail clipper) and apply lotion or oil... It's usually caused by dry skin.

Why is the skin on the side of my fingers peeling?

Too many answers. Could be a fungus, reaction to chemicals on your hands, poison ivy.... If it is itching, I would bet a reaction to something you are getting on your hands causing a reaction. Use if hydrocortisone could help your problem. It is available at any drug store.

Why does the skin right beneath my finger nails peel?

Ever since I can remember, the skin bellow (not under) the nail has peeled in little white strips that are painful to pull off. I've never seen anyone else's fingers that has this problem..I usually cut the strips off, but it always ends up happening again. What do I do?

Skin peeling on hands, fingers, and feet?

I am having the same exact problem. I was doing a Google search on it and I came across this thread. From what I have seen online this issue can come from numerous things such as fungal, or medication, or an iron deficiency. One thing I did find that was very helpful was a posting on (link to post where someone posted that they were having the same kind of issue. A doctor responded and said that it could be something called keratolysis exfoliativa. defines this as:
Keratolysis exfoliativa congenita
superficial exfoliative dermatosis of the palms and soles. It starts as pinhead-sized white spots that gradually extend peripherally, forming anular thin scales, in the absences of inflammation.

I posted a question to Ask Alice! a board started by Health Services at Columbia University when and if I get a response I will definitely let you know what was said. Good luck and I hope this helps.

Why am I peeling around my wedding ring?

some people, including my wife who has a gold wedding ring she can no longer wear, are actually allergic to gold. The allergic reaction is not like hives or anything, but just what you described, an irritated skin rash or flaking at the point of's just one of many links that come up when you google gold allergy: