Why Does This Restaurant Cause Me One-time Diarrhea

Why does Mexican food give me Diarrhea?

It's the spice(capsaicin) in the spicy food that probably does it. Too much and it can create intestinal discomfort in almost anyone. I find that I have more trouble when I eat mexican food out somewhere than at home. So it could also be the quality of the food.

I had diarrhea at a restaurant?

Tonight I was very hungry but I didn't have a lot of time to eat cause I had to go a restaurant with my crush so for dinner I ate beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, bran muffin, cheese eggs prunes and some of that Jamie Lee Curris yogurt that makes you poop. I arrived at the restaurant and my stomach was in bad shape. I met my crush and we sat down. As I bent, I farted, it was loud and disgusting and smelt of rotten eggs. Everyone including my crush was laughing. I quickly sat down. I stared to ask her a question but, I farted. Diarrhea **** out my anus and ripped through my undies and onto the baby behind me who ate it. My crush was so disgusted that she ran but she slipped on the diarrhea. I tripped over her but my naked butt landed on her face. I farted and poo got in her mouth. She called me a *****. An old lady yelled FREE CHOCOLATE and ate the diarrhea. She realized it was poo then came and beat me up. Security kicked me out. I'm so embarrased. Do I still have a chance with my crush?

Why Do I Get Diarrhea Every Time I Eat Chinese Food?

I know this might seem like a very odd and and kind of disgusting question, but I've been wondering about this. Every time I eat Chinese food (and I always get the same exact thing no matter what restaurant it is. I always get chicken and broccoli with pork fried rice.) I always end up getting diarrhea. However, this just started happening about a year ago, maybe a year and a half. I'd eat my food then about 15 minutes to a half hour later I'd get horrible stomach cramps. Then I'd have to go run to the bathroom on and off for the next 1-2 hours. I'd drink some ginger peach tea to try and settle my stomach and just rest. I was reading up on this and this stuff called MSG. It's found in soup, meat, and all kinds of other stuff. But what's weird is I eat meat and soup, and fried food all the time but never have any problems. This only happens with Chinese food. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? (I would go to a doctor but I'm in the process of switching family doctors right now) Thanks. I really appreciate the support!

Every time I eat a steak, I get diarrhea or a very loose stool...Does anyone know what might cause this?

The other folks are right about some people having trouble digesting red meat or dealing with excess fat.

Two other possibilities though. If you eat red meat infrequently, your body does not have the right bacterial flora to deal with it. If you eat red meat more often, you may find that you tolerate it better. Eat small amounts, say like a bit of sirloin on a nice salad. Build up to larger doses.

The other possiblity is that you are eating too much at one time. A serving is about the size of a pack of playing cards. Virtually everyone at home and at restaurants tend to eat way too much at a meal. Try eating just half of what you normally would.