Why I Am Feeling So Tensed Nervous Uncertain

Why do we fidget when feeling nervous, uncomfortable, or liking someone?

Yup, you are correct. Nervousness, being uncomfortable, and liking someone can often evoke the same type of sympathetic nervous system response, albeit on a less extreme level that if one were say, being chased by a tiger.

It seems reasonable that because we feel vulnerable in the three situations you mentioned, it would cause the same kind of reactions. Although we aren't generally in any physical danger, we perceive some sort of potential negative outcome, such as embarrassment or rejection, and we get worked up just the same.

The jitters and whatnot result from all the pent-up energy we don't use in those situations. If a true fight-or-flight response were taking place, we would either be using all that energy to defeat something or to run from it. When we're nervous or anxious, the situation usually does not require such an intense reaction, so the unused energy we've accumulated simply ends up as profuse sweating, rapid breathing, a rapid heartbeat, and being fidgety.

Also, because the response is intense, but still relatively mild compared to what it could be, the parasympathetic nervous system often starts kicking into gear amidst the tense situation. This is why someone who's nervous might start to salivate profusely or have sudden urges to go to use the restroom, as the parasympathetic nervous system tries to restore the body to more relaxed functioning.

What are things I can to become less nervous, stressed and tensed in social situations?

You could smoke pot or cigarettes!

Why am i so nervous and anxious around the same sex?

That`s because you feel out of place and have an inferiority complex. I know that feeling real well from my younger days. Now I run circles around those that made me feel that way, because they have the same bodily functions I have and are really no different than I am.

I get so nervous every time he is about to kiss me?

You have to relax and 'fall backwards' into a kiss. I don't mean physically fall backward, because that won't help. I mean like when you fall backwards into someone's arms. You have to relax and just let it happen. It's kind of funny, being nervous about it actually makes it better! But you don't want to be all tense, you want to relax, take your time, go slow.

I want to say there's nothing bad that can happen, that there's no wrong way to do it. But that's not exactly true. A girl bit my lip once and made it bleed! 8^P But there's almost no way to screw it up. Even a lousy kiss is good.

No matter how many boys you've kissed, the first time you kiss a new boy it's a little uncertain. You don't know what to expect, you don't know what -he- expects. So you want to go for the generic kiss--not too hard or too soft, not too long or too short, not too wet or too dry. Don't try anything fancy with your tongue just yet. Relax and go a little limp (not totally limp, you'll fall down) Concentrate on just being close, feeling each other's warmth, the softness of each other's lips.

People think the first kiss is going to be the best, but it's not like that at all. The first kiss is always nervous and tentative. The second kiss is already better. And they get better from there on, as you learn what each other likes, as you learn ways to delight each other (that's what you want to do, right?)

In my dating career (now, thank God, long since over) I got to kiss a lot of girls. I guess some were better than others, but I never kissed a girl and then thought 'Wow, am I sorry I did that!' 8^)

You can't get pregnant from kissing, or get an STD, or lose your reputation. A lot of the time, when a boy sleeps with a girl he loses interest in her--because that's what he was after and he got it now and he's off to new conquests. But nobody is like that with kissing. If you kiss him, I'd bet a week's pay he'll want to kiss you again and again. So there aren't even negative consequences to worry about!