Why Is The Devil Stronger Than A Man

Is the Devil stronger than Archangel Michael?

There is a passage in the bible when Michael disputes with the devil about the body of Moses. Instead of using his auhtority he uses the name Jesus to put Him in his place. There is another scripture in Revelation that talks about the war in heaven where Michael will battle the dragon (Lucifer, Satan, Devil three of his most famous names) and win. As of know who do you think is stronger the formal Lucifer or Arcahngel Michael?

Is the Devil stronger than Archangel Michael?

There is a passage in the bible when Michael disputes with the devil about the body of Moses. Instead of using his auhtority he uses the name Jesus to put Him in his place. There is another scripture in Revelation that talks about the war in heaven where Michael will battle the dragon (Lucifer, Satan, Devil three of his most famous names) and win. As of know who do you think is stronger the formal Lucifer or Arcahngel Michael?

Do you think peoples belief in Satan and Evil is Stronger than our Belief in God and Good.?

Q: Do you think peoples belief in Satan and Evil is Stronger than our Belief in God and Good.?A: This question doesn’t make sense. The reason is very simple:Every religion believes in good!Even atheists, who don’t believe in gods at all and don’t have a religion, believes in good – just not that good comes from a god, but from outselves.Heck, even the Satanic Temple believe in good – specifically the good that you are inviolable!And not even the Satanic Temple believe in Satan. They just picked that name to troll Christians, which in their origin culture (the US) is the religion most likely to violate the inviolable.People who really worship Satan are ridiculously few in number, and people who worship evil are basically psychopaths.The few who actually believe in Satan and Evil are usually very very scared Christians who want something to blame for the state of the world. And from my point of view, the world would be a better place if they did something about it rather than succumb to their fear and their need to put blame somewhere.

Is it true that no one is stronger than satan, and is he real also demons?

I was reading articles and i saw that the Annabelle doll had or still has a demon inside of it, and one day it said that a man that entered the warrens museum in Connecticut was making fun of the doll and later that day he died in a motorcycle accident but his girlfriend survived. The only truth that could've done that would be S***n ..

Is satan stronger than some of God's angels?

The bible says that satan was a very powerful and beautiful angel, only second to Jesus in rank before his fall. After he was thrown from heaven, his powers were not taken from him, from what we see him able to do( through witches, magicians,satanists etc) IS he stronger than all, or some of God's angels as he was before his fall?

Satan's Power is stronger than God's?

Rock on !!!!
Satan dosen't use force to make you worship him satan asks no one to worship him... Do you hear satan saying worship me or go to hell??? And why did god kick satan out of heaven, becase satan wanted some power to decide things on his own thats why, thats like having a kid and telling them they are going to be under your rules forever they are going to rebel.
By the way, the flood=god
kicked out of eden for a simple mistake=god
plagues of egypt=god
threats of eternal fire and other miserable things=god

silence and bothering no one=satan

Also, why can't god kill satan, what did we do that we need to be tested for 6,000 years. Thats right we are being punished for the sins of people we never even met. That like saying sure son you can drive my car, but first you need to pass these 3 extreme driving test and if you fail you die. Come on... either uncondition love or nothing.

What a good question you get a star!

Are demons or angels stronger Biblically?

First, angels and demons are the same species. Demons are the angels that rebelled with the devil and were cast out of heaven. But possibly the question you are asking is about the strength of good and evil/God and Satan. If that is the case, there is no contest.God is the creator and Satan is a creature. This comparison must not fall into the error of the Zoroastrian. Zoroastrianism believes that there is an eternal battle between two equal but opposing forces, good and evil. And it seems that many Christians hold to this as well. But it is not the case at all. You may as well be comparing Bruce Lee and a newborn infant. But even that would not be a great enough contrast.When we are in the church, when we are partaking of the sacraments, confession, and loving God and neighbor, when we are steeped in a life of prayer, there is nothing that the demons can do to us. We have the prayers of other believers and the power of the Holy Spirit surrounding us.There is no fear for those who are in Jesus Christ.

Heaven: Who is the strongest angel?

Michael the archangel is the strongest of all angels. He is the foremost prince and is the chief of all holy angels. Below Michael there are other angelic princes, then there are the seraphs, then the cherubs and finaly the many messenger angels. The angel that became the Devil was a cherub, so he was not the strongest. There is no specific angel given the title of angel of death, though it is likely that the angel that put to death every firstborn of Egypt, killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night and who accompanied two other angels before they by God’s order destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, was the angel that later was sent to earth to be born as the child Jesus. His heavenly name is actually Michael and one of his titles is the Archangel. Any angel can put someone to death. They are mainly interested in preserving life instead of putting a person to death. They only put someone to death if it is absolutely necessary according to God. All holy angels have positive names and titles.“Michael the archangel had a difference (:disagreement) with the Devil (:leading slanderous wicked angel) and was disputing" Jude 9“I saw a great appearance…and I began hearing the sound of his words…he (a holy messenger angel) went on to say…the prince…of Persia (one of the highest ranking demonic angels) was standing in opposition to me for twenty-one days, and, look! Michael (:the one and only archangel; the highest ranking holy angel), one of the foremost princes (of all holy angelic princes), came to help me" Daniel 10:8, 9, 12, 13The following Scriptures are used only as examples of what will happen in a future event that has not taken place yet. It does show that Michael is stronger than the Devil.“during that time (of distress or the great tribulation) Michael will stand up (:take action)…the great prince” Daniel 12:1Some time after the great tribulation…“war (:a battle) broke out in heaven (high in the sky within heavenly or higher dimensional places within the atmosphere of earth) Michael (the original and heavenly name of Jesus) and his angels battled with the dragon (:the Devil), and the dragon and its angels (:demons) battled…So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent the one called Devil and Satan…he was hurled (:thrown) down to the (surface of the) earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.” Revelation 12:7, 9