Why Was There An Uprising In Hungary In 1956

The hungarian uprising in 1956?

i need to know who, what, when, where, why, and how?
who were the key players?
when did it happen ?
where did it happen?
what was it?
why did it happen?
how did it start?
like that and i need help and i know some are obvious i just listed them answer if you want it would help to check my answers.

What are the causes for the uprising in Hungary in 1956?

Seriously? I don't know?

That's not a legitimate answer. If you didn't know.
Then don't freaking answer.
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What is the significance of Imre Nagy (spelling?) in the Hungarian Uprising of 1956?

Imre Nagy was a Hungarian politician, appointed Prime Minister of Hungary on two occasions. Nagy's second term ended when his non-Soviet-backed government was brought down by Soviet invasion in the failed Hungarian Revolution of 1956, resulting in Nagy's execution on charges of treason two years later.

Why did the Hungarian uprising of 1956 fail?

Uprising started 23 October and went on until 10 November 1956

On 4 November, a large Soviet force invaded Budapest and other regions of the country. Hungarian resistance continued until 10 November. Over 2,500 Hungarians and 700 Soviet troops were killed in the conflict, and 200,000 Hungarians fled as refugees. Mass arrests and denunciations continued for months thereafter. By January 1957, the new Soviet-installed government had suppressed all public opposition.

I have given you a web site which has a lot of information on the uprising and will be able to help you any questions that you may have.

In 1956, an uprising in Hungary finally precipitated an invasion by Soviet forces when?

A) Hungarian Leader Imre Nagy announced that Hungary would leave the Warsaw Pact.
B) its leaders expanded their initial purely economic demands to include the establishment of a multiparty system.
C) the Hungarian army ignored orders from Moscow and refused to repress the rebellion.
D) Marshall Zhukov overthrew Communist premier Imre Nagy.

What are the details about the uprisings in poland (1952), hungary (1956) and czechoslovakia (1968)?

Poland (1956) not (1952)
In Poland, the people of Poznan were protesting food price hikes. There were riots, and the Communists made some concessions. Hungarians thought they could pull of something similar a few months later. This time, the Soviet army intervened. There was a bloodbath and any hope for democracy was gone when Imre Nagy was executed. Ditto Czechoslovakia in 1968.

What if the 1956 Hungarian Uprising had defeated the Soviet invasion?

Without massive outside help or USSR losing interest in it there’s no way it would happenIn 1956 the Soviet Army was the strongest army on the planet. So much so that the USA had to build a massive number of nuclear bombs in order to compensate the difference in powers between USSR and USA.A small country like Hungary had no snowball chance in hell in surviving the invasion by this colossus.