Wich Videogame Has The Best Nicest Biggest Most Accurate Representation Of New York City

How accurate is the shooting in a video game compared to real life?

Video games inspired me to by my first firearm. It is nothing like a video game and more like a sport. Both shooting and playing video games are highly addictive hobbies and either can get quite pricy.Shooting in video games is much easier than in real life. IRL it takes me 5 mins to load a magazine. IRL, every shot counts (and costs money). The sound of a gun in video games is NOTHING compared to the sound of a gun IRL. The first time I fired a rifle at a range, it blew my mind. When the person next to me shot their 9mm pistol, it felt like my eardrums would pop even with protective gear on. And when I heard my first shotgun IRL, it scared the you know what our of me.Holding a gun is very tiring until you build up those muscles. The slightest breath with throw your aim off by yards.Video games make you think lightly of firearms whenever in reality as a new firearm owner, that gun will intimidate you and take a long time to get used to. Firearms should always be treated with caution and respect. You can't hop on a rifle without experience and expect decent results whereas video games make it feel organic. Real firearms take a VERY long time to feel organic.Guns also misfire and jam IRL more then I'd ever expected from having been a lifetime gamer. This is a completely estimated number but I feel as if 5-8% of my rounds misfire at the range. Sometimes less right after cleaning and with high quality ammunition and magazines, but more then I ever expected.Holding a firearm at a range for the first time can be a life-changing experience, while picking up a controller is not (for the most part)Re-loading isn't as quick IRL unless you're a professional. Also most guns in video games are illegal outside of the military or elite law enforcement. If you live in my state, a scope is the fanciest mod you can add to a rifle without potentially breaking laws. Even AR-15s IRL are going to be single shot semi-auto rifles. Not automatic as video games always tend to portray them.That's what I've learned as a life long gamer turned recreational shooter as an adult. My inspiration to buy a gun, did come from video games so these are some things that I wished were explained to me ahead of time.

Wich videogame has the Best, nicest, biggest, most accurate representation of New York City?

I'm thinking mainly about games that allow some sort of free roaming/sandbox, but if you think that a non-free roaming game has an incredibly nice representation of new york feel free to mention it.

What are the top ten most realistic military video games out there now?

ARMA 3 + Apex - it’s a pretty complex warfare simulation (combined warfare, tanks, planes, helicopters, covert operations and more), created by Bohemia Interactive who gave us the original Operation Flashpoint back in 2001. It’s great fun to play really and graphics are very good.

How accurate is the video game "War Thunder" portrayal of tanks and aircrafts used during wartime?

Not that accurateFirst I’m gonna start off saying that in the realism department, the game does quite well. It’s not hyper-realistic, but it manages to capture the physics of tanks and aircraft better than most other games out there on the marketHowever the historical accuracy of the game is another matter. War Thunder is by no means an accurate representation of tank or aircraft battles in WW2. This is mostly due to gameplay purposes of courseI mean how fun would it be to spend hours driving in your Sherman before you spotted a targer? How fun would it be to get into a Tiger just to have it break down and having to wait months for repairs? How fun would it be to spend hours flying a plane defending bombers?Etc etc.You get the point. Tanks that are good in the game may not have been good irl, and tanks that are bad in the game may have been great irl. The whole system of warfare is fundamentally different

What words in your opinion would describe Tupac Shakur?


He wasn't a great rapper, lyrically, he was just very emotional and influential,
and possessed charisma unlike anything ever seen in the Rap Game.

If Obama had a rapper equivalent, it would be him.