Wnt Overexpression In Cancer

Sir, I want to know about cancer drugs?

Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer researcher came out with a paper saying that the best cancer and infection fighter as yet found was Interferon, but, at the time, it cost $15,000 a gram. The good part was that Interferon was a product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your system. Shortly after that paper came out the FDA tried to make Vit C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA says that the RDA for Vit C is 64 mg a day, just enough to prevent scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vit C and a second Nobel Prize for organic chemistry, said 1000 mg a day as a minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick. On a personal note, I was sick twice a year, for 2 weeks at a time, for 20 years, and was flat on my back for at least a week each time. To this day the doctors have no idea what the problem was. After I gave up on the doctors I tried Vit C. I took enough to keep from being sick and just below too much to get diarrhea. It followed a bell curve over 2 weeks with a peak at 40,000 mg a day – about 300,000 over the 2 weeks. I was not sick for those 2 weeks and after a couple of years of that I have not been sick since. I did not dissolve my kidneys, as some doctors said would happen. I did not get any calcium build up or stones and did not dissolve my cones or solidify my joints. Try it, but drink a lot of water – Vit C is a natural diuretic.

What happens next after cancer cells become resistant to immunotherapy?

This is an interesting thought and it is of a concern. Commonly immunotherapy are not used alone. Back when immunotherapy was first discovered, the treatment was very simple, usually involving one drug or 1 molecule for treatment. With increasing understand of cancer biology, immunotherapy now are used in combination with other adjuvant therapy to prevent resistance from happening or to increase the % of cancer cells that are being wiped out, hence reducing the chance of developing resistance.Resistance are more common to antibody and drugs, which are part of the immunotherapy regimen but when that happens, the antibody or drug are switched to tackle the new ‘type’ of cancer cells. This will allow the doctors to manage those resistance cancer cells.

Why does telomerase overexpression lead to cancer, mechanistically speaking?

When a cell divides, any errors in DNA replication are attempted to be corrected. If  errors can not be corrected, the cell is set on a pathway to death. This process maintains DNA fidelity of the organism.When a cell divides is also a tightly regulated process. If that regulation fails, for e.g. due to damaged genes that control that process, the cell can divided uncontrollably. Normally this is not a problem, since eventually the telomeres of the chromosomes at each generation of cells will shorten, leading eventually to irreparable DNA replication errors, and ultimately cell death. On the other hand, if for some reason, telomerase is also activated in the above cells, telomeres no longer shorten, and the damaged DNA which led to uncontrolled cell division continues to be replicated, leading to cancer.

Cancer screening??

I don't know about health insurance but there are various screening programs available.

I would suggest you go to your doctor with your family history. The important aspects you should detail are, the type of cancer, be as specific as you can, was it liver cancer? was it lung cancer? what type of lung cancer? etc

secondly its a good Idea to have the age at which these people died. Like you said cancer CAN strike at any time but is unlikely for someone of your age. Age is an important factor.

Examples of screening include
PSA test - for prostate cancer
Mammogram - for breast cancer
Colonoscopy - for colon cancer
Pap smear - Cervical cancer

Explain the similarities and differences between phagocytosis/pinocytosis/receptor mediated endocytosis?

There are all ways of cell intake of material from the extracellular environment. In that way, they are similar.
How are they different?
Phago- In this type of intake large solid bodies (e.g. a bacterial cell) is engulfed by another cell (e.g. macrohpage) making a phagosome. This phagosome is then delivered to the breakdown factory (most likely a lysosome)
Pino- is the intake of fluid from outside environment which can include anything... Ions, viruses, proteins.... Pinocytosis is like putting your hand in a mix of candy jar and picking whatever comes into your hand.
Receptor-Mediate Endo- is the intake of material that is specifically needed. And the way it occurs is by having the specific receptors for those molecules on the surface which will bind to the molecule and get absorbed. you can think of this as a specific-pinocytosis.

Why does telomerase cause cancer?

It doesn't cause cancer, it allows unlimited replication, without which the cells would stop replicating (dividing) at some point because of "old age" (short telomere length).Also, not that TERT (telomerase) is not the only alteration that can maintain telomere length. Alternative mechanisms, using DNA repair, can lengthen telomeres by doing some sort of "cut-and-paste" from healthy chromosomes to aging ones. It's a bit complicated, but in the end cancer cells simply need long telomeres, otherwise they die.

Do Ayurvedic treatments prolong life for cancer patients?

How Ayurveda Sees CancerIn Ayurveda, any imbalance in the body system is caused by the overexpression or under expression of one or more of the Doshas. Hence, all disease begins with them. Dosha imbalance can lead to dis-ease according to the following basic stages:Accumulation − where one or more of the Doshas has increasedAggravation − as levels increase for one Dosha, this causes the remaining Doshas to become imbalancedOverflow − the accumulated Dosha spreads into the body carrying Aama, or toxic waste productsLocalization − the Dosha settles at a weak site in the bodyManifestation − i.e. symptomsDisease − this would be the point where a conventional doctor would make a diagnosis of dis-ease, such as a particular kind of cancerOne major indication of health and vitality, according to Ayurveda, is the ability of the body to adapt to changing environments and external stimuli. When the body is not able to adapt, this disrupts communication between body functions. The process of communication disruption can also be aggravated by Aama.Aama is the accumulation of toxins in the form of non-digested matter in the circulatory system which eventually becomes deposited in tissues and cells.According to information from the European Institute of Vedic Studies (EIVS), the concept of balanced Doshas can be equated to the modern concept of homeostasis. In Ayurveda, Dosha balance means that all body systems, functions, and communications both within the body and between the body and the external environment are operating smoothly. Ayurveda acknowledges that cancer cells are always present in the body, but when the body is in a state of Dosha balance (or homeostasis), this is not a problem.“According to Ayurveda, unbalanced physiology (Doshas) leads to faulty inherent intelligence leading to malfunctioning of genes and gene behavior leading to diseases like cancer,” says Dr. Virender Sodhi (MD, ND) of the Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Washington State.“We all make cancer cells every day but our immune system is very sharp and not only recognizes the bad faulty cells but also sends its own army to destroy it. That is why the balance of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health is a very important part of healing.”

Why do capillaries grow in cancerous tumors?

Capillaries or new blood vessels for in cancerous tumours particularly of the brain because of a combination of cells (astrocytes, glial cells, etc) these cells and proteins usually have role of repairing and maintaining blood vessels within the brain and the spine.Usually these cells under normal conditions would cease to work once the targeted cell repair is complete and they go back to hibernation untill further signal. But when they turn cancerous (malignant) the mechanism that stops these cells from uncontrolled growth breaks (as is known from overexpression of the P53 gene in medical analysis) they start forming blood vessels, pathways in a never ending cycle as these are mutated cells and cannot be controlled by the surrounding cells or the immune system.To simplify things think of it like these:Our brain is like a car where there is a accelerator for increasing cell growth and brakes for stopping new blood vessels/cell formation.When normal cells mutate into cancer cells, the braking mechanism in the cells stops working and tissue forming cells go into overdrive leading to formation of new alien structures withing the brain. Hope this analogy helped.

What is the density and viscosity of cancer cells and normal cells?

Normal cells divide in an orderly way to produce more cells only when the body needs them, whereas cancer cells continue to be created without control or order. If the cells are not needed for growth or replacement then a mass of tissue is formed, which is called a tumor. Two types of tumors are there, benign and malignant. Benign tumors are not cancerous but malignant tumors are cancerous.Cancer cells are those cells which are normal cells but damaged. These damaged cells could grow immensely to damage other cells as well. Cancer cells differ from normal cells in different ways such as the growth will not be alike the normal cells (will less or more). The cancer cells tend to multiply incorrectly, cancer cells tend to spread to a wide area. It won’t have the immunity power of normal cells.Normal cells while similar to cancer cells, the amount of them are more in balance to produce a more normal level of activity. These are useful cells that have a built-in blood vessel system and produce immunity and empower human body.The cancer can be classified into three different grades.Grade 1 is when cancer cells look alike like normal cells. In other words these are a slow growing cell which doesn’t show much symptoms of a cancer infection. A cancer infection if identified in this stage can be cured. This is also termed as early stage.Grade2 is when cancer cells starts to appear different from normal cells. These are fast growing cells and are in the growing stage. If proper treatment is given at this stage, the disease can be cured. A cancer if unidentified in grade 2 could be termed as a stage where hope of curing is less or rare. A complete cure if guaranteed is only during the initial stages.Grade3 is when cancer cells are found to be immensely growing and is in the final stages of growth. This is when, the patient feels the pain in the parts of the body where cancer cell are grown. The pain will be severe and uncontrollable.