Would You Expect Poly-alanine To Be Soluble In Water

Which of the following would you expect to dissolve in water?

A, Octane doesn't dissolve.

B, Pentane doesn't dissolve.

C, Sodium Chloride does dissolve.

D, Lithium Carbonate doesn't dissolve, it just reacts.

So, C is the answer.

Why is hexane not soluble in water?

Water, H2O, is a polar molecule. The O is partially negative while the hydrogens are partially positive. Hexane has an fairly equal charge distribution, meaning it is nob-polar. Nothing about the water and hexane molecules attract each othet. Therefore hexane is not soluble in water. Remember, like dissosves like.

Which of the following substances would you expect to be most soluble in water?

Since water is a polar solvent, polar substances will be more soluble.

For example, take CH4. It has no polar bonds, because the electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen is too small. Therefore, it will be insoluble in water. CH3CH3 is even more insoluble in water, because it has even more non-polar C-H bonds. CH3OCH3 contains an oxygen atom between two carbon atoms. This has a larger electronegativity difference (between the C and O), but not enough to make it very polar. Also notice that since the O atom is surrounded on opposite sides by two C atoms, there is no net dipole moment, making it somewhat soluble, but mostly insoluble. Finally, CH3OH is an asymmetrical molecule with an O-H bond, which is highly polar (high electronegativity difference), therefore, CH3OH is the most soluble.

We would expect CH3OH to be the most soluble.

Which of the following would you expect to dissolve in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)?


What we have

1. In the given list both C5H12[ pentane ] and C8H18 [ octane ] are non polar hydrocarbon molecules

2. CCl4 is a non polar solvent

Since like dissolves like, both C5H12[ pentane ] and C8H18 [ octane ] should be soluble in CCl4


How do you find the rough (approximate) molecular weight of a polypeptide?

As the intention of your question is to understand the removal of water molecule when the peptide bond is formed,  and the exact MW is not necessary in your case, we can take the average molecular weight of an aminoacid to be 110D and I consider your peptide as linear without any special or unnatural amino acids.Remember: 1 molecule of water (H2O) will be liberated when forming a Peptide Bond. (R-COOH+NH2-R ==> R-CONH-R + H2O)i.e. the ~MW of a Peptide with 10AA will be 10x110-(9x18)= 938DThis can differ much depends on the exact MW of the AA in your sequence.But I hope this will serve your  purpose.

How many polypeptides can be made from n number of amino acids?

This is simple statistics.

For a polypeptide of length n, and assuming it's made from the 20 basic amino acids, the possible permutations of different polypeptides would be 20 ^ n.