14 Year Old Wanting To Lose 20 Lbs

What are some ways for a 15 year old to lose weight?

Hello,The absolutely best and easiest way to shred pounds without working out is doing the following 3 steps and staying consistent:1) Delay your breakefast to late afternoon. This will engage you in something called Intermittent Fasting (IF) and is absolutely the best way to lower insulin and increase Human Growth Hormone. The first few days mght be a bit hard but after you'll get used to this and make it a lifestyile, you will be so thankful and it will be so easy. To blunt your morning apetite, drink a bit black coffee or tea. So fast for about 16-20 hours per day and only eat within the 4-8 hour window.2) Avoid all starches, sugars and processed foods, try to eat natural whole foods. Minimize carbon hydrates and only eat them in the form of vegetables and, occasionally, fruits. Carbonhydrates affect your insuline quite a lot, especially fiberless sugars. Insuline is a fat storing hormone and you can not oxidize fat in elevated insulin levels.3) Increase the consumption of healthy fats, such as coconut oil, grassfed butter, cheese, whip cream, avocados, eggs and olive oil etc. Contrary to popular belief, fat does not make you fat because it has a non-existin impact on the insuline. It's great for giving you a satiety feeling during the fast and you will feel much better.If you have the time, go out for 1 hour walks every day and if you have a boyfriend, engage in regular coitus, in order to easier set yourself in a calorie deficit. Do this for 16 weeks and if you don't see results, come and kill me for bullshitting you (I'll give you my address I promise). But, don't stray from this 3-step plan, you have to form it into a habit, a lifestyle. Often, the hard part is not that people don't know what to do, it is the part of actually doing it. The pshycological part is usally what gets the majority. Eating more fat will make this much easier! The key word is consistency.Good luck!

Is it bad that I, being a 14-year-old girl at 5ft and 93 lbs, want to lose weight? If so, can it be considered anorexia?

I’m not an expert in teenage girls and anorexia, but I do have a 14 year old son and we train together (gym, running, hiking, skiing, etc).The teenage body is changing quite a lot during this age, but for almost anyone that I, as a personal trainer, am helping, I usually recommend that losing bodyfat is often best accomplished by getting *good* at something else. Instead of focusing on restricting foods and calories in your life, focus on getting stronger (gym, bodyweight exercises, etc) or being able to run a good distance at a good pace.If you set a goal and start to make progress towards it, there are a lot of benefits you’ll start to feel in your day-to-day life. You’ll probably have fun and come to really enjoy whatever it is you’re engaged in. There are a lot of benefits — and positive changes — that come more easily when you’re focused on progress and fun.

How can a 14 year old girl lose weight?

I’m almost 15, 165cm and weigh 49kg
I have a bit of fat in my thighs and stomach. I’m trying to get visible abs and skinner thighs. I’ve struggled with eating disorders before and I want to keep the weight off in a healthy way rather than starve myself. How much should I eat a day? Foods I should avoid? How much excersise should I do per day?

Im 210 lbs and 5 feet 11 inches tall at 14 and I want to lose 50-60 lbs, will I have a lot of loose skin?

I will assume that you're a guy.If you're 5′11″ and 14 years old, you have alot of advantages going for you.#1. You probably will grow to be over 6′2″.#2. If you get to be that height, you will NOT want to weigh 150-160#… you will want to be around 200-210#.#3. If you want to get strong, you have all of the advantages now. Just start working out, starting out light and piling on the weight as tou learn the “Big 6” exercises (Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Bentover Row, and Pulldowns/Pullups).My recommendation - get active in a sport, work to gain some serious strength, and don't worry about losing weight until you'reat least 20.Somehow, I think you won't mind how you turn out.

How can a 14 year old lose 20 pounds fast?

Honey, you don't need to lose weight. You could even gain a few pounds and still be healthy. Even if you don't want to be a lineman, losing 20 pounds is NOT the right thing to do.

Tone up and get that endurance going to prove that you are just too small and quick to be a lineman.

I’m a 17 year old girl. I’m currently 5’4 and weighs 180+ lbs. I want to lose at most 20+ lbs in a month. How can I fast without dieting?

“how can I fast without dieting”…. You're using those words, I don't think they mean what you think they mean.A fast is a period without food. You can fast for as long as you want, whether that's healthy is an entirely different conversation. (I have fasted myself and believe it can be healthy, but if you just stop eating for as long as you possibly can, that, I think isn't the best for anyone.)A diet, well do you mean a short term “help me look/feel a certain way, and then I go back to eating whatever I want, whenever I want?”If so, skip it. Those don't work.If diet you mean your current way of eating in general, well, if you fast than you'll no longer be eating for a while. So your diet will only be water. Once you end your fast, if you go back to “whatever,whenever” well, you'll just gain the weight right back.Lifestyle wise, if you want to mix regular fasting with a healthy diet, (such as the One Meal A Day way of fasting) well, it will require a lifestyle change. You have to be in it for the long haul. Make a permanent change to how you live your life and strive to eat healthier whenever you do eat.Warning though. Do not push yourself to loose weight too quickly. That can have negative side affects as well. A gradual change is better in the long run.