18 And Planning On Moving Out. Any Tips Or Advice

What is some advice for an 18-year-old moving out with only a high school diploma?

Your goal is to find work where you can add value and enjoy the work. That's the magic formula...and you can start with any job...learn from it...give your employer good value...and if you don't find opportunities to advance and learn more, then move on to other places. This is an exciting time for you, Millicent, as you will quickly (withing a couple of years) hone in on where you add value and where you enjoy the work. After that, with two years of accomplishments and growth in your resume, you can decide if you want to take an online degree program. Good luck!

What are the things a 17-year-old planning on moving out at 18 should do?

I moved out at 17. I just had to - things were too intense at home.It’s not like, I “ran away”, but it was just for the best. I graduated early from HS - they said I would be allowed early graduation if I went straight to college, which I did. Yes, I went to Comm. College and never regretted it.Looking back, I would say this was my my plan;Have a good job - I worked for a photographer, graphic design studio. It paid the bills. You have to be ready to take responsibility and be punctual about taking care of stuff - like electricity, water, rent, internet, etc.Go to school and stay in. Any way possible… otherwise, you can find yourself in your mid 20’s moving back to your parents house… stuck.This is not the time for relationships. You are building your future. Study, get good grades, be a good citizen, be a good employee.I don’t think it’s possible to stockpile lots of money at this age - at least for me that wasn’t an option… I just had to work my ass off. If possible, get a job that develops “future” skills… This could be art, programming, design assistant, marketing intern, etc. If you really hit the jackpot, they will offer tuition assistance…Get a dependable roommate - this is actually the hardest of all, and one of the most important things - I’ve had roommates just leaving and sticking me with the rent, running off with checks, not paying, and just general havoc. Be picky.CA prices are outrageous - but not everywhere. example; San Joaquin Valley has $600 apartments, a Comm. College and is near a UC school (UC Merced) - you might be able to make that work. There are other places that could be goos starting places too. Moving out of state and booting up your life is a big deal… You’re just getting started.. It might be a little harder than you think, so staying in-State might be a better option.Hope this helps… Good luck.EDITIt just occurred to me… My first “out of my parents house” apartment was actually a room in the house of an old lady as a live-in caretaker … You might want to explore other living arrangements like this instead of apartments.

What is some good advice for moving out at 18?

Thanks for the A2A.I’ll echo what the other answers say, you need a job and a plan. If you’re not going to college, you should be thinking about some kind of training school, be it beauty school, auto mechanic, HVAC, dental hygienist, etc. A job that you get with just a high school diploma (assuming you have one right when you turn 18 - most American kids turn 18 during their senior year of high school).If you are looking to move out due to a poor relationship with your parents, the other thing I would tell you that you need in order to move out is a trusted adult that you can turn to for advice on life. I’m 42 years old and still occasionally call my dad for advice on household things like how to fix something or how to prepare a certain meal (my dad is a really good cook).In general, though, I don’t advise moving out the moment you turn 18 unless you are just in a toxic environment. If that is the case, then get out, but please, have a plan. Understand what rent and utilities cost, make sure you can cover your expenses. Stay away from credit cards unless you are going to be good about managing your debt.If you’re not college-bound, then seriously consider trade school. You can build a solid career with minimal monetary investment. Whatever you do, don’t drop out of high school and try to move out.Good luck.

17 and Planning To Move Out At 18 - Any tips and suggestions?

Moving out is significantly more costly than most teens realize.

In order to move out, ideally, you will need a minimum savings of 6 to 8 months' living expenses and a job that covers 120% of your estimated monthly living expenses. Your rent should not exceed 30% of your gross income. Most financial planners advise limiting rent to 25% of your income. That 8 month requirement gives you a decent cushion for unexpected expenses. Try not to touch except for emergencies.

You will need to buy something that gets you to/from work (car, bicycle, walking shoes, bus pass), a bed or futon, work clothes, clothes dresser, kitchenware and table ware, cleaning supplies, grooming supplies, a vacuum, a refrigerator (your apartment might have one), a checking account, and anything else that helps get you through the day.

You might also want a sofa, chairs, a dining table, cocktail table, lighting, a television and TV stand, and other furniture.

Good luck to you!

I'm moving with my boyfriend at 18. Need advice?

i'm currently 17, but im turning 18 in March. I'm moving out either in June or in March. My boyfriend is 20 and already has his own house. I really wanna move in an apartment, while going to college instead of a dorm. But with my lack of money that probably wont happen. He told me that he would move out of his apartment and move in with me to help me pay my bills. It sounds good to me, but alot of people keeps ttellingme that its to early to move in together. Some ask why i just ddon'tlive at home, and i told them because i hate my mothers rules, i wanna be independent. I need some advice. Is 18 to early to mmove-out And is 18 to early to move with my boyfriend?

Moving out when Im 18 to live with my boyfriend, any advice?

Unless you have a bad home life or can't stand living where you are living right now, don't do it. I am 18 right now. Don't ever rely on his money because you never know where the relationship will head. It's advisable to finish high school before making a big step like that. Do you know where you will be next year and what you will be doing? Do you have a reliable source of income? Can you be assured of a job where you are going to live? Your local library should have some great books.

here is a good website as well. I really advise you to look ahead even just one or two years before making a huge step like this when your not even out of high school yet.

Tips for moving out on 18th birthday?

I'll be 18 in a couple of years, and plan on moving out immediately. I can't handle the stress my mom puts on me anymore. Any tips or pointers, or savings tips you have?

What are some tips for moving to Alaska, for an 18 year old? (I’m 16)

My advice, unless you have to, and are moving with your family, I would wait until I was educated, for many reasons, not the least that AK is undergoing a downturn right now.Areas of education that will get you employed here (or almost anywhere for that matter) include medical training including nursing, and technical IT training. Many IT people with a two-year hands on tech degree make more than those with a four-year-degree.

Moving out at 18. Tips? suggestions? Previous experience? anything will help.?

I turn 18 in 5 months and I plan to move out. I have a job and saving up money for a car and insurance. I want to become completely independent from my mom. My dad isnt in the picture I havent seen him for many years. My mom is driving my up the wall and being insanly controlling and manipulating. I want to move out now but legally and financially cant. When I turn 18 i SHOULD be able to financilly. I have a job now and my plan is to save as much $ as possible, move in with friends to a cheap apartment, buy a motorcycle (cheaper and more mpg) and insurance and pay for my own cell phone and own everything. Any tips on how I should do this? Advice?u

Is there any advice on how I can, as an 18-year-old, be able to move to Japan?

Japan is probably one of the most closed societies in the world… so my advice is do not go there… especially if you do not already have an intimate connection there… Unless you can be invited by a master of tea ceremony, or gardening or a great chef or potter, you will only be frustrated by being a stranger in a strange land.