1944 July Bomb Plot. Help Needed

1944 July bomb plot. Help needed!?

The plotters were neither desperate,courageous,nor honourable.

All of them had taken a personal oath of allegiance to Hitler - an oath they brole when they tried to assassinate them

The vast majority of the German people and the rank and file of the German army were horrified by the assassination attempt.You need to look for German sources (as the plotters were German0 to get a balanced view,not views of foreigners from countries who were on the winning side in the war.

Essentially,the plotters were almost all members of the senior officer corps of the German army,and almost all Junkers - members of the German aristocracy (including von Stauffenberg). Many of them owned estates in East Prussia,and just as several million heavily armed Russians appeared on the borders of East Prussia,the German Army High Command suddenly acquired a conscience and decided that Hitler had to be assassinated and the Nazi regime overthrown...

Funny how that worked out...

What if the July 1944 bomb plot succeeded?

Difficult question. With Hitler dead and Nazis purged in favour of the military, for sure an attempt would be made for a separate peace with the Western Allies. I do not think Churchill and Roosevelt would have been receptive. The Germans might have effectively ceased resisting in the West and transferred nearly everything to the East…no Ardennes offensive, maybe Market Garden succeeds. It would not have stopped Operation Bagration though or even significantly slowed the Soviets. It might have changed postwar Europe significantly, less territory in Soviet hands.But…killing Hitler might not have been enough to assume power. The Nazi party was deeply imbedded in the military. How would the Waffen SS units react? We just don’t know…

What would have happened if the July Bomb Plot had succeeded and Germany had surrendered in 1944 rather than fighting to the end? How would the postwar arrangements have been decided, and what would’ve been the results?

Far fewer casualties, all around.  Most American and British casualties in the European Theater were inflicted after D-Day.  And most German casualties were inflicted in that last year of the war with a vengeful Red Army pressing in on the Reich.  Most Russian casualties had already been inflicted, but they still lost a lot of people in 1944-1945.  Also, the Holocaust was still going at full speed in 1944, so a lot of people in the extermination and concentration camps would also have been spared.There would have been no negotiated and separate peace with the Western Allies.  The idea that the US and Britain might have allied themselves with the Germans to fight the Soviets in 1944 is a ludicrous and ridiculous fantasy that desperate Nazis clung to late in the war, and neo nazis delude themselves about today.  Fact of the matter is that the western allies loathed Germany and Germans by that point.  Too much blood spilled and too many atrocities committed to just shake hands and forgive and forget.  It was war, in real life with many real people dead and really powerful emotions aroused, not a soccer match.  They were in no mood to listen to German generals try and explain that it was the Nazis who were to blame and not them.  Even if the US and British governments had been inclined to strike such a deal, and there is zero historical evidence or hint of that, the public in those countries would not have gone along with such a betrayal.Besides, the US and Britain had already declared a policy of "unconditional surrender" at the Casablanca Conference in 1943.Only difference would have been the details of the final map of Europe and the victors' respective zones in a conquered Germany.  But even those had already, even before Yalta, been agreed to in broad principle.  The Soviets would have still ended up with Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and parts of Germany and Austria.

Nazi Germany (July Bomb Plot) History coursework help?

Hey there! :) Thanks for clicking this question. I know it's not good to open up a question asking people for help about school work but I've searched around and am really stuck. If you can only answer one of these questions it'd help a lot. (By the way these aren't direct questions, these are questions I need the answers to in order to change my coursework) :)

"Coursework Question - the July Bomb plot failed because of Popular Support for Hitler"

1. 5,000 people supported the July Bomb plot but how many were actually involved?
2. In my coursework I have used the 1933 elections as a source but I haven't written enough, what can I say about the reliability of the results? Do they show the full picture?
3. Were the SOPADE reliable?

If you can answer any of these questions I will be hugely thankful!

Did the members of the 20 July 1944 plot to kill Hitler plan to unconditionally surrender if the plot succeeded?

Technically, yes. In reality, the plotters probably thought it was a bluff, or that somehow the Allies would reconsider after being held up in Normandy. The German generals involved may not have been hardcore Nazi Party followers, but they still were tempted by the power given to them by the Nazi ascendancy and definitely saw things in a pre-WW2 mindset of the "West" facing off against the Bolsheviks. If all went according to plan, the Western front would see a ceasefire after some concessions and all German resources could be focused on the Eastern front.

A question about July 20 plot against Hitler?

If the plot had succeeded in killing hitler the war would have been cut short.This is the general notion of the plotter's.There are also some other means of killing Hitler.For example the German resistance would have informed the allies about the conference in wolf's lair and a bombing raid similar to 3000 bomber raid on ball bearing factory would have completely destroyed wolf's lair and it's surroundings.Did the German resistance had contact with allied spies?even the chief of gestapo had contact with red orchestra(Stalin's spy network in Germany)
There are some flaws in the whole plot,whats your opinion about the flaws in the July 20 plot?

What would had been the most likely result if the july 20 Stauffenberg had been successful in killing hitler?

The plotters would have probably re-grouped the German forces - shot a bunch of Nazis - and I think they would have worked for some negotiated settlement to the Second War. The problem is that the Russians were coming fast - and they weren't talking to anybody.

So it could be that it would have made no difference at all - just got rid of poor stupid Hitler and his Mussolini buddy a little sooner.

A big question is what would have happened to the murder of the Jews??? Would this have been brought to an immediate stop.... or would they have just gone on murdering these people?