20 Years Old And Still No Girls

20 year old girl OR 20 year old woman?

u r still a girl, when u r married call yourself a women....

GIRLS: 20 year old guy....still a virgin.?

I think you should wait stop worrying about it so much. Being a virgin or not being is not the most important thing in the world. You are 20 years old try to enjoy your life and when a girl the right girl comes this will happen people don't plan these things. A lot of girls find this attractive at least they know they will be the first, Do you know how many girls pray and wish to find a guy who hasn't had the "experience" with half the girl population as most guys? Don't worry in life there are more things then being or not being a virgin and whoever tells you otherwise is wrong. You should be proud of this.

20 year old male and still shy around girls what do i do?

I'm a 20 year old male, who has kissed a girl, but it meant nothing, cause she wanted nothing to do with me afterwards. Anyways I am still finding myself to be very shy around girls, I have a couple of girls phone numbers from college for in case i need help with like homework, very attractive girls i might add, but I have never called and talked to them because I'm afraid I'm just gonna make a fool of myself, specially because I don't need help with homework. I just recently found out one of them got a boyfriend. I am not sure about the other one, but I am still nervous as hell to call her and talk to her. So I wanted to know guys how do I overcome this shyness? I sometimes feel like I'm the only 20 year old male on the planet who should still be shy. Oh and also do you think it would be ok if I were to call this girl up even though I don't need any help with homework?

Is it legal for a 20 year old girl to date a 14 year old guy..?

It is legal. And just so you people know. A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to a PRE-PUBERTY child. Just because someone likes younger than him/her does not make that person a pedophile. To apply that term so loosely dilutes its seriousness. There are real pedophiles out there and they are not interested in any 14 year olds, they like 6 year olds, little kids and sick stuff like that. Educate yourself before you start pointing any fingers.