Did Germans killed Jews during the Holocaust too or just the Nazis

Were wealthy German Jews also killed during the Holocaust, and if so, why do people still think money equals power?

The Nazis stole the wealth of all their Jewish-German victims, from the property of wealthy industrialists, financiers, and merchants, literally to the gold teeth and hair of the poor.

Jewish Germans were disenfranchised by the Nuremberg Laws. Once you strip people of even their most basic civil rights their wealth is meaningless, because of course the state now has the authority to simply take it. Which the Nazis did.

Some wealthy Jews across Europe tried to move assets to Switzerland to protect their wealth. Swiss bankers will tell you that is the origins of the infamous numbered accounts. However, the “protection” was chimerical. The Swiss may have had their wealth, but the Nazis had them. After the war, when survivors of the Holocaust attempted to retrieve the wealth of their murdered parents and other family members from the Swiss, the Swiss demanded death certificates before they would release the funds to the heirs. Of course, Auschwitz didn’t issue death certificates.

So in effect, the Swiss robbed these families, compounding the injustice. This was a problem until the mid 1990s, when public revelations of these practices finally embarrassed even the Swiss National Bank to intervene.

Which Nazi killed the most people during the Holocaust?

Many of them; to the point where it’s hard or nearly impossible to select any one in particular, IMO. Very many of them either had a direct hand (such as the Einsatzgruppen killers; shooters over open pits, etc) or else contributed directly to creating and maintaining the ‘environments’, so to speak, in which the genocidal events occurred. Men such as Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz (may or may not have individually personally killed anyone but clearly knew the camp’s ultimate purpose or usage, and helped fit it out for such purpose and so forth). Eichmann, one of the so-called ‘architects’ of the final solution. Himmler and Heydrich, just to name a few.

On a more direct level, aside from the mass shooters as mentioned above, I think certainly men such as these bear mentioning, if they have not already been mentioned:

Josef Klehr - Wikipedia — head of the SS “disinfection commando” at Auschwitz; this was the unit or squadron directly responsible for handling and administering the poison gas Zyklon B into the death showers and chambers at the camp.

Hans Koch (SS man) - Wikipedia — also a member of the same special command.

Adolf Theuer - Wikipedia

There were certainly many others just like these three as well, who performed the same deadly function day-in and day-out.

Why did Nazi Germany kill kids in the Holocaust?

TL;DR: The Nazis were evil people who hated non-Aryans with a passion. The operators of the concentration camps were not above slaughtering children to achieve their ‘master race’.

Because the Nazis were on a mission to eliminate any non-Aryan in Europe. They had absolutely no care for anybody that was not an Aryan, which is defined in the sense of Nazism as a native German with desirable genetics such as the saying ‘blonde-hair-blue-eyes’. The term ‘blonde-hair-blue-eyes’ was used because native people of Germany as well as people from neighboring Austria and nearby Sweden. Hitler held a high respect for people of these nations because of their prosperity and ‘genetic superiority’.

The highest ranking Nazis (consisting of such nice people as Hitler, Goebbels, Göring and probably Mengele) orchestrated a complex and massive systematic mass murder of any European untermensch they could get their hands on. Many of the soldiers and doctors that were chosen to guard the camps, carry out experiments and operate gas chambers were specifically selected because they had a lack of empathy and were classified as sociopaths. Of course, many doctors were forced to experiment on untermensch and carry out gassings against their will, but they would never leave the camps until after the war. The plans for the doctors in the eyes of the Nazis were that they would never leave the camps until they died or all of the untermensch were exterminated.

Saying that most of the guards had a lack of empathy and/or severe cases of sociopathy and psychopathy, it isn’t surprising that the Nazis would murder children during the Holocaust. Children grow up and have more children, and eventually that leads to a repopulation of the ‘untermensch scum’. That also means more resistance against the Third Reich in the future. Eliminating the children when they are weak and immature eliminates future problems. While it is a horrible thing that children were mercilessly slaughtered as if they were adults during this purge, the Nazis were taking zero chances. If they felt that something was a threat to the Reich, they mobilized and squashed it like a bug. And they weren’t bad at it, saying that they already did so with Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Greece and Hungary, not to mention that they got away with the Holocaust for over four years.

Did Germans killed Jews during the Holocaust too? or just the Nazis?

They contributed but maybe did not kill them themselves. Outing them to the Gestapo, helping with boycotting, supporting Hitler...etc all were indirect factors that killed the Jews. The Nazi's were the one who physically killed the Jews however. Not all Germans agreed but had to support the Nazi's because they were so powerful and so many others supported them. The ones who tried to oppose were most likely killed.

Were any Asians killed in the Holocaust by the Nazis?

Actually yes. The Chinatown in Hamburg, for example, was raided by secret police and a few hundred of Chinese there were thrown into labor camps and died. The post-war German (BRD) government, however, does not officially recognize this as part of the Holocaust.

The Japanese were fine as they were from an ally of Nazi Germany. Certain other Asians, although I am not completely sure of, could have very well survived and enjoyed considerably good treatment as long as they declared to align with Japan or Japanese-backed governments in Asia.

There were other exceptions as well. For example, Ji Xianlin (a famous Chinese humanities scholar), who was studying and teaching in Göttingen, according to some sources, refused to go to the embassy set up by the puppet Republic of China (post-1940 Nanjing government) regime in Germany and do the paperwork, but he was not disturbed and lived a generally okay life during the war.

Also, do Central and East Asians from the USSR captured during the war count? If yes then there were a lot of them killed during the Holocaust.


May 1944 Gestapo raid in Hamburg’s Chinatown- The forgotten victims

Chinese people in Germany - Weimar and Nazi periods

Why did germans kill Jews?

Hitler was no anti semite. He even migrated to Germany with 2 jews from Austria. It was only later after the Bierhallenputsch, the failed NS uprising in Munich and durung his captivity that he copied large parts in “Mein Kampf” directly from Henry Fords anti-semitic bible. It was also Ford who mainly financed the NSDAP. Contrary to what paid historians make you think today this party did not evolve from votes but from Fords money. There is more than enough prove. Go analyze it. At a time when the NSDAP was already crossing the countryside in black sleek motorcars, more than 1 million “Nazi Germans” died from hunger and were buried in paper bags becausee there were not enough coffins (Versailles!).

So to answer your question: Germans killed jews finally only because it was convenient for the British and American to have them do it. To politically understand the matter you would have to study British and American politics from late 19th to mid 20th century. Machines had to be sold, my friend. The jews were not pretty much more than a most fitting scapegoat as they still lived scattered over all Europe. You would also have to look into the American financing of Bolshevism, and the British manipulation of the post-tsarist white arostiocratic movement happening at the same time.

Or, in the end, you might just wanna read common paid historians and be utterly lied to :-).

Did most Germans know about the Holocaust?

Let’s conduct a Gedankenexperiment.

Think about your country and imagine a government run program that is not top secret, but not widely advertised and that a number of government employees are involved in. Not a huge number, not a tiny number, just enough so that within a decade, you’ll likely meet somebody who either is involved or knows somebody who is involved.

If you are American, take for example the witness protection program. My guess is you will have heard about it, you might or might not agree with giving hard-core criminals turning state’s evidence a chance for a new life (I know that this is not the typical set-up of the WPP, bear with me for the sake of the argument) but you would have heard about it. You might even have heard some politician arguing for more (or less) funds for that program. What percentage of the US population do you think has heard about the WPP? How many will actively remember having heard about it, how many only when prompted?

Whatever the numbers are - now imagine that about 1% of your population vanishes into the WPP. Not just criminals, but ‘the nice doctor from next door’ , your grocery store attendant, your accountant. One or two of your colleagues. How many people would notice now? And there is the rumor - just a rumor, mind you - that the WPP is a sham. People are not taken into protection but simply killed. All of them. And their family. In the most gruesome way possible. How quickly do you think would that rumor spread? What will happen to the numbers above? They’ll probably skyrocket.

But now ask yourself - How many people will truly know (i.e. having seen the evidence or participated in the killings), how many people will be reasonably certain, how many will suspect something is really, really, really wrong and how many people will claim that there is “nothing to see here - keep on moving.”

I’m certain the first number would still be relatively small. The second one will be much larger - 50% or more and the third one will approach 100%.

And the last number will be also around 50% - for whatever reason, fear, “not-my-business”, nastyness, pure evil, a large number of people will claim that they know nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing.

So did most Germans know about the Holocaust? Almost certainly. Did they admit it to themselves - many, many did not. Neither during the war, nor after.

During WWII/Holocaust did the Jews know that they were going to death camps and concentration camps?

The ever-efficient Germans told the Jews that they were going to work camps. They told Jews, here are showers, because we Germans are a clean people. Then instead of water there was Zyklon B.

In fact, many did go to work camps. They were not killed on arrival, rather they were worked to death by hard labor and minimal food.

(Arbeit Macht Frei Metal Print by Daniel Hagerman)

The sign at the end of the railroad tracks to Auschwitz said “Work will make you free.” And if a person lived long enough to see the liberating armies… maybe they lived. Maybe they died when the fleeing Germans killed as many prisoner-witnesses as possible. Maybe they died when liberating soldiers gave them normal food... and their stomachs burst from the unaccustomed bulk of real food.

What was the Nazi Holocaust?

The Nazi Holocaust was the outcome of the antisemitism that had been growing in Europe and spreading to the New World for centuries. Originally it was religious intolerance but in the 19th century it began to morph into a racial intolerance with the new idea that Jews were a different and flawed race of humans. Inherent in some variations of this idea is the Aryan race is a superior "Master Race" meant to lead, even enslave, the other races often seen as sub-human.

Hitler adopted the most extreme examples of this thinking and his actions were the logical consequence of a strange and unsubstantiated notion masked as a science.

Hitler's Holocaust so horrified the world forcing Europeans and Americans to face the consequences of beliefs. As a result the UN allowed the Jews to finally to have their own country.

The Arabs resented what was imposed on them. They rejected the partition and blockaded Israel so essential supplies barely got through. Tensions between the Jews and Arabs that had been building since the 19th century with the success of Zionism when Jews first began immigrating to Palestine adding to the existing Jewish population were heightened.

It was guilt and Jewish political pressure that led the US to support Israel.
Supporting Israel was not in our best interest and made potential enemies out of Arab countries in that part of the world.

Several military invasions by the Arabs to force the Jews out were defeated and the Arabs humiliated.

Why the Jews chose to leave Europe

The first Arab invasion and defeat in 1948 created 711,000 Palestinian refugees that Arab countries refused to help and Israel wouldn't allow back in. Around 300,000 Jews fled or were expelled from Arab soil in the three years following the war and settled in Israel.

The Refugees settled in lands of other Arab countries and became a source of continued Arab resistance to Israel.

Jewish actions such as taking over land abandoned by the refugees added to the resentment.

In time 100,000 refugees were allowed back into Israel and later granted Israeli citizenship.

Refugees fleeing Israel in 1948

Thus it is we now have a gift left to us by Hitler's insanity: the Mid-East crisis.

1948 Palestine war

To what extent were average German citizens aware of or involved in the Holocaust?

I, with the "grace of late birth" have to admit that most Germans knew.

My parents knew, as they told me. Most older people I talked to admitted that they knew.
I doubt that the majority knew or could imagine the details, such as the experiments, but that all the jews vanished in the camps the majority knew.
Especially due to the fact that so many people worked for the Reichsbahn most people knew about the holocaust.

Most didn't want to know, even after the war, as the majority was (and may be is) against Jews, not to mention Roma and Sinti and homosexuals – these still have to fight for their right to live.
The hate against Jews is part of the christian culture.

There are many examples that people could stand up against the Nazis, often even without dire consequences, their life was just not so comfortable anymore.

In countries like Denmark and Bulgaria people could effectively stand against the Nazi-Regime.

Many tried in Germany, but not enough. To keep us "late born" free of personal guilt we have to keep the memory awake.

For her effort to keep the memory awake and bring justice to the victims I thank with all my heart Beate Klarsfeld, one of the most courageous people I know of.

It is in my opinion a question of personal morals, which have much to do with the examples you see when you grow up, if freedom for everyone is something sacred you will defend against all odds, or if you let yourself be corrupted.
That might be a reason for the "success" of the Nazis, as at that time the Germans didn't have much experience with freedom. The German Empire hadn't ended long before and the years after the end of the first world war were for the most Germans not a positive example of the quality of freedom.

In my mind there is a sentence engraved, the title of a book I read as a child:
"Masada darf nie wieder fallen!"

So, even if I am against some of the politics of modern Israel, I would not hesitate to do what ever it might take to help and fight for the existence of Israel and the Jewish people (and everybody else who struggles for freedom).