What did they mean by Sleeping under the tree on the hill

Why it is said that not to sleep under the neem tree during the day time?

I think you have heard it wrong, it during night time. Its not only the neem tree but any green plant, under which you shouldn't sleep at night.

During day time trees perform photosynthesis and give out oxygen. So at that time its good if you sleep under them, you'll inhale a good amount of oxygen. During day time also they do respire( i.e, inhale oxygen) but its at a very small scale.
By night, they stop photosynthesis, since there is no light and it starts to respire more. All its products that were formed in daytime during photosynthesis, are used up in respiration at night.

Since the tree takes the oxygen from its surrounding area, the oxygen level in that region is low at night. And hence it is recommended not to sleep under a (neem) tree.

Neems are similar to any other tree.

What did they mean by "Sleeping under the tree on the hill"?

Though I have not read this, the phrase "sleeping under a tree on the hill" sounds like it could very well mean that her mother may be dead and probably buried under the tree. There have been multiple forms of media that have put graves of characters under trees on hills. I am just assuming it most likely means the mother's grave is there but I don't have the specific context of the story so I am not certain.

What tree is it that if you sleep under this tree you die?

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Atheists, would you sleep in a cemetery for 1 million dollars?

Are you joking? Seriously, you must be joking.

Atheists generally don’t have superstitions about much of anything, in case the other nearly 300 answers haven’t made that point clear.

I myself actually do have mild superstitions about ghosts or spirits, but I don’t believe they can hurt me. I used to have conversations with ghosts in my sister’s house, which was a 1930’s home in the pacific northwest which used to sit on an native reservation. Several people had come and gone from the house, which was infested with assassin bugs (aka “kissing” bugs — believe me, they sure as hell don’t “kiss” you nicely. Feels like a hot needle being stabbed through your skin when the females bite you like a mosquito for your blood.)

Considering my experiences being crawled all over with assassin bugs, spiders, mice, (we won’t talk about that one), ants and fleas in my sleep, I am pretty sure I could sleep in a cemetery, usually home to many a spider and bug, fairly okay. As long as nothing bites me, I’m fine.

Shy of my concerns for catching diseases from mice or rats that may or may not inhabit the more unkempt of cemeteries, I would sleep there all day (or night) long. Hell, I enjoy sitting in cemeteries. The groundskeepers are usually pretty reserved about bothering anybody, and they are usually quiet, peaceful places to sit and read, or draw, or, as you suggest, maybe even nap.

Night time makes cemeteries really interesting places to be with a red flashlight here in NW Oregon. Owls LOVE cemeteries because they usually have mice in them. Barn owls in particular like to perch among the trees or on top of lamps in the cemetery just north of me. Many a wildlife photographer has gone there to get superb photos of them. Barred owls and locally endangered Pygmy owls also inhabit the outskirts of cemeteries here, or really any open field. Most insect eating birds can be found at cemeteries when it’s wet because they are typically undisturbed by most people and are, appropriately, full of bugs and worms. Cemeteries are a birder’s paradise if you know where to look.

As for any fear of supernatural occurrences, I wouldn’t really have any. I would be much more concerned with having yet another mouse crawl under the covers or into a sleeping bag with me — which is a far more scary experience if you ask me.

(As for the money — YES PLEASE! But not necessary.)

Why do we feel colder under the shade of a tree but not under the shade of a building?

The shade of a building only blocks direct sunlight from reaching you.

The shade provided by a tree in addition to blocking the sunlight, provides​ new burst of oxygen from the plants respiration. And a humidifiying effect from the plant's evaporation.

If trees are giving CO2 in the night by observing oxygen then how can we say they are the supplier of oxygen?

You don't have to worry about sleeping under a tree at night.

Like all living and breathing organisms, trees have to release CO2 in some form. They do trap a lot of it within the cellular structure of the tree itself. They also release into the ground, and the atmosphere. This is in the same amount or less than that of humans and animals. The main reason why we have a supply of O2 to breathe, is because of plants and their respiration processes.

So, to not sleep under a tree at night would just be silly. You could sleep up in the canopy, next to all the leaves where they are releasing CO2, and you would be perfectly healthy the following day. If you slept like that for the rest of your life, maybe the only health problems you would have would be a bad back because it would be extremely uncomfortable.

No worries...

Do you think there will be more Co2 under a tree at night than inside your living rooms?Give reason?

Pretty sure the living room would have a higher CO2 concentration. For one, a tree is open to the air so the area under the canopy will be minimally different from the surrounding area. Even if you bagged the tree so that we are dealing with enclosed spaces in both instances, your living room will have higher CO2 levels.

I’m guessing that by asking the question you know that plants aren’t photosynthesizing at night (I don’t want to get into CAM plants in this answer), and that plants respire just as animals do. However, plants have a very low rate of respiration because they don’t have nearly the energy requirements of an endothermic, mobile, animal. So you and your family would be pumping out way more CO2 even at rest than a tree will. I’d guess there is some point where a big enough tree could out respire a single human, but I’m not sure of any actual calculations on this.

At what age did you realize that Santa was just mom and dad ?

OOOOH NO really santa's not real your saying its my mom and dad who puts all those presents under the tree and I guess one of them is eating and drinking the milk and cookies
I don't believe you I think your just being mean and spitfull and trying to ruin my Christmas and other kids Christmas's too making this up. thanks a lot person who asked this question maybe you should think before typing some of us kids might be on this thing too.

Country Love Song Lyrics?

You should've been there,
Should've burst through the door,
With that 'baby I'm right here' smile,
And it would've felt like,
A million little shining stars had just aligned,
And I would've been so happy.

Christmas lights glisten,
I've got my eye on the door,
Just waiting for you to walk in,
But the time is ticking,
People ask me how I've been
As I comb back through my memory,
How you said you'd be here,
You said you'd be here.

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all laughing,
As I'm looking around the room,
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

And the hours pass by,
Now I just wanna be alone,
But your close friends always seem to know
When there's something really wrong,
So they follow me down the hall,
And there in the bathroom,
I try not to fall apart,
And the sinking feeling starts,
As I say hopelessly,
"He said he'd be here."

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all laughing,
And asking me about you,
But there was one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

What do you say
When tears are streaming down your face
In front of everyone you know?
And what do you do when the one
Who means the most to you
Is the one who didn't show?

You should've been here.
And I would've been so happy.

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all standing around me singing
"Happy birthday to you",
But there was one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

Ooh, I knew.

You called me later,
And said, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it,"
And I said, "I'm sorry too,"
And that was the moment I knew.