What does thinking very highly of someone mean

What does "thinking very highly of someone" mean?

think highly of somebody/something
(also think a lot of somebody/something) to admire or respect someone or something

Does thinking highly of someone mean you like them?

Not necessarily. I think highly of Weird Al Yankovic and my 9th grade English teacher, but I don't want to date them.

However, I also 'think highly' of my crush. But if he asked me for my opinion of him, that is not the term I'd use. I'd tell him outright that I liked him. The chance of me telling him I 'thought highly of him' would be very low because that term.. doesn't seen like one that should be used in that scenario.


What does "thinking highly of something/someone" mean?

One of many main reasons why it' so very hard for folks to have the things they need in life is because they actually do not need what they think they do, if you're one you will certainly need this book , Manifestation Miracle.
 If you prefer to earn more money or if you would like some things that income can purchase you: the freedom to complete whatever you intend to do when you want to complete it, a nice holidays, asleep late in to your day or you do not like waking up for work. You can handle this dilemma! Believe positive!

What does it mean when someone say "I think very highly of you!" ?

It means they hold you in high esteem, have a very good opinion of you. But as someone suggested, there could be a touch of irony in the expression. Sometimes it is followed by "but..." and sometimes it is used to play to a person's vanity.

What does it mean to think the world of someone?

The “world” provides us with the means for our existence. It is the context within which we create our response to being alive, and experience all our joys and sorrows. Sometimes we meet people who seem to be individual representations of that great essential world, and so we say we “think the world” of them.

Another way to say “I think the world of you,” would be to say, “You are necessary for the world in the same way the world is necessary for me.” It’s an exaggeration that is offered as very high praise.

What's it mean when someone thinks highly of you, or you thing highly of someone else?

It means that they admire you and expect great things from you.
It is better for you not knowing that, because when you become conscious of it, you`ll begin to pressure yourself doing great things and tries to meet other people`s standard, and then eventually you will disappoint them instead.

Whats a good word for someone thinking highly of themselves?

Condescending is a good one... It means people who feel they are superior/better than others.

What does it mean if someone doesn't think highly of you?

Well I don't believe that everyone I know thinks highly of me and I don't believe that everyone despises me either. I think you should worry about what you think of yourself and not worry about anyone else.

What do you call a person who thinks too highly of himself?

These people have a imaginary self image which they often try to pretend in front of others that they "Know it All" and "Better than Others" "I am ALWAYS correct". In order to project him/her superior than others they tend to belittle & insult others. These people are double faced & show offs who want to prove that they are better by putting other s down & not by their talent, coz people who ve actually got the stuff they don t have time for these petty things, their actions speak louder than words.

Do you think highly of yourself?

Thinking highly of yourself doesn't necessarily mean that one is 'arrogant'. This would come under the heading of .... thinking TOO highly of one's self.
And, the quality of humility doesn't necessarily mean that one doesn't think highly of themselves, as well. Nor, does having humility mean that one is someone apt to be low in self esteem.

I think quite highly of myself. I have a solid base of values and ethics that I try very hard to live by and know myself to be someone with pretty good intentions and goals. But, I also know my limitations, my faults and failures. Because of my experiences and knowledge base I have a fairly strong confidence ratio. But, I also, there again, realize that the world is full of people far more knowledgable and able in many diverse subjects. And, I definitely know humility, for it is my faults and failures that have taught me this quality.

On this subject, as in so many others ... the phrase... All things in moderation.... comes to mind.... For it is the "balance" that you mention in your closing statement.

One must learn the qualities of all of these factors and their relationship to.... and, within their lives... in order to be ....
confident enough to be an achiever.... but humble enough to know their place within the overall in order to find the harmony of balance
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