A E-mail Was Sent Today From My Account However I Did Not Send It.duane

How do I unblock my hotmail account?

Today, my friends said they recieved spamish emails from me. However, I did not send them. Curious, I then logged on to my account only to find that it has been blocked. I followed the steps to recover it. They said I had to choose a place to send my code,yet the only option was an email that is not even mine, and I do not think it even exists. I cannot reset my passowrd seeing as I have no idea what my security question is. Please what should I do? And will I get my email back? This is very stressful for I just got accepted to university and all my infomation is in my email account. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Messages sent from my hotmail account I did not send?

Recently my friends said they got this weird e-mail from me from my hot-mail account. Hotmail is my oldest e-mail account and I have it blocked for only those I know. I send all my junk stuff when I sign up for things to a yahoo account. This is what was sent to all my contacts. This is really embarrassing as It has gone to my professors and attorney's Landlord etc.
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I have changed my password but, how did this happen and what should I do further. I do not want this to happen again.

Emails being sent to others that i did not send?

Often spammers obtain the password by using phishing spam. Changing your password usually stops this. It is unusual for a spam sent to your address book to be sent to yourself. If you have your own address entered in your address book that would explain it. You should scan your computer for viruses and malware.
In Yahoo email start from a clean log in and go to:
Mail Options
Account information
You will be asked to give your password again. This is safe as long as you started from a proper Yahoo login, not a link from within a spam or other link.
From here you can change your password. However, you also want to look at the Contact Information.
You should find a Yahoo! Email that agrees with your account name. You may find a Home Email. This is an alternate contact address. There should not be one unless you entered one. If you find an unfamiliar one it could have been entered by the spammers. If they have inserted a home email under their control, they can report a "forgotten" password and collect the new password at that address.

Another possible cause of this is that some spammers (especially the Russian "Canadian pharmacy" gang) seem to have malicious scripts that can instruct open Yahoo webmail to spam the address book. Abstaining from clicking the link in the spam usually is enough to not send more spam. If you have been spammed back from the account of one of more of your contacts that is probably the cause, i.e. your contact having clicked on the malicious link. That can happen if you are in that person's address book and his or her email is vulnerable to the exploit. The possibility of malicious scripts reaching in and doing things to open webmail is why Yahoo makes some changes to account settings ask for a password again.

How do i find sent mail today?

Click on your SENT folder on the left side of your email page. if nothing is in there then you have not set it up properly. Here is how.

To automatically save sent messages;
Click 'Options'
'Mail Options'
The 'General' page should display
The box for "When sending messages: Save a copy of the message in the Sent folder" should be checked to automatically save sent mail. Go above and click on 'Save Changes'

My computer sent out an e mail to most of my contacts. I did not send it. What can I do ? http site mentioned?

I have been made aware my computer sent out an e mail to most of my friends on my contact list. I checked on my sent list and I did not send it. One friend sent it back to me as the message suggests accessing an http address. I assume this has sneaked past my protection progs. I have firewall and use avast
Can I report this address and what else can I do. Any advice would be helpful. I could not find a contact phone number to speak to anybody at BT Yahoo after searching for some considerable time. I made several calls spent a lot of time waiting to be told try this number we dont deal with this. I gave up in frustration. HELP

How do I know if the email I sent reached the recipient?

I've been having problems with my email account for a longer time. Once, that I logged in, I had completely empty inbox. After I contacted the administrator and after few days, this problem was fixed. But from then, it happens to me, that when I want to click on one message, write a new one, or perform any other action within my mail account, The page will continue loading till in will finally display an Error message (it says the server's too busy).Usually when this happens, I log out, and try again later. I even contacted the administrator a few times, but it is still the same. Anyway, my biggest problem is, that now I am not sure, whether email I sent was delivered. My e-mail account provides a possibility to get an alert when the message was delivered. This service worked perfectly in the past. However, now that I sent this email, it didn't sent me any alert. I assumed, it was sent successfully as no problems occurred. I tried to sent one message to my another email address and again I got no alert, but I got the message from me!!! This email conversation is really important for me. But now I am afraid if my email reached the recipient, or if his didn't reach my mailbox. It's been eleven days already, and still I have no reply. Is there a way that I can see if my e-mail was delivered and read???

Thank you for your help!!!

PS: The email had two photos attached (I guess it makes it a lot larger and thus more difficult to send) and this mail account is not on Yahoo mail but on


Wrote email. Did not send. Email disappeared. Want to retrieve. How? Where did it go?

Check your sent folder. If you don't have it set to keep copies of your sent mail, I'm afraid you'll have to start all over again. I know it's frustrating; I've had it happen to me.

For important communications, try saving a draft every couple of paragraphs. That way, if you lose the letter in cyberspace, you can go back to your most recent draft and you don't have to do the whole thing over again.