A Girl Just Told Me This What Does It Mean

I told this girl I liked her and she said "Oh, OK". What does it mean?

Homestly, you probably caught her off guard. There are a few reasons why she may have said something like that, and it's easier to break them into smaller categories:She likes you too: but maybe she didn't know how to respond at that moment because you put her on the spot. It's possible she was startled to find out that you felt that way because maybe she didn't have any idea that was how you felt? She could by shy and unsure how to say it back to you, or even unable to say it if she is painfully shy! If she was still acting friendly after the conversation, and was not acting strange or trying to get away as fast as she could, then you could gently prompt her by asking her to do small things with you. Ask her to go for a walk? If she acts uninterested when you ask, or during the walk, she could just be to polite to tell you to sod off!She doesn't feel that way about you: maybe she doesn't “like” you romantically but really adores you as a friend and didn't want to ruin that friendship by hurting your feelings, so she brushed it off easily. If that's the case you should appreciate the fact that she didn't make a big deal about it and let it go! Sometimes we like people who don't return those specific feelings about us, and that's ok! It's not personal, she may just like a different type of personality in a romantic way!She really just didn't care: or maybe she really didn't care what you said because she is absolutely uninterested! No offense intended, their are millions of people who would not be interested in me no matter how I feel about them. Johnny Depp is a perfect example, he just really doesn't return my obsession! Also, I don't think he takes kindly to strange woman peeking in his windows ….. I dunno why?Anyways, it's likely she doesn't return your feelings and was too polite to say so. Most people would take that opportunity to either admit they like you as well, or show that they do. If she didn't do either, I would let it go and move on! If you become insistent or pester her about how she feels she is going to run screaming into the hills! Sorry if that's not the answer you wanted hun! I could be totally wrong, but as a girl that's why I would say that!

What does it mean when a girl says tell me a story?

yea, it meant you were losing her interest and she didn't want an awkward silence

What does it mean when a girl says she trusts you?

this means that she trust u nd may be interested in u... but still i think u should ask her first

This girl I like just told me to stop texting her. What do I do?

You stop texting her. What you want doesn't matter if it's not what she wants, and she apparently doesn't want to get to know you better. (Which, to be honest, shouldn't have come as that much of a surprise if she's never responded to you.) It's fine to feel disappointed, but accept things aren't going to happen the way you wanted and move on.

When a girl tells you to man up, what does that mean?

Maybe she mens you need to step it up and take your relationship with her further.