A Hydrogen Atom Has A Radius Of About 0.05 Nm. Physics

A hydrogen atom has a radius of about 0.05 nm?

You have to apply Heisenberg Uncertainty principle to this problem. This states that in one component
delta x delta p_x >= h/2, h being the Planck's constant. delta x and delta p_x are position and momentum respectively in x direction.
in the given problem delta x= 0.05 nm. Substituting this and value of Planck's constant we get the uncertainty in momentum in one direction as
delta p_x ~ h/(delta x) ~ 6.626 x 10^(-25) kgm/s (Check the numbers)

You have the minimum momentum in one direction, you can find ke in one direction, three times that will be the minimum ke in three dimensions.

If the radius of the first orbit in a hydrogen atom is 0.05 nm, whta is the radius of the first orbit in a helium atom?

Radius of the nth orbit(rn) is directly proportional to n^2 and inversely proportional to Z. For Hydrogen atom, rn= n^2× 0.53A° and for the first orbit r1= 0.53A° or 0.05 nm. This is called Bohr Radius . For Helium atom Z=2. So r1= 0.53A° × (1/2) . So the answer is 0.265A° or 0.026nm. Thank you…..

A hydrogen atom has a radius of about 0.05 nm. Physics?

Estimate the uncertainty in any component of the momentum of an electron confined to a region of this size.
_________ kg · m/s

(b) From your answer to (a), estimate the electron's kinetic energy in three dimensions.

A hydrogen atom has a diameter of about 10.5 nm. Express this diameter in meters. Answer in units of m.?

I am a 12th grade student that is in need of help for my physics assignment...please help me answer this question...i am totally stuck...any help would be greatly appreciated :)

What is the value of Bohr’s radius of the second orbit of hydrogen?

The Bohr radius (a0or rBohr) is a physical constant, approximately equal to the most probable distance between the nucleus and the electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground state. It is named after Neils Bohr, due to its role in the Bohr model of an atom. Its value is 5.2917721067(12)×10−11 mBohr radius for nth orbits,r_n = .529 n^2/z; its applicable only for H,He+,Li+2Where ,n is no. of orbits, n=1,2,3…………z is atomic no.of hydrogen which is equal to 1.A/c to question,We have required for finding Bohr radius in 2nd orbit, we have z=1, n=2.So that ,r_n = .529 n^2/z = .529 × 2^2/1 = .529 × 4 = 2.116 ans__Happy learning !!:)

The radius of the first orbit of a hydrogen atom is 0.529 A°. What will be the radius of the third orbit of He1+ ion?

Third orbit id not possible in He+1 ion , you can only consider it via a non reliastic approach to find thatUse the following equation to calculate the radius in Angstroms, Å.

How much bigger is a hydrogen atom than a proton?

How much bigger is a hydrogen atom than a proton?

The diameter of a hydrogen atom is about 0.1 nm, and the diameter of a proton is about 1 fm.

Express your answer using one significant figure.

( I think this is asking about density, but I'm not sure. The question is vague.)

Volume of a Proton and a hydrogen atom?

The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is a single proton. The radius of a proton is approximately 1 fm. What is the approximate volume of a proton?

A hydrogen atom has an approximate radius of 5e-11 m (called the Bohr radius). What is the approximate volume of a hydrogen atom?