A Ring Around The Sun

What if there were rings around sun?

We would call them the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt.As it turns out, the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt exist.Rings form when gravitational tidal forces prevent matter from clumping into one large object. That is why the gas giants have rings and why Ceres in the asteroid belt hasn't grown larger (Jupiter being Ceres’ trouble maker). The Kuiper belt isn't very similar to a ring, and it exists more because matter is so spread apart than because tidal forces obstruct accretion.For a ring to form around the sun alone, the matter would need to be within the Roche limit, which is evidently nearer the sun than Mercury. At that distance early matter (dust and gas 4.5 billion years ago) could have had difficulty balancing between being blown away as dust in solar wind, and being consumed by the sun.

If humans all held hands, could we make a ring around the sun and give it a big hug?

Let's see.With my arms outstretched I can cover a span of just about one meter.I'm a bit taller than your average human adult, and certainly taller than your average human if you count children and infants.  But, let's just imagine all seven billion people on the planet had just as big a reach as I do, and we could all cover a meter.  So we all join hands and create this glorious chain 7 billion meters long.  Conveniently that is 7 million kilometers.The Sun has an equatorial circumference of 4,379,000 kilometers.  Wow!  Looks like we could do it, with room to spare!  Maybe, just maybe, all of humanity could do it even if they weren't all my size.Of course we'd all vaporize when we tried to hug the Sun ...

What does the phrase"A ring around the sun or moon bring rain or snow upon you soon"?

A ring around the moon is a scientific thing. Dealing with atmospheric pressure and humidity I'm told. Never heard the one about a ring around the sun because you're not suppose to look at the sun anyway.

What is the ring around the moon called? How is it formed?

The rings around both the Sun and the Moon are actually called “22-degree Halos”, officially.They’re created around the Sun and Moon by reflected sunlight being refracted (bent) through the ice crystals in the upper atmosphere in a specific and particular orientation to the Earth’s surface. When crystals are flat and parallel to the Earth’s surface, they produce these great half- and full-halos around both the Sun and the Moon.But when they’re vertical to the ground (straight up and down), they produce what are known as “Parhelions”, or “Sun Dogs”, (meaning, with the Sun) and those are NOT the halos, but the two intensely bright spots on either side of the Sun (or Moon), usually near the horizon.Last summer while working our STEM Centre’s longest day event, I was making some adjustments to my Coronado Solarmax 70-mm H-alpha telescope, getting it ready for the public (and the impending eclipse a month later), when, during a break, I looked up and there staring me in the face was a beautiful set of these sun dogs, along with a 22-degree arc. I was told this was incredibly rare to capture.22-degree halo. So named because they usually form at the same distance from the sun on an arc. I took this with a Samsung TABLET (!!), so you can’t see my sun dogs in this one, but below I got a great shot of them.My hand-stitched composite of my two little sun dogs. Copyright © 2017 Carla René. All Rights Reserved. Again, they’re the bright spots on either side of the sun and not the halo.They first form at around 22-degrees from the sun near the horizon, but as the sun moves higher in the sky, they move toward 41-degrees, where they intersect the halo and parhelic circle (the places where the sun dogs look like they’re sweeping away from the sun horizontally) at the bright spots. Eventually, moving toward 61-degrees, they vanish.If you’re interested in more atmospheric phenomena, head over to or even They have some great space weather catalogued!

If I built a ring around the sun at the orbit of the earth, how fast would it have to spin to simulate earth like gravity?

If I built a ring around the sun at the orbit of the earth, how fast would it have to spin to simulate earth like gravity?See Larry Niven’s Classic book - RingworldThe ring would have to be going around the sun at 1200 km/sec(From Centrifugal force)Which is the number that Niven came up with in his book!From memory Nivens ring was a million km across (the short way)Such a structure would have the same living space as 2,000,000 planet earthsIt is also dynamically unstable and would need some sort of stabilising mechanism

What is the superstition of a ring around the moon?

It is a scientific Page on phenomenon.noneed of any superstition.Ice crystals in the upper atmosphere refracts ;light at a particular angle and produce a ring of light around the Venetahave nothing  to do with Moon -- is an atmospheric problem only.

In mythology what does a rainbow ring around the sun mean?

It means a storm may be approaching in folklore.

there really isn't much out there about halos around the sun. Around the moon, it means the same, but I've also heard that it means it's a magical night, auspicious and such. It's also referred to as a fae ring, or fairy's halo. If the moon is full, watch out for fairies.
Although... faery rings are the rings of mushrooms as well, so...
lots of conflicting things.

and Jim, How does this possibly mean he's hallucinating? Rings around the sun happen. There are scientific reasons for it... just because he wants mythology doesn't mean he's suddenly hallucinating.

Faintly colored luminous ring around the sun?

Besides the sphere of the corona, there is a band(ring) of faintly colored light that extends from the sun outward well beyond earth. It's called the zodiacal light. It is caused by sunlight bouncing off minute particles of dust in space. To see it you must have no moon, no clouds, and no light pollution from city lights. It will be greenish red in color and follows the ecliptic, thus the name zodiacal. This is a real phenomenon, just like the "green flash".