A Turtle Can 34 Centimeters If 5 Seconds. How Many Meters Can The Turtle Crawl In 1 Minute

A man covers 2.5km in 5 minutes. what will be the speed in km/ hr?

Time is 5 minutes I.e 5/60 = 1/12 hrs Speed = distance / time = 2.5/(1/12) = 2.5 * 12 = 30 km/hr

In climbing a round pole of 80 metres height, a monkey climbs 5 metres in a minute and slips 2 metres in the alternate minute. How much time would the monkey take to get to the top of the pole?

51 min!I hope this helps!![ (total height-climb height)/(climb height-slip height) ]*(time to climb and slip minutes)+1{Formula works for all similar questions}heretotal height=801 climb height=51 slip height=2time to climb and slip minutes=time taken for 1 consecutive climb and slip=2 mini.e; 1 minute to climb and another 1 minute to slip=2minNote1:If slip is also in same minute then=1 min“+1″ as last step.So,[(80–5)/(5–2)]*2+1[75/3]*2+1[25]*2+150+151 min.Note2:If u get in decimal value in brackets i.e; [(total height-climb height)/(climb height-slips height) ] then take next number into consideration!!