Acne Question Solodyn Accutane Acne In General

Question about accutane initial breakout?

I'm 15 and I have moderate-severe acne on my cheeks and forehead. I was prescribed doxycycline last week and I guess it help a little,but from now until the beginning of summer I'm going to be taking solodyn 55mg and a recent gel called onexton. Then at the start of summer (July 1st is my appointment) I'm going to be given Accutane so I can be (hopefully) clear up for next school year. My question is, since I'm taking the two acne medications right now, will the accutane initial breakout still be as bad as people say it is,or will the pills and gel im on right now help with not having that big of an initial breakout when i start taking Accutane? I've heard of people who were taking antibiotics before being on Accutane and that it helped them not flare up while on it.

How long do tazorac and solodyn take to work for acne?

One of the most common ways of treating acne is the use of retinoids. Retinoids are substances derived from Vitamin A, which attempt to cure acne by normalizing the lifecycle of follicle cells. There are two types of such substances, based on application: external (topical) and oral. The best known external retinoids are Retin-A, Differin and Tazorac, while the oral retinoids list is headed by the popular Accutane.

However, about one quarter of the patients who used Accutane or other drugs based on isotretinoin may relapse and require additional treatment.

But the biggest drawback of retinoids is the long list of side effects, which sometimes makes retinoids look like a disease rather than a cure.

The most common side effects are dry skin and nosebleeds. Many patients have also reported liver problems, while a few complained of depression. However, the scientific community is still split on the issue of depression. More seriously, isotretinoin is known to cause birth defects, which is why female patients have to use two separate forms of birth control or vow abstinence during the treatment. Pregnant women are not allowed to use anything but the mildest treatments.

The bottom line is that retinoids are a good idea if one can cope with the side effects. This begs the question: why not use something just as effective, but without the side effects. Acne treatment systems, such as ClearPores: are also popular because of their success in dealing with the condition, but lack the extreme side that makes retinoids a pain to use. The choice between these treatments is yours.

Acne question: Solodyn, Accutane, acne in general?

I first started getting acne when I was about 13, and tried various drugstore products and a strict skin routine to clear my skin. This wasn't too successful but at the time I wasn't too conscious about my skin. When I got into high school, my skin got worse and by the end of my freshman year I decided to go to a dermatologist. My derm prescribed me with Acanya gel and Tazorac, which I used daily. My skin slowly improved, and after a while it got pretty clear.

However, as my junior year rolled around my acne got much worse, and my doctor prescribed me with Solodyn, starting at 65 mg once a day. This seemed to work, but after a couple visits he increased my dose. This has continued to the point where I am currently (1 year later) taking 105 mg once a day, and 115 mg the week before my period (my acne flares up during this week). At my last appointment, my doctor recommended for me to go on Accutane before I leave for college next year.

At this point, my acne is not terrible. I have relatively clear skin during most of the month, but I do break out on my forehead with 4-10 good sized pimples each month that take time to go away. I am getting concerned about being on antibiotics for so long and I am very concerned about Accutane.

I don't really have a specific question at this point but I would like others' input/advice on my situation and what I should do as I am leaving home to go to college in a couple months. Thank you!

Acne medicine solodyn question?

Hey, I just started them on the 21 and so far I haven't seen any real results, but I hear it takes 2 weeks to about a month to start seeing them. Hope this helps!

Is Accutane Acne Dangerous about medicine?

if your acne is that severe then yes I consider getting it. the internet will say a lot of false things about it. I asked my dermatologist for a strong but "not so high maintenance" type of medicine I could take instead of Accutane. He recommended Solodyn. its a great little pill that I take once a day. And within a week, all my acne was cleared up! hope things go well!

Can you drink alcohol with the acne pill solodyn?

Here's the list of medications that may interact with Solodyn:

• birth control pills. SOLODYN™ may make your
birth control pills less effective. You should use
a second form of birth control while taking
• a blood thinner medicine. The dose of your
blood thinner may be lowered.
• a penicillin antibiotic medicine. SOLODYN™ and
penicillins should not be used together.
• antacids that contain aluminum, calcium, or
magnesium or iron-containing products.
These can affect how much SOLODYN™ passes
into your body.
• Isotretinoin products.

In addition, Solodyn increases sun sensitivity (Photosensitivity). You may get a worse sunburn with SOLODYN™. Avoid sun exposure & the use of sunlamps
or tanning beds. Protect your skin while out in sunlight.

To answer your question the company lists no problem with drinking alcohol while taking Solodyn. I would still advise limiting your alcohol use, as it can worsen acne:

#1 Most alcohols are made from wheat... (esp. beer etc) For 30% of people, the high gluten content in these products cause inflammatory reactions in the body.Also, yeast, malts, sugars used in many alcoholic beverages have been shown to increase bacteria production in the body when ingested. This can be a major factor in acne flare-ups.

#2 Alcohol is a strong diuretic, meaning it pulls water out of your body... With less water, you are unable to remove as many toxins, which both irritate the skin AND your hormonal system, causing unbalanced hormones, and therefore, more acne.

Hope this info helps!

Has anyone gone to a dermatologist for their acne and actually had their skin improve?

I have had acne for all my life from puberty to 26. It destroyed me mentally. Nothing helped me. No creme no nothing. Until I discovered these 5 simple steps. Doctors hate me. OK seriously now, nothing helped and I kind of gave up and just started to accept that I would have acne forever while my friends had it for two years maybe and then it was over. What changed it completely for me was that I stopped drinking milk and processed foods. I have no idea why that made the difference but I have a few suspicions. Milk contains cow hormones and these are known to cause acne outbreaks. I regularly and often drank milk. Every day. The other thing, processed foods, I noticed I get pimples again when I eat certain processed foods. I tested this rigorously. It might be the extreme amount of salt as I also can not eat potato chips for the exact same reason, or it is saturated fats or some other artificial additives which you get in processed foods. Now that I don’t drink cow milk anymore (which is tough for me because I want to use it to gain weight and love the taste overall) I haven’t had any pimple in months. Only when I eat some potato chips or some frozen dish from the grocery store then I get a pimple a few days later. It’s very predictable now. And I can decide when I want pimples or not ;-). Bottom line is, food. Eliminate your food until you eat the same safe thing for all meals for the day for a week or two. It sucks but it’s worth it.

Solodyn or doryx for acne?

solodyn is the generic form of minocycline and doryx is generic for doxycycline, I've been on solodyn for a good year and a half now, I was working very well and I had absolutely no pimples on my face whatsoever, I started getting more and more pimples when I started working out which wasn't too bad, but I ran out of solodyn and didn't use it for three days and I had about 15 pimples on my face, I'm not sure if I should switch to doryx as I've heard the success rate is lower and I have had no side effects with solodyn, I started taking more vitamins and omega 3s recently, I'm not sure if you can necessarily develop an immunity to the antibiotic but it seems my solodyn is not working as well as it used to, I'm currently using 2 applications of benzoyl peroxide 5% cleansers in the morning and at night, I always wake up with new pimples in the morning, should I switch up the bp with some salicylic acid? and should I just stay with solodyn?

Does solodyn work? Does epiduo work?

I have never heard of Solodyn, but I've been using Epiduo since Feb. 2010, and YES it does get worse before it gets better but trust me it WORKS! It takes some time but you should start seeing some drastic results after 8 weeks of use. Epiduo is an amazing acne treatment and its been the only treatment that has ever worked for me (and trust me I've tried it all). Stick with it! And don't get discouraged because the results are worth it, you'll thank yourself in the end.

Which is the best treatment for acne other than the dermatologist?

Diet can do a lot. The book Anticancer: A New Way of Life has this interesting passage:When [Loren Cordain, PhD] was told that certain population groups whose way of life is very different from ours had no experience of acne (which is caused by an inflammation of the epidermis, among other mechanisms), he wanted to find out how this could occur… Cordain accompanied a team of dermatologists to examine the skin of 1,200 adolescents cut off from the rest of the world in the Kitavan Islands of New Guinea, and 130 Ache Indians living in isolation in Paraguay. In these two groups they found no trace whatsoever of acne. In their article in Archives of Dermatology, the researchers attributed their amazing discovery to the adolescents’ nutrition. The diets of these contemporary sheltered groups resemble those of our distant ancestors: no refined sugar or white flour, thus no peaks of insulin or IGF in the blood.In Australia, researchers convinced Western adolescents to try a diet restricting sugar and white flour for three months. In a few weeks, their insulin and IGF levels diminished. So did their acne.Recently there have been important new findings on sugar’s role. And many have found that a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that avoids dairy products can dramatically improve acne. See Acne (and IBS) vanished with a diet change.In a low-carb high-fat diet, maintain the protein intake at normal levels, replacing calories formerly obtained from carbohydrates with calories from fat. The recommended daily protein intake for men is 56g; for women, 46g (pregnant women need 71g); for teen-age boys, 52g; for teen-age girls, 46g. These are general guidelines; requirements may vary by weight and activity.