Advanced Us History Homework Help

History Homework Help?!?

On the top of the pyramid is (1) Peninsulares - Europeans (held highest office), then there is (2) Creoles - Spanards born in Latin America, followed by (3)Mestizos - mixed European and Indian, then (4)Mulattos - mixed European and African, then (5) Native Americans, and finally (6)Slaves

Homework Help (history)?

Can anyone please help me with these questions?? For history ? I am trying to study for my upcoming test and need to find these answers in order to get an A [= oh and by the way iam 13.

1.) Who raises money for canidates and supports them?

2.)''I am a vote to bring charges to treason or bribery against a president. What am I?

3.) ''I give authorites premission to go through one's property. What am I"

4.) ''I am a person who permanently moves to a new country. What am I"'

Thankyou for your help[=

Need more help on U.S. History homework?

1. Identify two reasons that a strong willingness to fight and sacrifice for civil rights developed among many Americans during the late 1950s and early 1960s.

2. What effort made to advance civil rights during the 1950s and 1960s was most courageous? What sacrifices were made, who made those sacrifices, and what did they accomplish?

3. Identify at least four gains or accomplishments of the civil rights and Black Power movements.

Please and thank you!

I need some help with my U.S. History homework?

1. Which of the following groups opposed religious and civil authority?
A. Puritans
B. Pilgrims
C. Quakers
D. Gentry

2. The __________ officially granted Florida to the U.S.
A. Pinckney Treaty
B. Adams-Onis Treaty
C. Treaty of Fort Wayne
D. none of the above

3. Which of the following people were known as an advanced society that constructed bridges and roadways?
A. the Aztec
B. the Maya
C. the Inca
D. the French

4. Who devoted his life to educating and converting Native Americans to Christianity in California?
A. Father Junipero Serra
B. Father Charles E. Coughlin
C. Gabriel Prosser
D. Walt Whitman

I need help with a U.S. History homework question about the tariff of 1816.?

Here's the question
Southern planters objected to the protective tariff of 1816 because it:
A. Decreased the selling price of cotton.
B. Increased the price of skilled slaves.
C. Increased the cost of manufactured goods.
D. Helped pay for western improvements.

Please help! Thanks.

American History Homework! Please help! The most advanced Native American societies?

Before the arrival of the first Europeans, the most advanced Native American societies were located in what is now:

a) California
b) the eastern United States
c) the American Southwest
d) Mexico

Need help with history homework..?

1. Discuss the arguments advanced in favour of the regional continuity
model of human origins. Do you think it provides a convincing
explanation of the archaeological evidence? Give reasons for your
2. Which of the following do you think is best documented in the
archaeological record: (a) gathering, (b) tool making, (c) the use of fire?
3. Discuss the extent to which (a) hunting and (b) constructing shelters
would have been facilitated by the use of language. What other modes
of communication could have been used for these activities?
4. Choose any two developments each from Timelines 1 and 2 at the end
of the chapter and indicate why you think these are significant.
Thanks in advance. :)

Can you please help me with my US History Homework? Thanks!?

Google it. Everything will come right up
Good Luck.

World history homework help! 1 question, Best answer for first person!?

1. Which of the following is NOT true about the issues that led to civil war in the United States?

A. Conflict arose between the northern and southern parts of the United States.
B. The North was more advanced commercially and they were expanding industrially.
C. The South wanted to abolish slavery in order to hire laborers to work the plantations.
D. The South wanted new territories that were being admitted into the United States to be slave states.
Thank you so much!