African Americans Only Why Wont The Black British Get Their Own Life And Stop Draining From Our

Why didn't America ship slaves back to Africa after they were free?

They did for a little while. Some slaveowners and abolitionists started a movement in 1816 and founded American Colonization Society. Some white southerners were uncomfortable with having freed blacks in their areas because it would upset the social balancing act that it took to keep slave submissive. Some freed slaves were willing to take on a new life in the motherland so they volunteered to board the ships to start the resettlement along the Pepper Coast, or modern day Liberia. The people who choose to emigrate were mostly mulatto, protestant Christians. They imagined making a western style life in their colonies. They intermarried amongst each other and became an ethnic group referred to as Americo-Liberians. Because of their higher education level, they looked down on the native tribes in their territories and even had some violent confrontations with them. They started colonies like Mississippi-in-Africa, Edina, and Maryland. These colonies became counties when in 1847 Liberia gained its independence from the US, becoming the first independent republic in Africa, and the only country at the time to be run by blacks. They struggled to mix with the locals as the various town chiefs across the territories felt their power and authority being usurped by these newcomers. Many of the freed slaves who went to Liberia were not able to take the intense monsoon and the diseases like malaria. So some died while others adapted. However, the Americo-Liberians held the reins of the political power in the country, forming a tightly knit elite. There were also some Caribbean settlers who arrived, especially after a recruitment mission to the island of Barbados. Eventually, all the colonies and annexed territories were integrated into Liberia, and it took on the shape that we now see it in today. Although the native tribes that lived in Liberian territory were 95% of the population, they didn't become birthright citizens until 1904. They had been following the U.S.' lead on the majority of their political issues, even basing their constitution and flag off that of the U.S.

Do black South Africans want white South Africans to leave the country?

Yes. Many do. There is a growing and disconcerting number of Black South Africans who believe that a nationalist point of view meansĀ  their country belongs to "them". They believe in paying injustice with justice. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Mercy for no one. However, I have noticed that there is a new age of "conservatism" that is sweeping many countries across the world. Disillusioned people are very easy to manipulate and work into frenzies. Not to make excuses for the German, but the psyche of the common German after the first world war is what made it very easy for Hitler's regime to become widespread and indoctrinated in Germany at the time. They were very disillusioned. I've seen it today with Greek friends, French friends, and now with my South African friends as well. There is a rise of conservatism in Europe that has outrightly racist, islamophobic, anti-Roma, anti-immigration views etc. It brands itself "nationalism", and it feeds off of fears, disappointments and disillusionment. In South Africa now, there is a compounding of disillusionment with the economic progress of the country, the leadership of the country, the distribution of power in the country. A lot of the hope that was There in the struggle has turned into disappointment. There is also fear spread widely about immigration into the country. The country is ripe for racist propaganda being fronted as "nationalist agenda". So unfortunately, yes. Many South Africans want whites to leave. And these ideas are propagated even further by leaders who constantly ingrained them in the people. Leaders who are preying on the psyche of disillusioned South Africans. South African history is very complicated. I don't think I will ever be able to understand the nuances of it all. I live in South Africa right now, and I understand a little better due to immersion. However, even when I make observations, I am unable to visualise what a viable solution would be. Similar to how it's incomprehensible to try and solve the Israel-Palestine conflict. I sadly don't know what the possible solution would be.

Why are native americans going extinct?

first of all..what makes you think we are going extinct? we happen to be the fastest growing population in north america right now. see, that's what happens when you stop forcibly sterilizing our women...we have babies.

and some of you need to look at yourselves closely. i see answers saying when we move off the reservation we aren't native anymore, or that if we marry someone of a different race our children aren't native..even some of you who think we don't find other natives attractive. we are NOT dogs, thank you. we do not get "bred" out. and we do NOT have to live up to your stereotype to remain indigenous to this land.

i am mohawk. i live off my reservation but return often for various events and to visit family. i speak my language and still follow my traditions and ceremonies. i am a college graduate (paid for on my own..NOT the government. they do not give us free college). i work in a corporate setting for a world wide company. i drive to work every day. yes in a car. i wear business attire when i have to and jeans when i can. i still attend gatherings where i wear my traditional regalia that i made and beaded myself.

do not mistake adaptation and survival with "going extinct". we are simply learning to beat you at your own game.

Is America becoming too tolerant?

America is to tollerent to the point where it will destroy itself. Everything is just being let go. People aren't fighting. Seems like they scream like babies and nothing gets done.