After The Mexican War Why Was California So Important

What are the major reasons Baja California stayed Mexican after the Mexican-American war?

The same reason why Upper California used to be Mexican as well.California was discovered for the Europeans by Hernan Cortés, the Conquitador who conquered Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, today known as Mexico City.He thought California to be an island, because it said so in a book he was reading. “Sergas de Esplandían” a chivalry novel.The first person attempting to colonize Baja California was the rather famous Jesuit priest, desert explorer and cartographer, father Eusebio Kino. The attempt failed due to recurring drought and the Church told him to go to Sonora instead. But he would find out that California was not actually an island. Later, Franciscans and Dominicans would try colonization of Baja California again, with a bit more success. They established missions all the way up into Upper California. That is why you have all these Spanish place names in Upper California as well.The U.S. took Upper California from Mexico after the war for a couple of reasons:Gold discoveriesFertile landsThere is an opening in the mountain ranges in Southern California and Eastern Arizona giving easy access to the railroad and highways from the interior of the U.S. Otherwise, they would have needed to cross the Rockies and Sierra Nevada.Baja California has none of this. And virtually no population was left. Beautiful beaches and glorious bahias were not found to be important back in the 1850s.

Why did the United States want California?

One word: Gold.Gold was discovered in California in 1848, leading to the gold rush of 1849 (that’s why they’re called the Forty-Niners, people). California petitioned for statehood in 1849, and was admitted in 1850.Prior to 1848, California was a territorial possession of no real worth other than its natural harbors (San Francisco and San Diego), acquired from Mexico as part of the settlement of the Mexican-American War in 1846. The population at the time of the cession was perhaps 10,000 people (not counting Native Americans, of which there were probably between 25,000 and 100,000), mostly hardscrabble cattle ranchers. Most local governments still conducted business in Spanish.The main reason the US wanted California, prior to the discovery of gold in 1848, was to keep it out of the hands of Mexico and of Russia, and as a fulfillment of the Monrovian doctrine of “manifest destiny”: one country spanning the whole continent, sea to sea.

How did the War with Mexico and the California gold rush contribute to the cultural diversity of the U.S?

They discoverded sperm while cleaning up there dead bodies. He's cheating, do you're homework on your own.

Why do most earthquakes occur in California?

Because of the major fault line running through it. Do a Google on 'fault line' and California.

How did the U.S-Mexican War impact the whole United States?

In many ways, first it incorporated the then Republic of Texas into the United States, and further expanded the territory held by the US, fullfilling a large portion of the Manifest Destiny concept. Second it somewhat damaged the relationship held between the then Mexicans living in Texas, and the American imigrants to the state. Before the war they lived in relative harmony, and after Mexican-Americans were arguably persecuted. We also get the food Tex-Mex from the region where the war was fought, which is now part of the United States. Many of the great generals of the American Civil War were young military officers during the war, and learned many of their battlefield tactics during the combat with Mexico. Many of the city names, and even street names in California are the way they are because California was once a territory of Mexico.

What was the mexican war?

The Mexican War between the United States and Mexico began with a Mexican attack on American troops along the southern border of Texas on Apr. 25, 1846. Fighting ended when U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott occupied Mexico City on Sept. 14, 1847; a few months later a peace treaty was signed (Feb. 2, 1848) at Guadalupe Hidalgo. In addition to recognizing the U.S. annexation of Texas defeated Mexico ceded California and , New Mexico (including all the present-day states of the Southwest) to the United States.