Age To Start Dating Filipino Standards

What are the beauty standards in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, most Filipinos adore the following traits:Fair skin - kids are told at a very young age to stay away from the sun because they will get dark and look “ugly.” Hence the rapid incline of bleaching products and whitening supplements.Long, straight black hair - which may either be natural or rebondedTall nose - when little kids are young, their parents pinch their noses frequently and chant, “grow, grow little nose” so that the nosebridge may have somewhat of a shot of growing taller. Unfortunately, there’s not much a nose pinch can do since you can’t fight genetics or biology. The most opted surgery is the Nose job. Plenty of celebrities get their nose done to improve their looks.Eyes, preferably slanted - the crescent shape eyes or the type of eyes that disappear when you smile is much coveted. That’s what most Filipinos love about Chinitas / tos.In other words, a very un-Filipino look. Some argue that Filipinos never really got over the colonial mentality. Others say having dark skin is too common here or that it is the equivalent of poverty. (Which is certainly not true!)There are two types of beauty Filipinos fawn over as evidenced by what is presented by the media: The Caucasian mestiza (Half caucasian with caucasian features) or the Chinita mestiza (Half Chinese with the much adored “chinita” eyes)Chinita mestiza exampleThe Caucasian mestiza example:In the Philippines, these are much coveted looks. Personally I find that unfortunate. I find that the naturally tan skin actresses such as Nadine Lustre and Kathryn Bernardo are just as pretty but due to pressure from the media and fans, they ended up bleaching their skin.

A question about Filipino women?

How important is money to a Filipino woman when dating someone?

I'm just wondering because I have a relative in the Philippines who dated a couple of girls and they asked him questions like: Do you own a house? Do you own a car? How much do you make? ect. I would think that a question about how much a person makes is personal business.

My cousin in the Philippines tells me that he hears this all the time. He owns his own home and has money, but he doesn't go around telling people that he has money. Which makes sense since a lot of this stuff is just a person's private business. But then again a lot of girls he meets keeps asking him these questions and he tells me that its just normal and that he hears it quite a bit. But it seems to me as though women in the Philippines are after money. Sure there are Filipino women on the internet looking for an American husband. And some Filipino women look to marry to get US citizenship. So I guess it happens quite a bit.

So do Filipino women only value money when it comes to interest in a person? Or do Filipino women genuinely like a person for who they are?

What do Filipino people honestly think about young girls dating significantly older foreign guys (40+), who are often older than their fathers?

My general attitude is “it’s their life.” As long as they’re both adults and no one is abusing anyone, it’s not my place to tell them how to live it.In most cases, they do seem genuinely happy, and the age gap isn’t that big (e.g. the woman is in her 30s, the guy is in his 40s or 50s). The Filipino standards of beauty is a boon for the guys in this case, as regardless of how old you are, you’d still be seen as attractive in most cases. Plus of course, there’s financial stability. Very few women would actually say they’re being taken advantage of.However, there are some cases where it does weird me out. Like where the guy seems incredibly controlling, and the woman they are with is clearly unhappy and is treated more like a combination of a sex slave and a maid. A common feature in this kind of relationship is that the women usually have a very poor grasp of English. The guys who do this are also often quite racist and openly ridicule locals. They fit the description of “sexpats” more, and have often traipsed around Southeast Asia in the past doing exactly the same thing.It’s not always the woman whom I sympathize with though. The relatively higher gender egalitarianism in our society means Filipino women aren’t exactly dainty little innocent flowers.In some cases, the woman is so very obviously a gold-digger, while her husband seems blissfully idealistic. In which case, I pity the guy. They’d probably last until his money runs out. Then the woman would dump him, and he’d grow bitter and hate the country and its people, which is unfortunate. The most vitriolic hatred against the Philippines (even here on Quora) usually come from these people.

Are Philippine parents strict when it comes to dating?

I think some parents think it is cute for their child to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. My parents were strict. Dad did not allow my sisters to have a boy friend until they graduated from high school and even then he had to meet the guy. Only one at a time. A guy could not even walk one of my sisters home from school. No, there was no chance for them to sneak around.
Mom, did not allow me or my brothers to bring any girl home to meet until and unless we were serious about marrying her.
As much as sisters objected, they now realize it was a good rule. They are all happily married now to their one and only boyfriend and now husband.
Us boys were not so lucky.
So, what do you think about the house rule?

When does college start in the Philippines?

School Calendar in the Philippines starts:
1st semester -- June to October
semestral break ( usually 1 week)
2nd semester - November (2 weeks of Christmas break) to end of March

Who is more beautiful Koreans or Filipinos?

i think Koreans have lots of cute and pretty girls coz they are blessed with good skin. Compared to the other asians, i think they are also taller. Surgery is also very much common to them. They have the highest ratio of surgeons and most cases of plastic surgeries. Whitening creams and other beauty products are cheaper and very popular among their girls. Their fashion sense is also something.
But if we talk about true and natural beauty, I'll go for Filipinos. Filipina beauty have a much wider range. There are mesizas, morenas, latinas and chinitas. And usually a beautiful Filipina also has a gorgeous body. Koreans tend to look alike and their bodies don't have volumes.

Why do Filipino men dating foreigners look cool and Filipino women dating foreigners look cheap?

I presume by foreigners you mean " western/white people". Am I right?

1) Western guys who go to the Philippines do not discriminate by class. In most of our countries we are taught that class is no longer important and you can move up by working hard. Hence we date just average ladies- waitresses, cooks, working students- normal, rank-and-file people. We have MA degrees and engineering degrees and we will usually date even people who did not finish high school. We normally don't care. Many guys do not even care if the girl had been a hooker. We just rarely discriminate.
2) We like the Malay type of face- it is so exotic to us and so--o-o sexy. We think a girl with brown skin and a flat nose and big Malay eyes is a sex goddess. Because she is the opposite of what we look like. Opposites attract.We also like small girls because they make us feel macho and strong.

So, you see Western guys with short, brown, flat nosed poor girls for the above reasons. They look gorgeous to us from our cultural perspective, but they do not look too hot from the Filipino society's point of view. Filipinos like tall white skinned Spanish mestiza types. But in our societies, such tall Mexican-looking girls are dime a dozen. Why would we go to the Philippines to find someone who looks like a Mexican?

So, you have a perception difference. What is cheap and poor looking " baduy" to you, is an exotic tropical fruit to us.

Now as far as women go:

1) Women marry up, men marry down. Most Filipino guys are short by Western standards- average is 5' 4"- 5'5" . They also have very small salaries . Why would say, a British woman marry a short, poor Asian guy? Or travel to a far away country on the other side of the globe, spend money on airplanes and hotels to end up with a guy who would often look ridiculous back home by her side?

Do Filipina women fly to Bangladesh and Somalia to look for husbands?

2) Some Western women have trickled to the Philippines but they are very rare there. Anyone who for any reason can catch one will not necessarily be an average guy. Either a bit tall, or handsome or rich, but not your short waiter at a local noodle shop.Not a tricycle driver. Hence, the couple emanates "specialness' when it is in public.

Do Korean guys like Filipino girls?

Korean men have a bad record with Filipinas, though many men of various nationalities also do. Koreans like beautiful Filipinas but many times, it's just a fling as they're pressured or feel burdened to marry a Korean woman. Many Korean men date Filipinas they meet on trips to the Phils, then ghost them, esp. if a pregnancy occurs. Many of the men are over 35 or so, go for young Pinays and have little to nothing in Korea. Thus abandoned Kopino children have emerged as a social problem. You also have Korean men who beat their Pinay partners or marry them then disappear after a few years. I'm a Korean American married to a Pinay who is generally disgusted with Korean men's behavior toward Filipinas, though not all of the men are bad.

Is virginity matters to a filipino guy when you married a woman?

according to the number of teenage mothers in this country not

Do Filipino women like black men?

I’m a Filipina - made, born and raised in the Philippines.I was engaged to a black man once. It failed because he kept going out to nightclubs and seeing other people.Currently seeing a black man. Well…half-black and half-white.I find black men especially attractive. And yes, for an Asian, I am extremely rare. Mind you, I am attracted to middle-aged black men. That is something that’s quite unusual in the Philippines. I’m ok with that. I never was a conformist anyway. None of my family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances share my preference. Why do I like black men? I have no idea. People keep asking me ‘Is it the size of the penis?’ which is… I don’t even know the answer for that. As for older men, I just like older men. Youth and adventure isn’t really what I am aiming for. I want stability and commitment, which is something older men are into. Marriage, too. Anyway, I digress. I most usually don’t look for sex when dating, oddly enough. The character and values are primarily my concern. As for liking black guys, maybe it’s because Africans are rather rare in here that I am somewhat drawn to black men. Do I date exclusively black? Not really.Personally, I find race trivial. I frankly care less if my future husband is black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. But I find black men especially attractive.Hope my answer helps a little.